
Peat as a fertilizer for your site

The remains of dead plants gradually accumulate in the aerated swamp layer. They are humified and mineralized. The roots of dead plants, under anaerobic conditions, are preserved in this environment. In this way a layer of peat is gradually formed. The intensity of organic decomposition under such conditions depends on the species of plants that have fallen into the swamp. Its upper aerated layer is also called a "peaty horizon", since it is in it that new layers of this substance are formed. The composition of the obtained material includes such chemicals as carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen. Obtain it more often in these same marshes. They are also called peat bogs. Their squares are sometimes truly huge.

Peat as a fertilizer can be a very effective tool. However, if his Just scatter on the field, then it will not give anything. In addition, improper use of this remedy will only harm plants, as it will increase the acidity of the soil and enrich it with harmful organisms. In addition, it is important to consider that peat as a fertilizer does not give nutrient soil, but only improves its structure, making it more friable. It partially serves as an antiseptic. Therefore, if in your area the soil contains humus and has the optimum composition in order to grow vegetables and fruits on it, this means will not give anything. But if the soil is sandy or there is not enough organic in it, then you should use peat as a fertilizer for your plot.

Important indicators of the quality of this material are the degree of decomposition and the level of ash content after combustion. If the first one is above forty percent, then Such peat is not suitable as a greenhouse. Also, its important indicator is how saturated it is with useful substances. The more of them, the lower the acidity, the more suitable the peat as a fertilizer. How to determine its pH? There are special indicators for this. But what if you have a problem getting them? You can then use a different method. In a glass of transparent glass, put a few leaves of cherry or black currant and pour boiling water. After the liquid has cooled, throw there a small lump of peat. Now observe how the color of the water changes . If it turns red, then the acidity of the peat is increased. The blue color indicates that this indicator is equal to the average. And, finally, if the water is green, then the acidity is almost neutral. It can also be determined by what peat looks like. If on its cut you notice a strip of white color, reminiscent of ash, this indicates a high acidity. How to reduce it? For this use slaked lime, chalk and dolomite flour in certain quantities.

As already mentioned above, peat is a fertilizer that can not just be taken Scatter over the field. First you need to process it. Even before the peat is brought in bags, it is advisable to check its samples for acidity. Then it must be prepared by composting. Before this peat should be dried and ventilated, shoveling it several times. How to compost it? This is done by mixing peat with manure or feces. These substances are stacked on top of each other. In this case, a layer of manure (10 cm) and peat (40 cm) can be separately poured with lime (150 g per square meter). Once every ten days, the pile is dampened with water and periodically shoveled during the summer. If you are preparing peat-fecal compost, then, in order to prevent the production of parasite eggs, do not compact it in the first days. This is to ensure that its temperature rises, contributing to the death of unwanted organisms.

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