EducationThe science

Pre-school pedagogy and its role in personal development

When we talk about pedagogy, for some reason we immediately imagine a strict school teacher with glasses and a pointer in her hands or a gray university professor talking about the wisdom of education. But pedagogy is not only school education and university education. Today we will talk about preschool pedagogy.

Preschool pedagogy is a branch of pedagogical science that deals with the education and education of preschool children. That is, it is the foundation, the foundation of the future personality. That is why the requirements for pre-school teachers are very, very high.

And pre-school pedagogy as a science began to be formed under the influence of the famous scientist-educator, one of the "fathers" of pedagogy, Jan Amos Komensky. He was the first to draw attention to the fact that children need, as we like to say, "engage in" from birth, that only an integrated approach to education and education gives worthy results. All his inventions on this subject and the main provisions of preschool pedagogy, its functions and role in the formation of the personality, he outlined in the book "Mother's School", which has not lost its relevance in our days.

The tasks of preschool pedagogy are very diverse. Firstly, it is the study and qualitative improvement of the educational and educational process of the youngest children. Secondly, preschool pedagogy is engaged in the development of new forms and methods of upbringing and education, which presupposes research activities, conducting psychological and pedagogical research and experiments. But the main task all the same is direct work with the child, the formation of his views, beliefs, cognitive abilities, abilities to express one's own self, laying the foundations for further education and upbringing.

Earlier there was an opinion that the child should be given to develop independently, in the way in which it will be good, "not to interfere with nature", and school teachers will correct everything. Here rasley children uncontrolled in the majority. With the development of human thought, in connection with the fact that the interest in psychology and pedagogy has increased many-fold, that now we can talk about the stages of the formation of a personality, since birth, preschool pedagogy has become an integral part of the life of any human society. It developed rapidly in the late 19th - 20th centuries. Special influence on its development was rendered by J.Z.Russo, who put forward ideas of natural education, labor education that were innovative at the time ; Pestalozzi, who proclaimed the principle of self-development, FVFrebel, who became a theoretician of preschool education, devoted a considerable part of his scientific works to the coverage of this issue. It was Frobel in 1840 that opened the first preschool institution that bore the name Kindergarten (literally from the Nemec - kindergarten), where the basis for education was considered modeling, role-playing and developing games.

Pre-school pedagogy developed not only due to Western luminaries. A significant contribution to its development was made by Russians. For example, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, who is called the teacher of teachers, has developed a system for the training of teachers, which has been used to this day in a somewhat augmented form. Ushinsky fought for the integral and harmonious development of the individual, for refusing to prioritize the development of certain qualities to the detriment of others, for the upbringing of morality.

Speaking of pre-school pedagogy, it is impossible not to mention Adelaid Semenovna Simonovich. She was not only a theoretician of preschool education (she wrote the handbook "Practical notes on the individual and public education of young children", then published as "Kindergarten"), but also a practitioner - worked in the kindergartens of Tiflis and Petersburg. Moreover, she herself opened a paid kindergarten in St. Petersburg, where in practice she proved her theories about the importance of the unity of development of the physical and spiritual.

As you can see, preschool pedagogy has gone a long way and today the process of its active development is in progress.

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