Human activities in the past, his world outlook, role in society - all this is the subject of studying the humanities of history. It, based on documents and traces of disappeared epochs, explains the life of previous generations.
Increasingly, the sounding question: "Was there a yoke?"
And what to do when there are no specific traces, and there are only references to them in the annals, the data of which have always been questioned? How many generations have studied the Mongol-Tatar yoke in schools! Now, not only is this historical term removed and replaced by the phrase "Golden Horde", but everything that is connected with this phenomenon is disputed. Even the following questions are asked: "Did she ever make any trips to Russia?" And there are pretty convincing facts that she did not undertake. However, many people from the school bench are sure that Russia was under the yoke for 200 years, and the princes were given a "label for the reign" of the khans of the Golden Horde. But for some reason none of them survived.
A document known by hearsay
About this kind of documents, as well as their existence in general, they know only from the annals. However, in later works of literature and art, the fact of the trips to the Horde khans was repeatedly described. The artist Boris Chorikov (1802-1866), known as an illustrator of Karamzin's "History of Russia," drew the dissension of the Russian princes, arranged by them right before the eyes of the happy khan, for the right to receive a "shortcut to reign." What was this document? What made the princes with rich gifts "walk" to the court of the Horde Khan? It was a permit issued by the ruler of the ulus of Juchi, or the Golden Horde, a powerful state with a huge army, which, if necessary, with sabers confirmed the strength of this decree. Khan, accepting gifts, allowed the person who brought them to reign in a certain lot, even if at that time there sat his prince. Khan, as a cunning eastern politician, skillfully used the "shortcut to the reign" with the aim of defeating the uyezd princes. Thus, controlled by Russia for a long time could not unite for a joint rebuff to the Horde. As a result of such a policy of khans, specific rulers waged war against each other, weakening the fragmented Rus.
Dependence of Russia
This became possible because in 1237-1242 the Mongols invaded Rus. It is very interesting that anywhere in Russian literature the term "yoke" was not used. And why it was necessary to adopt the "word", first applied by the Polish chronicler Ian Dolgush, knowing that this country can distort any fact, just to annoy or humiliate Russia. Yes, and it was applied at the end of the XV century, when there was no trace left of the so-called "yoke". After the Horde invasion, our country was placed in a vassal dependence - dannic and political. The idea of issuing a "shortcut to the reign" was born, obviously, at the rate of the khan, because the first trip, and all subsequent ones, began with the call of the prince to the court.
The first prince who received the label
Prince Vladimir-Suzdal Yuri Vsevolodovich died near the walls of the legendary Kitezh, in Harakorum, the capital of the Mongolian Empire, his brother Yaroslav was summoned. His first trip was considered very successful and was even called diplomatic success. The first label for the reign was given to him, the father of Alexander Nevsky. During the second visit to the Horde, he was poisoned by the regent Turashna, widow of the kaan Ugedei. She immediately called for Alexander's court, perhaps with the same purpose of murder. But for various reasons the Novgorod prince did not appear in the Horde for 4 years. The poisoner herself suffered the same fate - two months after her son's ascension to the throne, she was killed in the same way. At the court of Khan Batu, those passions were raging.
Schemes and intrigues
To go to the khan's rate was necessary, because only the prince, who received a label for the reign, was considered a legitimate ruler. And it concerned not only the Grand Dukes, but also specific ones. The brother of Mikhail Svyatoslav, who was legally elected to Kiev, was removed from the trip with his trip. Why was this charter so desirable? First, Mongolians came to pay tribute to Russia. But popular unrest began, especially in Novgorod. Ordyntsy preferred to manage the principalities from afar and therefore shifted the collection of tribute to the princes themselves. That is, the place of the prince was more than grain - tribute was charged much more than was given to the Horde. The prince, who received a shortcut to the reign, greatly increased his wealth. That is why the wicked hastened to fall into the feet of the khan who circumvented the legitimate rulers, who was considered the supreme ruler of Russia. The trips there were expensive and long-term. So, artful politician Ivan Kalita spent most of his time in the Horde and the road, getting there and from there. Alexander Nevsky's grandson The Moscow prince Yuri III Danilovich lived at the rate of 2 years, married the sister of the khan, thus deserving a label for the grand reign.
Beautiful, all-powerful, disappeared
According to the stories, the label was a gold plate, the edges of which were rounded. It had a hole for hanging. It's more than strange why there is not a single Golden Label left. Made of precious metal, not subject to time, playing such a huge role in the history of Russia - and disappeared. Labels were issued to the clergy. All of them disappeared massively. The trouble with Ancient Rus was that the rulers, as a rule, had many sons, and large territorial entities were split up between them, turning into petty principalities. There was an intelligent politician, united them for a while, and then everything was repeated. Thus, by the beginning of the thirteenth century, apart from a number of small ones, there were two large princedoms - Vladimir and Kiev, in Russia, the first being much more powerful and larger in size than the second. Therefore, to get a label for the Grand Duke Vladimirsky was the cherished dream of many princes, including Alexander Nevsky. He finally reached the Horde with his brother Andrew and received permission to the Kiev table, which was very offended.