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Red-breasted handsome, or Where do the bullfrog winter?

Winter is definitely a beautiful time of the year. But the nature becomes even more elegant when on the trees covered with snow, our winter guests appear - red-breasted handsome bullfrogs! Males are birds with a scarlet breast, in which the back is bluish-gray, and the head is black. Samochki look more modest. Let's find out where the bullfishers spend the winter, what they eat and how they live.

Days of snowballs ...

Usually these birds are kept not too large flocks (about ten individuals in each). This sounds paradoxical, but the frosts are stronger, so the flocks are calmer. They are almost motionless, only sometimes they "come to life" for the sake of some frozen berry or kidney in a tree, after which they again freeze, sitting motionless for a while on the trees. So the days are snow-covered ... When the darkness comes, the gaggle disappears in bushes or branches of trees for doss house.

One for all, and all for one!

Bullfinch - birds are sociable, rather trustful and friendly. They will never abandon their kindred in trouble. If any bird from their flock suddenly fell into a trap, the rest rush to her rescue!

Life is family ...

When March comes, the bullfrogs, the photos of which are presented below, fly to the nests in pairs. In April, the female herself hurries to build a nest. It looks like this: free-laid branches, lichen and wool rootlets form a free structure. It usually lays about five eggs. While the female incubates them, the male feeds it and protects it from all sorts of troubles. Already after a month after birth, the nestlings boldly leave the nest. And now let's see what is there to eat in the places where the bullfinc winter?

Dinner is served!

Of course, Mother Winter is not famous for its bounties with respect to provisions. Therefore, birds have to eat monotonous food. Where bullfrogs spend the winter, the choice of the "menu" is usually not very large. But even so, the range of feed of especially active individuals can be quite wide! This is due to the constant search for food. If we watch the same active bullfin all day, then we will be tired of doing it, since the places of its feeding are very diverse! Generally bullfinches are grainy birds feeding on seeds of trees, their kidneys, berries. With their thick beaks they choose only the seeds of berries, and throw out the pulp! They do not mind eating nuts. Very fond of mountain ash. Its fruits attract not only these birds, but also many other forest inhabitants, including mammals. Having eaten mountain ash, these birds start to clean the beak, as the seeds of its berries constantly stick to it. The funniest thing about this is that, during the cleaning of the beak, the seeds of mountain ash fall to the ground, growing in spring. So bullfinches are also useful "gardeners"!


These birds are distributed practically throughout Europe, except in the southern and northern regions, and also in Asia (north of the Himalayas and Japan). Where the climate is more or less moderate, the birds live either permanently or fly, but not very far from their nesting places. South, where winter bullfinch with a northern character, is the most paradisiacal place for these birds. They settle among mixed breeds, rich in branched bushes, as well as in coniferous forests and mountains. Although some individuals prefer the usual thick vegetation located along the ordinary streams.

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