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Red Book of Animals of the Republic of Komi. Animals and plants of the Red Book of the Republic of Komi: names, photos

After the Second World War, people realized for the first time that the species diversity of the animal and plant world was under threat. Thanks to numerous studies, scientists have found that since the beginning of the 17th century, many representatives of flora and fauna have disappeared from the face of the earth.

History of the creation of the Red Book

For example, none of the living today has ever met a 20-kilogram pigeon that looks like a goose. And yet a giant bird existed and was called a dodo. People exterminated it just as they destroyed tarpans (wild horses), tours and sea cows. These animals will forever remain on the black pages of the world's security lists.

Considering the fact that people, without thinking about the consequences, actually declared war on the animal and plant world of the planet, a reasonable decision was taken to create an international organization for the protection of nature. The result of her work was the compilation of a Red Data Book. The last word in the title naturally decreased, and work began to fill out its multi-colored pages. It is colored, because different shades denoted sheets, which indicate species that are at different stages of extinction.

Of course, it is impossible to create a global Red Book in which all endangered species are taken into account, therefore such lists appeared in many countries. The Soviet Union did not lag behind. The USSR Red Book was first published in 1978. Subsequently, it was repeatedly reprinted, subject to various additions. Of course, to limit the general list, having in its composition a lot of republics and regions, a huge country could not. As a result, the Red Book of the Komi Republic was compiled . Animals and plants, whose names were placed on its pages, were carefully studied and taken under the protection of the state.

Structural features

The Regional Red Book of Animals of the Komi Republic was divided into species, assigning each group its own status. This division was shown in figures from 0 to 5, where 0 is the species that probably disappeared forever from the territory of the republic. Further, in order:

  1. Populations, the number of which has decreased critically.
  2. Species that gradually disappear. It is required to exclude the factors contributing to this.
  3. Rare groups of representatives of flora and fauna. Their small number is due to the fact that these species live in limited areas or water areas.
  4. Animals and plants of uncertain status, but in need of protective measures.
  5. Restored species that will soon cease to need special protection.

The kingdom of mushrooms, birds, insects also did not neglect the Red Book of the Komi Republic. Animals and plants in it are clearly structured according to the degree of disappearance. Of course, over time, the publication will not escape clarifications or additions. At the moment the monograph includes about 100 species of animals, 800 species of representatives of the fungal kingdom and 1158 species of vascular plants.

Where does brown eardrop hide?

This bat was confidently taken under the protection of the Red Book of the Komi Republic. Animals, information about which is contained in the pages of this natural protection code, are rightly included in this list. Therefore, brown ears are worthy of a more detailed study. The appearance of a mouse that flutters like a butterfly is not quite ordinary. If you pay attention to her long ears, then the next nuance rushes into the eyes: sleeping ushan folds its ears under the wings, and outside there are only tragus. This gives the animal the appearance of a horned creature. The wings of this representative of the order of the Bats are short and fairly wide. The weight of the animal reaches 14 grams.

The habitats of these rare animals are forest tracts, for example, taiga, abandoned villages, banks of reservoirs and rocks. During the day, brown ears wear in attics, in woodpiles, in hollows of trees and even under window cornices. The animal hibernates in the middle of autumn. Since October, Ushanka has been sleeping, looking for a suitable hollow, cellar or cellar.

Cute, but defenseless animals often die because of people. This is facilitated by massive logging of forests. Also ushana can ruin too severe winter and lack of reliable shelter.

Animals of the Red Book of the Komi Republic: hare-hare

This large animal reaches a weight of 7 kilograms, but has a fragile physique. The wool of the hare-hare differs gloss and silkiness, has several color shades: from brown to olive. The eyes of the beast are reddish, and the tips of the long ears remain black at any time of the year. The animal lives in the woodlands, river valleys, in the fields, and generally prefers to settle in open areas. As you know, a hare is a homeless creature. The place of his rest can be any suitable bush. Activity hare shows primarily at night. Loves to eat herbaceous plants, bark, branches or seeds.

The Red Book of Animals of the Republic of Komi not without reason includes in its list this beast, because it is often an object of hunting. Also, the number of species depends on the economic activity of a person. Sometimes a hare-hare can cause damage to plantings and be a peddler of toxoplasmosis.

Bad history

The Red Book of the Komi Republic also did not ignore the representatives of the Kuni family. Animals, photo Which are presented in this article, are rather rare. Among them stands the European badger. The weight of this large animal varies depending on the season: in winter badgers can gain weight up to 24 kilograms. The females are slightly lighter and smaller than males, whereas the adult male reaches an almost meter length. Strong badger fur in the summer is much darker than in winter. The animal lives mainly in the forests of the Komi Republic, having chosen river basins for themselves. Badgers live in pairs, and houses often build for several families the so-called badger towns. Animals are omnivorous and rather voracious. The result of this was their huge intestine compared with the body (its length is 8 times the size of the trunk).

Limiting for individuals can appear as natural (severe winters), and human (logging, poaching) factors.

What is silent about the pika?

Also the Red Book of Animals of the Republic of Komi includes another representative of the order Zaitsseobraznyh - the northern pika. This humble animal is very similar to a rat and does not exceed its size. An animal's fur color is like rust. In this territory of the colony, pikas live mainly in mountainous areas. Northern pikas have a unique warning system: in danger, they make a piercing whistle. Shelves for them are the gaps between the stone blocks. Animals are pretty resourceful: they stack up a stack of food and hide them in secluded places.

There are very few animals left, so they are under state protection. Their numbers are decreasing due to active ore mining in this region. Almost the whole range of northern food is reserved for protected areas, which allows to save the population from extinction.

And the grouse also groan ...

The Red Book of Animals of the Republic of Komi helps to save those natural regional riches that people, carried away by the thirst for activity, did not have time to exterminate. Among the species included in the treasured list is the bird of the Gagarov family - the black-throated loon. This bird is quite large, about like a small goose. Body weight in males reaches 3 kilograms. The color of the feathers gradually changes from radically black to white. The loon has a long neck and a narrow beak. Birds have chosen the area of forest-tundra and tundra. In the taiga gaders live on forest lakes. As for wintering, the birds prefer to be deployed in coastal marine areas.

Frogs in the wild are foxes, gulls and skuas. Also, birds do not tolerate anxiety from people. If people on the water body, which is fond of ducks, are often visited by people, the birds do not nest there. Sometimes birds die in fishing nets. In addition, the pollution of water with chemicals and petroleum products also does not benefit the ducks.

Gold of the Ugra poppies

Looking at the piercingly yellow color of the Ugra poppies, any person understands that not everything is so unambiguous in our world. After all, everyone is accustomed to associate poppies with scarlet color. This perennial plant is found along river beds, where the banks are strewn with pebbles. Sometimes Ugric poppies can be found in the damp places of the tundra. Seeds of plants are carried by the wind around the district, which contributes to their reproduction.

Rapid destruction of a rare species is associated with economic development of territories, tourist and recreational activities of a person. That is why the Ugra poppy settled on the pages of the Red Book.

Mushroom cabbage or where to look for hare happiness?

Sparrasis is curly - so in Latin is called a plant, which in everyday life was called mushroom or hare cabbage. This fungus parasitizes on tree trunks, choosing for life mostly coniferous tree species. The plant is striking in its size and weight. The fungus reaches a mass of 5-10 kilograms and 60 centimeters in diameter. Sometimes it grows to 30 centimeters in height. Pigs and cedars do not benefit him; on the contrary, they are rooted in rot of their roots. Appearance of hare cabbage is characterized by curly or jagged lobes. At a young age the fungus is edible.

The properties of the plant are unique: the fungus has an antitumor effect. It enhances the immune defense of the body and contains antimicrobial components. Sparracis curly is the rarest species. On the territory of the Republic of Komi he was met near the river Vychegda. Unfortunately, this fungus is practically destroyed due to fires and due to irrational cutting of old-growth forests.

The Red Book of the Komi Republic is of great importance. Animals, whose names appear in it, are included in the security lists of regional, and more global significance. Pages of the Red Book serve as a reminder to mankind of the need to cherish the best of what is given to us by nature.

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