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Rare Coins of the USSR
Rare coins of the USSR
Many people, not only in our country, are fond of collecting. Some of them collect postage stamps, some badges, some orders and medals, and I collect coins of the USSR and modern Russia. This is a very interesting and fascinating occupation, in the process of which, you can simultaneously study the great history of our vast country. If you are interested in numismatics and collecting Soviet and Russian coins, then I recommend that you visit the website of the " USSR and Russia Coins ", where you will find a lot of useful information on various issues related to numismatics.
You can collect any coins, for example, only coins in circulation or only commemorative and commemorative collector coins, issued specifically for numismatists and collectors, but only coins minted with errors or rare copies of coins. Some advanced numismatists set a global goal - to collect all the above types of coins in one collection. The collection of such a collection can take decades, and in some cases, the lives of several generations. Today I want to talk about rare coins of the USSR .
During the existence of the USSR, more precisely, even for the period from 1921 to 1991, Was issued a huge number of various small change money. Among them, periodically there were rarities, ie. Rare coins of the USSR . The appearance of rarities is due to various reasons. For example, the appearance, perhaps, of the rarest Soviet silver coins of 10, 15, 20 kopecks in 1931 is due to the fact that this year a transition to a new type of coins from nickel was made. In connection with this transition, in 1931, silver coins of 10, 15 and 20 kopecks were issued in limited circulation. That is why the silver coins of 1931 belong to rarities and today stand about 90-100 thousand rubles each. Especially in good condition.
In the history of monetary circulation in the USSR there were other reasons for the appearance of rare coins. Suffice it to recall the state of the country's economy during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The Leningrad Mint (now the St. Petersburg Mint) was evacuated to the Perm Territory in connection with the blockade, and most of its workers were mobilized into the active army. However, despite the acute shortage of resources and personnel, the mint resumed coins in the third quarter of 1942. Still, the lack of new equipment, good metal and a shortage of personnel affected the issue of coins. Some denominations of coins were not minted at all, and coins worth 2 kopecks were issued in 1942 for a total of 9 rubles. (450 pieces). These coins there is no one, they are not in either private or public collections. 10 and 15 penny coins were issued in 1942 in a very limited edition. Therefore, today, especially in good condition, they are very rare and are quite expensive.
Here you can recall the story associated with the coins of the 1958 model, which also, to date, belong to rarities, the price of which can reach up to 120 thousand rubles. For a copy. Coins of 1958 were planned to be used to pay for goods in vending machines. But in the end they were never released into circulation. Instead, it was decided to conduct a monetary reform in 1961, and as a model for new coins, drawings of 1958 coins were used. Although officially coins of 1958 were not released into the circulation sphere, some copies still leaked into it and today they all belong to rarities.
More detailed information on prices for rare Soviet coins can be found on the page " Catalog of coins of the USSR " of my site.
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