LawHealth and Safety

Pedestrian: pedestrian safety on the road

We are all pedestrians, that is, full-fledged road users. When a person goes to visit, to work, to school, in all these cases, he is a pedestrian, and therefore, in order to ensure personal safety and safety of others, must comply with the rules of the road.

According to statistics, half of the accidents on the road occur with the participation of pedestrians, and this is a terrible indicator. The main reason for all the troubles on the road is carelessness.

Who is the pedestrian?

As the rules of the road say, a pedestrian is a person who is outside the vehicle on the road or on a bicycle or walkway. Also pedestrians are persons moving on a wheelchair, roller skates, scooters and other similar means of transportation.

Cyclists on the road are participants in the movement, but as soon as a person descends from a bicycle, he becomes a pedestrian.

The road service workers are not pedestrians while the pedestrians do not apply them.

Pedestrian traffic on the road

The rules of the road clearly state that pedestrians on the road must move strictly along the pedestrian road or sidewalk. And only in the case of their absence, movement along the carriageway is permitted. In the absence of a sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle path, the safety rules of a pedestrian are prescribed to move strictly along the right side of the carriageway, facing the traffic flow.

Persons traveling by bicycle, moped or wheelchair must follow the course of vehicles, also strictly along the right side of the carriageway.

When driving on the road at night and in conditions of poor visibility, the pedestrian's safety rules oblige him to wear items with retroreflective elements on clothing. Such elements on the clothes help the driver from afar to notice the pedestrian and in time to slow down the speed.


A full participant in the road traffic is equally a driver and a pedestrian. The safety of a pedestrian at the intersection of a road or intersection helps to ensure a pedestrian crossing.

Pedestrian crossing - a section of the road specially designated for safe crossing of the carriageway and marked with appropriate signs and (or) road markings.

Pedestrian crossing can be regulated and unregulated.

  1. An adjustable pedestrian crossing is equipped with a traffic light or there is an adjuster on it. If there is a regulator, you should acknowledge its signals, regardless of traffic light signals.
  2. If the traffic light or regulator is missing, the transition is considered to be unregulated. With a constant yellow light, the transition is also considered to be unregulated.

The golden rules of a pedestrian are the crossing of the road where there is a good overview in both directions and the ability to really assess the traffic situation. Good visibility is equally important for the driver and pedestrian.

On the road often there are unforeseen situations, therefore it is important to be able to foresee the mistakes of other participants of the movement. A pedestrian should be able to anticipate the situation.

The safety of a pedestrian on the road requires to be ready, for example, to such a common situation when an undisciplined driver does not pass a pedestrian on the crossing or a vehicle moving at high speed does not have time to slow down on a slippery road.

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, the driver is obliged to skip a pedestrian, but this does not mean that you can rush directly under the wheels of the car. The pedestrian must really estimate the distance to the nearest vehicle and the speed of its approach, to make sure that the crossing will be safe.

A cyclist crossing the roadway on a pedestrian crossing is obliged to get off the bike and walk.

Pedestrian crossing is a place where you should be extremely attentive to both pedestrians and drivers.

Public transport stops

The main type of traffic accidents at public transport stops is hitting pedestrians.

This is especially true for urban conditions, where the stops are located close to each other. Difficulties are added and drivers parking near stops, thereby further limiting visibility.

The main reason for the raids is a violation of the traffic rules, according to which a person is obliged to bypass the stopping public transport only in front. Bypassing the bus from behind, the pedestrian does not see the complete situation on the road.

Haste also often leads to tragedy. The desire at all costs to get into the departing transport makes a person forget about the danger and rush right under the wheels of cars. Most often, these "races" end in severe injuries or even fatalities.

Parental responsibility

Child road traffic injuries are the most urgent problem of modern society.

At all times, parents were responsible for children. Crossing the road next to an adult, the child relies on him and does not watch the movement, so an adult should hold the child's hand tightly. All adults must remember that the child is studying pedestrian rules, imitating parents and other older pedestrians.

It is necessary to begin as early as possible to instill the child's behavior culture on the road, explaining to him the elementary rules and giving his own example.

When moving a group of children, two accompanying persons should stand on either side of the road, on the right and on the left. The accompanying persons must stand facing the movement with red flags raised in their hands. Before moving on the carriageway, the group must stop, so that the stretched formation can be grouped. Accompanying leave the carriageway last, after the whole group of children has passed across the road.

Pedestrians in the residential area

The residential areas include not only the roads located within the blocks, but all adjacent yard territories. Usually, the beginning and end of the residential zone is designated by a special sign, however, in the yards, this sign is optional.

Pedestrians on the road in the residential area have the right to move not only along the sidewalk, but also across the width of the carriageway. Moreover, it often happens that there is simply nowhere to pass except for the carriageway.

Despite the fact that in a residential area pedestrians on the road are given priority in traffic, it is impossible to create unreasonable interference with the movement of cars.

Pedestrian prohibited

The rules of pedestrian safety on the road are prohibited by the following actions:

  1. Go out on the roadway, not being sure of the safety and security of other participants in the movement. It should not be forgotten that the main cause of most accidents with severe consequences is the unexpected appearance of a pedestrian in front of a moving vehicle.
  2. Run out or go out on the roadway all of a sudden. Including the pedestrian crossing.
  3. Independent access of children to the roadway without the accompaniment of adults.
  4. Pass the roadway outside the pedestrian crossing, if there is one within sight.
  5. Dwell and stop on the roadway, if this is not related to traffic safety.

Pedestrian rights

The rights and duties of a pedestrian are enshrined in the rules of the road on the territory of the Russian Federation.

  1. On the marked unregulated pedestrian crossing, the pedestrian has the advantage. The safety of a pedestrian requires the complete stoppage of all vehicles as soon as a person's foot steps onto the roadway. The exception is only cars with spetssignalami.
  2. A pedestrian as an active participant in road traffic has the right to require the executive to create conditions for the safety of pedestrians.


The list of violations for which a fine is imposed on a pedestrian is quite large, and one should know it.

Penalties are imposed depending on the severity of the violation in the amount of 200 to 1500 rubles. Ignorance of the rules of the road does not relieve the pedestrian of responsibility.

First of all, it should be remembered that the red prohibitory signal is forbidden to cross the road, and most importantly, it is dangerous for life. For this violation, a fine of 500 rubles is imposed.

If a pedestrian, when crossing a road in an unauthorized place, interfered with the vehicle and, due to his fault, an accident occurred, the fine would be up to 1500 rubles.

Of course, the imposed fines in the monetary amount are not so large, but nevertheless it will be an administrative violation.

Safety of the pedestrian

The pedestrian himself must take care of his safety first. The safety of a pedestrian depends in combination with pedestrian and driver actions, but it should be remembered that injuries received by a pedestrian may be incompatible with life.

It is not necessary to hope that the driver sees everything and hears everything. A person walking along the road or crossing the roadway should carefully monitor the road and not be distracted by anything else. Pedestrian safety precautions prohibit talking on the phone, listening to music on headphones or wearing a hood that completely closes the side view.

Crossing the road even in the designated places, it is necessary to make sure that the driver sees the pedestrian and stops on time. The most reliable option is first to establish eye contact with the driver of the vehicle and only after that to begin the transition. It should be remembered that even a pedestrian crossing equipped with a traffic light can not fully ensure the safety of a pedestrian on the road.

In order for tragedies to happen on the roads as little as possible, drivers and pedestrians should firstly observe all the prescribed rules and treat each other with respect. Disregarding the SDA, the driver risks his freedom, and the pedestrian - health.

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