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Pencil "Scratch Free": reviews about the new product

How sometimes we like to admire our car! We give him affectionate names, we take care with all due care. However, no one is immune from scratches and chips. And now the hood, which used to please the eye with its brilliance, is full of small scratches. What to do in this case? Use the "Scratch Free". Reviews about this pencil are the most controversial, but why not try it ?!

What is a pencil "Scratch Free"?

Our cars help us out at the right time, and we pay them the same. But there are different circumstances. If you do not like the look of your car, the "Scratch Free" will help you. Experts say that this is the easiest and also the safest way to get rid of scratches on the hood. And the color of the paint does not matter. But is it really so?

To answer this question, you need to understand the composition of this tool. The magic action of the pencil is due to the action of a million microscopic particles with polishing effect. They fill the damaged surface, and the coating again acquires a presentable appearance. This is the principle of the action of "Skretch Free". Reviews of those who used this tool, emphasize that, That so you can remove only small scratches to the primer.

Product properties

Like any other means of restoring a car, this substance has certain properties. Pencil "Scratch Free", reviews about which leave many users, has the following characteristics.

  1. It is absolutely safe and non-toxic.
  2. Not exposed to water. It is almost impossible to wash it off.
  3. When used correctly, fills the scratch completely.

How to use Scratch Free: feedback on how to use it

Pencils of this kind are sold with a protective cap.

  • Before using it, you need to shake the closed pencil. It can take up to 50 clicks while the tip is filled with liquid.
  • Then it is necessary to put the composition around the scratch and fill it with this tool.
  • You can apply several layers to make the result more efficient.
  • The machine during this procedure should be in the shade, since exposure to sunlight has a negative effect on the result. The pencil hardens and becomes unsuitable for use. In the shade, the liquid can harden within 7-10 days.
  • After the end of the procedure, it is necessary to re-attach the cap, otherwise the product will be unusable in the future for use. If suddenly the pencil withers, it can be restored by placing it for a while in the solvent.

Precautions when working with a pencil

When starting to repair your car, do not forget about your own safety.

  1. It is advisable not to let the product get on the skin. If this does happen, then immediately wash the affected area with water.
  2. If you feel a sensation in your throat, it is recommended that you immediately get out into the air.
  3. If you accidentally hit the corrective fluid in the mouth, drink water or milk and consult a doctor.

As you can see, we have another new tool - Scratch Free. The price for it starts from 1000 rubles. To take or not to take is up to you.

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