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Participation of a citizen in the political life of the country

All already, most likely, realized that the world is sliding into a zone of "global turbulence". This is the time when the future of countries and humanity as a whole is not defined, and therefore depends on the position of each individual person. And how can people express their opinions? Here it should be remembered that this is done through the participation of a citizen in political life. Only far from everyone in our country and in other countries has the necessary minimum information on this issue. We are not particularly interested in such abstract topics when everything is stable. And as the crisis looms on the horizon, we are lost in conjecture, trying to figure out how we can influence it. Should we trust the rulers? Or it is possible and to join in the general work on its overcoming? Let's deal with their rights and responsibilities.

What will it be about?

It is proposed to consider the expression "citizen's participation in political life", determining its semantic load. There are two interrelated concepts in it. They can not exist separately and embrace the described process comprehensively. Specifically, we distinguish two terms: "citizen" and "politics". The first describes a person who has certain rights. The second is the process of their implementation in the sphere of state administration. It turns out that we are exploring a system that allows each person to influence events in his country according to his own convictions. Tell me, is this impossible? However, one should first study the laws, then only draw conclusions.

Your voice is decisive

We will try to understand where the levers allow each person to influence the overall situation. To begin with, the citizen's participation in political life is a rather "bureaucratic" process. It is laid out on the shelves in the constitution of any democratic state. In addition, there are also a number of laws and other acts detailing this process. Yes, you yourself, most likely, have already taken part in it, only did not qualify it as a citizen's participation in political life. If you have already reached adulthood, then you went to vote (or had the opportunity). You were given information about various parties wishing to get power, explained, offered to ask questions and so on. Maybe you did not pay any attention to these events, but a citizen in the political life of his state participates in this form (but not only). Through the system of elections, his right to take part in the government of the country is realized.

Let's move on to practice

Participation of citizens in politics is not limited to plebiscites. After all, voting is already the result of a rather long process. It is preceded by political struggle. Namely, those parties that wish to direct the development of the country and society are trying to attract as many citizens as possible to their side. To do this, they explain their views and goals. To this work they try to attract citizens as much as possible so that they realize their right to freedom of opinion. At this time, any person can choose the strength that most fully reflects his own position. Of course, some people think that it is better to defend one's own beliefs alone. However, in a democratic society, a more rational mechanism was invented, proceeding from a long-standing principle: "Together we are power!" Therefore, political parties are formed. They are an expression of the aspirations and hopes of certain groups and strata of the population.

About political parties

Now we come to the other side of the citizen's participation in the governance of the state. Anyone can become a member of a political force corresponding to his convictions. And when he turns twenty-one, get elected to this or that local government body. And this is a completely different level of participation in political life. Work in the self-government body directly influences decision-making. After all, laws are taken in them. Here it is worth saying that a deputy of any level does not vote "according to his own understanding." He is the voice of his voters. So, when voting, he must proceed from the interests of the latter. This is the second level, so to speak, of the realization of the right of citizens to participate in the political system. The first is participation in the choice of political force, the second - it acts in its interests.

Is everything so simple?

Actually, not really. The fact is that the process of governing the country is rather complicated. You can, of course, "cut your sword" and declare the most popular ideas in the people. And as it comes to realizing them in practice, then invariably deputies and parties stumble upon barriers and barriers. On the one hand, they have an opposition, a political force that expresses the interests of other groups of the population, sometimes of a confrontational nature. They need to negotiate, find a consensus. But there is also legislation, that is, the accepted "rules of the game". Through them you can not jump over. For example, many are unhappy with high tariffs for utilities. To reduce them, you need to change a lot of laws, the first of which will be the budget for the current year. And besides him, there are also other acts of a federal and local nature. The work is complex and long.

Should I go to the deputies?

Of course, a person with an active civic position wants to more closely influence the life of society. Many seek to be elected to this or that body. Only to everyone on the shoulder is this responsibility? The person on whom the well-being of the country and the entire population depends, must have a large stock of knowledge. He also needs experience, the ability to analyze facts, to perceive information deeply and extensively. Of course, a large number of specialists work on any legislative act. Ultimately, the person who voted is responsible for implementing it. Therefore, it is necessary that these people are fully educated, wise, far-sighted. So it turns out that a citizen participates in politics when he carefully looks at who he is going to vote for.

Participation in peaceful assemblies

With officialdom sorted out. But this is not the end of the political life. After all, apart from elections, there are other forms of expression by the people of their opinion. Thus, the Constitution of a democratic country guarantees the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. This means that people can express their opinion through rallies, demonstrations or other actions held in public places. The realization of this right is regulated by its laws, which describe the methodology for organizing such events. That is, they can not be spontaneous. Want to pomitingovat? Grace, we ask the management of the village with a statement, which indicates the goals, organizers and approximate number of participants. This is not discrimination. Local authorities are responsible for the lives of citizens. It is obliged to ensure the preservation of order during the conduct of the action. Although there are exceptions. One person can hold a picket without an agreement.

About responsibility

This is the most important on the one hand and the least popular with the other issue. He loves our people to look guilty. However, a citizen in politics has not only rights, but also duties. It requires a thoughtful and careful use of their rights. And then we vote for someone who "prompted", and then for a head we grab from what is happening in the country. And more often in general elections or meetings are missed. Everyone has their own business, more important from his point of view, there are. We remember that we are also citizens, and not just people, when something is needed from the authorities. And still - when the prices grow or other "trouble" on eyes develops. But you had the right to influence the formation of this very power! And did they use it? Now, ask yourself why the "wrong people" rule the country.

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