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Paranoid schizophrenia: one-sided suspicion

In everyday slang, pathological jealous people are called paranoid, and incomprehensible people are called schizophrenics. Although these are serious diagnoses, which can only be supplied by a psychiatrist. And sometimes the doctor has to diagnose "paranoid schizophrenia." In general, this subspecies of the disease is so different from others that some experts doubt whether this variety can be considered actually schizophrenia.

What is the difference between the disease "paranoid schizophrenia" and other forms? The fact that the thinking of the patient remains intact in this form is, of course, biased and rigid, but such people have a high coefficient of intelligence, and it does not decline with the next attack of the disease, as happens with "ordinary" schizophrenia. Emotional manifestations are also bright, the disease does not smooth out the emotions of such a patient, does not immerse him in forced loneliness, people with a diagnosis of "paranoid schizophrenia" are prone to suspicion, but are generally sociable. Although the information received during communication is inclined to interpret one-sidedly, biased.

How is paranoid schizophrenia manifested ? Symptoms can be common, characteristic not only for this disease, for example, anxiety, propensity to violence, anger, suicidal thoughts. But there are signs that clearly distinguish the ill - it's nonsense and hallucinations.

Brad, as a rule, consists in the fact that the patient thinks that someone wants to harm him. "Guilty" can be the government, family members or masons. Now do you understand where the legends of conspiracy theories grow? So when you talk about global conspiracies, you can turn your finger around your temple. Mentally. Because paranoid schizophrenics can suspect you of anything, and they are prone to violence.

Most often there are ideas that the government monitors every step of the patient and that there will be hardly any ceremony - the person is simply liquidated. In fact, it is not so easy to distinguish real prosecutions from fictitious ones, because the logic keeps the logic. And it's hard for a healthy person to figure out who is right. For example, an opposition director in the hospital claims that he was put in prison for "bad behavior." Not so easy to understand the situation, because political repression with the use of psychiatrists was widely practiced in the Soviet Union.

Much clearer is the second characteristic feature - hallucinations. They are usually "voices" audible only by patients. The latter are usually unpleasant, sometimes they comment on the patient's behavior, sometimes they talk with each other. Often severely denounced the various shortcomings of the patient. Voices can also command. Including ordering to harm yourself or others. Therefore, such patients can be considered, under certain conditions, even dangerous. The problem is that the diseased can not distinguish hallucinations from reality, especially if they are not only auditory, but also visual.

At the beginning of the illness, thinking is safe, but over time it becomes torn, the disease comes into its own. Although this process is slower than with other forms. Patients with the diagnosis of "paranoid schizophrenia" often do not violate the processes of concentration, remains at a good level of attention.

Many patients are quite capable of continuing their professional activities, especially if it is not related to close interaction between people. For example, accounting or programming.

Do not let the diagnosis come between you and people. And it does not matter, the patient is you, the sick friend or his relative. Remember - you can not scatter diagnoses if you are not a psychiatrist with extensive experience. And psychiatrists themselves usually do not make decisions alone. Be careful and take care of yourself and your loved ones.

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