HealthWomen Health

Saki mud

The use of silt sulfide mud of Lake Saki in gynecology is due to its unique properties, namely, the ability to eliminate inflammation, destroy bacteria and microbes, and fight swelling.

Saki mud contains chemical compounds - synestrol and phonookin, which in their properties resemble female hormones, and which penetrate the blood through human tissues.

The use of Saka mud in gynecology can successfully treat the inflammatory processes of the appendages, uterus and vagina, adhesions, erosion, improve the work of the ovaries, combat frigidity and deviation of the uterus.

According to the statistics of sanatorium treatment, more than 40% of women who underwent a full course of procedures with Saki mud, got rid of infertility, and more than 90% - from other problems with women's health.

In the treatment of these diseases, Saka mud is used in the forms of applications and in-patient procedures with the use of special tubes with well-purified and prepared Saka mud.

When using Saki mud is spread on the pelvis in the form of panties. To do this, it is preheated to a temperature of 37-39 C, the application time is 15-20 minutes.

Applications from the Saki mud are applied to the pelloid thickness of several millimeters to one centimeter. It is not necessary to buy specially packaged mud for these purposes in the form of an application, since in this particular case this filling does not ensure the required fit of the working surface of the application to the patient's body.

Dirt in the tubes also preheated, mixed well and kneaded, and then injected with a special tip. After the time of taking the procedure, the mud is washed out by irrigation with salt solution (brine), and then with warm water.

Recently, there have become frequent cases when for mud in tubes try to give out the usual sulphide mud, which is not prepared for these purposes, which is also packaged in handicraft conditions. Be careful and beware of imitations. You should not also buy dirt packaged in a special white plastic tube. Saki mud can only be made in the city of Saki!

Other packaging, except plastic, can be torn when inserted.

Use the tips can be repeated, for this it after use, it is sufficient to rinse with warm water, then boil it in a 3% solution of baking soda for 7-10 minutes, wipe dry.

Before reusing the tip, it is recommended to wipe it with a tissue moistened with alcohol solution.

The effectiveness of Saka mud is proved by official medicine, tens of thousands of women annually with its help in Crimean resorts improve their health and gain hope for motherhood.

Before use, consult a physician. You can not use saxic mud in case of problems with the heart, vessels, exacerbations of skin diseases, bleeding, tuberculosis. Varicose veins are also a contraindication for mud treatment.

If there is a possibility, you should study special literature before use, for example, the Saki mud booklet edited by practicing doctors, which was published under the Saksky GRES in 2010. This will help in the first place to determine independently whether it is worthwhile to count on such treatment, and secondly - the infection to think over questions to the treating doctor, because, as practice shows, about half of them either did not hear about this method of treatment, or consider it ineffective for The reason for their personal interest in selling pharmaceuticals to world pharmaceutical companies.

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