
Recklinghausen's disease is type I neurofibromatosis

Neurofibromatosis - a disease characterized by the appearance of tumors on the human body. These diseases are hereditary and are associated with a number of events that occur in the genes. Although there are several types of neurofibromatosis, the article will only consider its first type - Recklinghausen's disease, first explained by scientists in the 19th century. Consider the manifestation of the disease, the causes and methods of treatment.

How is Recklinghausen's disease manifested?

A person suffering type I neurofibromatosis (NF1) is already born with this disorder, but the disease may not be claimed for many years. Neurofibromatosis (Recklinghausen's disease) in each person manifests itself in different ways. Pathologies are equally susceptible to both men and women.

If the patient has NF1, then usually there are symptoms such as:

  • Pale spots of coffee color with smoothed borders on the skin;
  • Non-cancerous tumors above or below the skin.

Approximately one third of patients suffering from Recklinghausen's disease also have other health problems. These include:

  • high blood pressure;
  • Curved spine (scoliosis) or anomalies in other bones;
  • Mental problems are possible;
  • Problems with behavior;
  • Glioma of the optic nerves;
  • In 10% of patients, a malignant tumor of the peripheral nerve membranes (mesenchymal tumors), which can occur during life.

Why Recklinghausen's Disease Occurs

As it was said above, type I neurofibromatosis is a hereditary disease that arises from the mutation of a certain gene mapping in the 17 chromosome of a person. As a result, uncontrolled growth of nerve tissues takes place.

More than 50% of the cases of Recklinghausen's disease (photos presented in the article) are transmitted from the parent to the child. However, there are cases when the occurrence of NF1 is associated with gene extensions in humans. This mutation is called sporadic.

There are tests that help identify the disease Recklinghausen in a child who is still in the womb. However, in most cases, the disease can be diagnosed only after childbirth.

How Recklinghausen's Disease Is Treated

Medicine is not yet ready to give an answer to this question - effective drug treatment has not yet been found. If the patient shows up Recklinghausen's disease, then he must constantly be under the close supervision of doctors. And if the disease poses a threat to life (which happens infrequently) due to the defeat of an organ, the doctors will work to eliminate this danger.

Recklinghausen's disease succumbs only to surgical treatment. In this case, the tumors are removed, efforts are being made to eliminate the anomalies in the bones. In addition, medications are prescribed to treat other possible health problems caused by NF1. If there are more than one tumor on the human body, and numerous tumors, then most often x-ray therapy is prescribed. Qualitative examinations and timely treatment help people live a full and normal life.

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