
Sew self ant suit

Literally everything - both children and adults - is waiting for the New Year's holiday as a fairy tale. For children this is a magical Christmas tree, Grandfather Frost with long-awaited gifts, a sea of fun and joy, and for adults, even despite all the running around and training, this is an incomparable sense of elation and some expectation of magic coming from childhood.

Pre-New Year's commotion always begins with matinees in kindergartens, more precisely with the preparation of costumes for this holiday. And as often happens, parents are simply put before the fact that a child needs a performance, for example, an ant costume or a grasshopper.

There would be no problems if it were battered options: bears, rabbits, mushrooms or the same spiderman - but an ant !? Where to look for it? Or maybe it's better to include your own imagination and make a suit yourself? Of course, it's not easy to make an ant, but it's possible, but to get inspired, or at least have an idea of how it should look, you need to remember this little creature with thin paws and mustache on your head.

So, how to make an ant costume, and what is needed for this? First of all - black or brown matter, it is better if it is velvet, it is more solemn, foam rubber, sewing machine and other accessories. However, you should not rush to run to the tissue store, maybe there is some suitable thing at home that you just need to modify a bit.

The costume of an ant should be with a hood or with a cap on which cute mustaches stick out. The main detail is a plump tummy, it can be made from an old velvet jacket, sealing the fabric with foam rubber and collecting it down on an elastic band. Behind must be dangling ants ass, for her in the course go sleeves. For a full image will need black tights and a blouse with a long sleeve.

Of course, if nothing is changed, and to buy a fabric specifically for the costume, the possibilities and variations will be much larger. This and additional paws, dangling from the side seams of the tummy, and beautiful feet baits, and a mask with large eyes.

The costume of an ant for a girl can be with a bright bow on her head and a short tuxedo skirt. A small bright handbag, attached to the ribbon, will be a stunning accessory for such a young lady. Boys can be tied a white tie, and an ant-gentleman with a colored butterfly and hat is a very interesting decision.

If you sew an ant costume with a colorful rain and add a few bright elements - you get a stylish outfit, which, undoubtedly, will look original among the usual bunnies, chanterelles and butterflies.

You can beat any character, even the most unexpected, you just have to dream up and get down to business. As a result, an amazing carnival costume will be released. And if initially it seems that the task of the teacher is simply impracticable, you do not have to make hasty decisions - get down to work, after all, it happens that ideas begin to pour in one after another in the process of work. It is necessary to involve the child in the process, then the whole family will receive a huge amount of positive from this whole undertaking.

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