Arts & Entertainment, Music
How to learn to play the piano beautifully and effectively
You have long dreamed of learning how to play the piano and even got acquainted with the musical notation, but for some reason you do not want to obey the hands? Some experienced music teachers call this the "hook-hands" phenomenon - this is when the fingers get confused and it's not possible to make out even the simplest melody. In order to avoid such confusion, you need to learn the numbering of fingers for playing the piano and try to choose among the notes those in which the fingers are numbered. As a rule, these are children's notes, for students in the first to fourth grades.
After having figured out with your fingers, you need to work out the correct fit to play the piano beautifully and aesthetically. The keyboard of the standard acoustic instrument has about 9 octaves, so the chair is always placed in the center, opposite the first octave.
You can also be guided by the position of the pedals - the chair setting should be such that it is convenient to press them.
With the correct position of the seat to sit behind the instrument, the musician can evenly cover the entire piano key range.
Further, in order to beautifully learn to play the piano, it is important to work out the correct position of the hands. It is worth noting that in the game on this instrument not only the brush is used, but the entire hand, starting from the shoulder.
In order for beginner musicians to understand how this should look, they must imagine that droplets of water run down the arms, starting from the shoulder joint and ending with the fingers. It turns out that the hands must acquire a soft, falling position.
The main feature of playing the piano is that both hands perform the same actions.
This aspect makes the game on the instrument easier (for example, on a violin one hand sorts the strings, and the other - moves the bow, learn to work so slightly more difficult).
And after a person learns to play the piano, he will simply not notice this feature, but at first you should pay attention to it. After all, it is important to lower your hands on the keyboard and lift them simultaneously, beautifully and easily.
Using video lessons to learn how to play the piano will be much easier. In such instructions, professionals always describe in detail each of their actions, which allows you to memorize all the positions during the game faster and better.
And do not "run ahead of the locomotive", trying to immediately understand the complex classical works. They always cover a lot of difficult moments, which, with the undeveloped motor skills of the hands, is simply unrealistic.
You need to start with scales and simple exercises, which are printed in children's music books. With their help, everyone can learn how to play the piano, remember the position of all the fingers and the location of the keys on the keyboard of the instrument. And after the fluency of the fingers appears, and at the same time the melody will sound not just as a set of sounds, but as an expression of some finished motive, one can begin to analyze classical works. The main thing is to choose simple melodies, in which there are no passages and notes of too short durations.
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