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Rapper slang in everyday life: what is niga

Trash, trabbl, like, repost, foul and many other words are gradually intertwined in everyday speech. Literary language from time to time can become boring, and then another fashionable slang arises - the tendency of verbal expression. Otherwise, it can be called jargon or argos. The main essence of slang is in replacing conventional words with non-ordinary analogs. In particular, slang rappers are interesting because of their imitation of a particular subculture. What is niga? Why is the exclamation "Oh, May Gat!" So emotional? And what is vasap nigga? All this we try to disassemble in this article.

Who are rappers, and how do they communicate with each other

Initially rappers are musicians who write and perform compositions in the style of R & B. They have their own elements, their own fashion. In the priority of convenience and hedonism, chic parties, sexuality. Comfortable clothes should also be beautiful, so common are gold stripes, original jewelry, piercings. Such detachment from another world also assumes its own language. Rappers are not a separate country. Rappers can be of different nationalities, but they have a common language. When referring to each other, they apply the words "brother", "bro", "niga", etc. If the first two terms at least understand what they mean, the third term is of interest. What is niga? Is there a connection between this term and the Negroid race? Is this offensive or flattering?

"His" greeting

To put it bluntly, "nigga" is a name that rappers reward each other. This word is multivalued. So, in the first sense, "nigga" means a friendly arrangement to the greeting addressee. In the second meaning, this is the reckoning of a person to a true rapper style. In talking about what is a nigga, it is worth noting that this term can denote not only a noun, but also an adjective, for example, in the phrase "Rock and Punk rules a lot more than rap, especially niga-rap!" Or "This American , But there is also a Russian niga-rap. "

How did the term

There are no words that arise from nowhere. Everything has its origins. Let's try to figure out what nigga is. So, the word "niga" is an abbreviation for "nigga, nigger". Distribution this word received in the time of the emergence of hip-hop, rap and in general the art of African-Americans. Among people of the same color, the word "nigga" does not bear a negative color. They do not resent such treatment, but perceive it as friendly podzadorivanie, irony and banter. But if such treatment comes from a European, then an African American can take him for deadly resentment and even burn with a desire to take revenge. It is because of the intolerance of African Americans that even the slightest hint of racism has left the circulation of the word "Negro", "black man", etc. Cultural people have accustomed themselves to the word "African American", thus maintaining a tolerant relationship.

Among his

"Yo, niga!" - They greet each other not only black rap fans. This greeting is absolutely acceptable and frequency for people of any age, race and even sex. What is "yo, niga"? In other words, this phrase can be interpreted as "Hello, my friend!", That is, it is a full friendly greeting. This style of communication can be afforded by pretty close people who have their own atmosphere. The word "yo" does not have a unique interpretation. In fact, it's not even a word, but an emotional exclamation that can attract attention or express your feelings about something. This interjection is used in the speech by even those who have no idea what the nigga is.

Not only these but also many other expressions have become firmly established in our everyday language. Often you can hear the phrase "Oh, May Gat!", And even people far from English understand that this is an analog of the Russian phrase "Oh, my God!" Many English words settle in our dictionary due to their similarity with the Russian language, but several More dynamic sound. This happened with the pronoun "my", which is increasingly replacing the English "May". "What is May Nigga?" People ask, who heard such an exclamation on the street. This is the translation of the phrase "my brother, my friend." So close people and good friends turn to each other. It is worth noting that just as African Americans do not tolerate such phrases from members of another race, so many Europeans strongly resist this.

"What's the matter, friend?"

If a modern Russian man goes abroad, he will be able to explain himself to the locals without even knowing the language. And if you do not fully explain yourself, then at least ask what is going on, he will certainly be able to, because the phrase
"Vasap, niga" is insanely popular among young people.

What is vasap nigga? To translate the first word, only the most basic knowledge of the language will be needed. This is a reduction and simplification of the English question word "what's up", which can be interpreted as "what's the matter? what? Why? "Sometimes this phrase is used instead of the usual greeting, interested in the progress of the cases. The word "niga" in this case also refers to the addressee of the question or greeting, and this appeal in a friendly manner.

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