HealthDiseases and Conditions

Perfectly healthy skin, or yourself a beautician

The radiant, healthy skin of any person is rarely an exceptionally luxurious gift from Mother Nature, because daily, when faced with unfavorable surrounding factors: the negative influence of the environment, constant stressful situations, unbalanced diet, lack of sleep and other "delights" of modern civilization, our cover begins to manifest The first signs of wilting. Rejuvenate the "tired" skin, make it dull and velvety can only care daily care. This is the secret of youth.

In addition, an ideal healthy skin is unthinkable without a rational, balanced diet. All effective rigid mono-diets deplete the dermis, deprive of nutrients and sufficient moisture, leading to premature aging. No less harmful are pastries and sweets, fried and spicy dishes, leading to disruptions in the work of the digestive tract, constipation and eruptions on the epidermis. Only the normalization of the diet, inclusion of the whole range of useful vitamins and minerals for the whole organism, including for the skin, will help to give you a healthy flowering appearance. And this, as you know, is one of the main reasons for a successful career, personal life and life in society.

A lot of problems are created by the skin cover: violations of the regime of high-grade work and rest, chronic stress, lack of sleep and bad habits. Eight-hour sleep, solving problems as they come, a positive attitude and a healthy lifestyle will help reduce the predisposition of our skin to early wrinkles, dryness and redness. At night, as is known, there is an active restoration of cells of all layers of the cover, so ignoring rest leads to the formation of early age changes.

Healthy skin requires both superficial daily care, and regular deep cleansing, moisturizing, toning, nutrition. Depending on its type: oily, dry or combination (mixed), suitable cosmetics and procedures are selected.

Caring for the epidermis - the uppermost, visible layer of our cover, it is cleaned, moistened, toned, nourished and protected. Especially in all these "magic" procedures a person needs. A healthy facial skin is a "visiting card" of any person. Every day you need to wash with soft water. If our grandmothers used thawed or rain water for this, then in urban civilization, without finding a clean natural source, you can soften boiled. To do this, we will use the advice of cosmetologists: get a bit of borax in the pharmacy and add a teaspoon of the substance to two liters of liquid.

Instead of water, they will well cleanse the skin and tonify the collagen and elastin fibers of ice cubes. Purchased in the store cosmetics from well-known manufacturers with the properties to slow the aging process, restore a healthy color or cooked independently from soft water, herbal decoctions - they are used to rub the face and collar zone.

Healthy skin after cleansing with gratitude accepts alcohol-free tonics or lotions based on herbs, with a suitable acid or alkaline pH. These funds not only continue to cleanse our dermis, but also soothe it, disinfect, soften and tone it.

Deep cleansing of oily skin is carried out with a scrub once in 7 days, dry - once in 30 days, normal - 1 time in 14 days. A natural coffee scrub is suitable for all types of dermis and is a favorite of abrasive materials for peeling. After drinking a cup of divine fragrant drink, add sour cream or cottage cheese, banana pulp or honey, olive oil into the thick. We put on the T-zone, cheekbones and cheeks, with circular massaging movements we work through them lightly and after 15 minutes we wash it off.

Skin health will improve markedly if once a week to indulge her with steam baths. Ancient beauties often resorted to them, considering them a miraculous method of rejuvenation. Today, steam compresses and baths are very popular among women. They are made to open and clean the pores, microcirculation of blood and oxygen supply to the cells was improved, the water balance was restored and toxins and dirt were released to the surface of the cover. This magical way of giving youth with pleasure use the charmers. In the decoction of herbs: chamomile and marigold, lavender and cloves, add a few drops of aromatic oils.

After cleansing, moisturizing and toning, the soothing skin needs to be energized. A healthy dermis will take with pleasure the daily nourishing cream suitable for its type, if you are in a hurry. In the evening, you can apply a night cream, it is designed to restore cells, so it will always nourish the outer and inner layers. If there is a desire to pamper yourself longer, we apply a nourishing mask prepared independently. At home, you can prepare any mask from products that will create an effect no worse than overseas miracle potions.

Change of seasons should always be accompanied by a change of cosmetic protective equipment. If in the winter temperature changes, frost and cold wind create the need to use more fatty nutritious creams, then in the summer it is better to give preference to moisturizing gels and creams with a light texture and the corresponding SPF (Sun Protection Factor), effectively protecting from scorching sun rays.

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