EducationColleges and Universities

RGGU - student feedback

The Russian State Humanitarian University is one of the largest educational institutions in our country. Established in 1991. Here you can get education in 22 specialties. The teaching staff includes Corresponding Members of RAS, academicians, professors, doctors and candidates of sciences, which guarantees high quality of education in the RSUH. The feedback of most graduates of the educational institution about their alma mater is only positive.

The University provides educational services both free of charge and paid. Free budget places are provided to students of the day department on a competitive basis. Most of the external students are paid for. After graduation, graduates easily and quickly find work. Many former students recommend to go to the RSUH after school. Reviews about the university create an excellent reputation for this educational institution.

Training at the university takes place both permanently and remotely. In many cities there are branches of the RSUH. Kazan, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg, Magadan and many other cities are preparing new specialists at this university. In their responses, students write that enrolling in the RSUH is not so easy. Among the entrants there is a big competition even for paid training. During studies, much time is devoted to practical activities.

Almost on all specialties at the university there is an evening and correspondence course of study. It is very convenient for working young people.

Many students note a relatively small payment for tuition at the RSUH. The responses of the majority of students on this issue sound approximately like this: "The main plus is that education is on average lower than in other universities in the same specialties." In addition, the university has the practice of transferring the best students from the paid section to the federal funding program. It is enough for applicants to pass the last two sessions for an assessment of "excellent", to fully implement the curriculum, not to have debt on payment and disciplinary penalties.

Many young people studying at the RSUH celebrate a well-organized student life. Various sports events, rallies, tourist trips, etc. are organized for them. Students who are in a difficult situation receive a social scholarship.

The university trains its future students in preparatory courses. They are conducted both permanently and remotely. Their goal is to improve the level of preparation of school graduates for admission to the university and other higher education institutions of the country.

Caring about the fact that incoming entrants had a quality education, in 2006 they opened a college at the RSUH. Here students acquire secondary vocational education. The teaching staff in the college is the same as at the university. The age of students is from 14 to 25 years.

All of them very warmly speak about the teaching staff of the RSUH. Students' testimonies indicate that many of them after college are going to enter the university in order to successfully continue the education they have begun.

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