HealthDiseases and Conditions

ORZ - what is it? Acute respiratory disease: symptoms of disease, prevention and treatment

Sometimes, having felt a strong malaise, we come to the polyclinic or call a doctor at the house, and he, after questioning about the symptoms, puts us an incomprehensible diagnosis - ARD. What it is, it is incomprehensible. This article is devoted to a detailed explanation of this issue.

Acute respiratory infection, or ARI

If a person has caught a cold, he has started coughing, pershit and sore throat, flowing from the nose, the temperature rises, it means that his respiratory organs are affected by acute respiratory infection, respectively, he is sick with acute respiratory disease, abbreviated ORZ. This concept contains a fairly large range of diseases caused by a huge range of different bacteria and viruses: streptococci, meningococci, staphylococci, influenza A, B and C, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, enteroviruses, etc.

All these innumerable harmful microorganisms, falling into the human body, are capable of causing ARD. What is it - will become even clearer after acquaintance with the list of the most common symptoms of acute respiratory viral diseases.

Symptoms of acute respiratory infection

The symptomatology of various colds is similar in many ways, which sometimes complicates the formulation of an accurate diagnosis - which infection is rampant in the patient's body. But of course there are differences.

1. Influenza. The disease develops very quickly, although its incubation period can reach three days. The beginning is characterized by general poor health, muscle aches, headache and a rapid rise in temperature, which can reach very high values. If ORZ without a temperature, it is most likely not the flu.

2. Paragripp. The incubation period is longer - four days. The beginning is exactly the same as with cold and flu: high fever, perspiration in the throat, cough , etc. With parainfluenza, the larynx is affected in the first place. Laryngitis may occur, and then bronchitis. Without assistance, the patient becomes worse: a strong intoxication begins, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

3. Adenoviral infection. Symptoms are similar to rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. In some cases, there is conjunctivitis. The temperature does not always rise. In adenovirus infection, ARI in adults often occurs against a background of subfebrile temperature (37-38 ° C).

4. Rotavirus infection (intestinal or gastric flu) has a sufficiently long incubation period - up to six days. The onset of the disease is acute: vomiting, diarrhea, fever. Most often, intestinal flu is seen in children.

5. Respiratory syncytial infection is characterized by the appearance of bronchitis and pneumonia, ie, the defeat of the lower respiratory tract. At the very beginning of the disease a person feels a general malaise, a runny nose, a headache. The most characteristic symptom are attacks of excruciating dry cough.

6. Coronavirus infection occurs most severely in children. It affects the upper respiratory tract. The main symptoms: inflammation of the larynx, runny nose, sometimes lymph nodes may increase. The temperature may be in the subfebrile range.

OCR has a synonym - ARI, or acute respiratory infection. In common people, ARI is usually referred to as the more common word "cold". Also, in connection with the disease of cold and flu, you can often hear the abbreviation of ARVI.

ORZ and ARVI - the difference in what?

Many believe that ARI and ARVI are identical concepts. But it is not so. Now we will try to explain to you what the difference is.

The fact is that the term ORZ denotes the whole wide group of acute respiratory tract diseases caused by some microbes - bacteria or viruses. But SARS is a narrower and more precise concept, which determines that the disease has a viral nature. Here they are - ORZ and SARS. We hope the difference has become clear to you.

The need for a more accurate diagnosis arises in a number of cases, because the treatment of diseases that have a viral or bacterial origin may radically differ, but not always.

In the process of development of an acute respiratory-viral infection, a bacterial factor may also join it. That is, for example, first a person is affected by the influenza virus, and in a few days the situation is complicated by bronchitis or pneumonia.

Difficulties with diagnostics

Because of the similarity of different ORZs to each other, a doctor can sometimes make a mistake and make an incorrect diagnosis. Especially often there is confusion with influenza and ARD of other etiology: parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial infection.

Meanwhile, it is very important to identify the flu at an early stage of the disease in order to prescribe the right drugs and prevent the development of complications. In order to help the doctor, the patient should as accurately as possible identify all his symptoms. It should be remembered that the flu is rarely associated with a cold, while most other ARI (especially bacterial nature) begins after hypothermia, just like a cold.

Another important note about the flu (ARI): they can get sick more often only during the epidemic, while other ARI have year-round activity. There are other differences in influenza from other acute respiratory diseases.

Attention - the flu!

This disease always has a very acute onset. In just a couple of hours, a person from a healthy person turns into an absolutely sick person. The temperature quickly rises to the highest values (as a rule, above 38.5 degrees), such symptoms as:

  • headache;
  • Pain in the muscles of the arms and legs, convulsions;
  • Pain in the field of eyeballs;
  • Severe chills;
  • Complete weakness and weakness.

For other acute respiratory diseases, a gradual increase in painful processes is characteristic, with the peak on the second and third day of the disease. If you feel bad and try to determine what you have: the flu or ARI (what is this "sores" - we already know), remember what you have read and if all the signs indicate that you are ill with the flu , Then immediately go to bed and call a doctor at the house.

How does infection with acute respiratory infection occur?

Microorganisms causing colds and influenza are transmitted mainly by airborne droplets. Consider ORZ. What is it, how does it affect the body of a healthy person?

At conversation, and especially at a cough and a sneezing, zhvvoravshy, that not wishing, throws out in an environment huge quantity of viruses and bacteria. Moreover, the patient becomes dangerous not only in the acute phase of the disease, but also with her worn out form, when he considers himself only a little numb-goes to work, communicates freely with others, "generously" sharing the disease with all the citizens who meet him Ways.

Pathogens ORZ can live not only in the air, but also in various subjects: on dishes, clothes, on door handles, etc. That is why in periods of epidemics it is recommended not only to refrain from visiting public places, but also to wash hands often with soap .

In order for a person to become infected, microbes are enough to get on the nasopharyngeal mucosa and oral cavity. From there they quickly and freely penetrate the respiratory tract and begin to multiply rapidly, releasing into the blood toxins. Therefore, in acute respiratory infections, there is always an intoxication of the human body to one degree or another.

Treatment of acute respiratory disease

Well, if a medicine from ARI is prescribed by a qualified therapist, who has determined exactly which infection caused the disease. In this case, the treatment will be most successful and fast. But many of our compatriots simply love to be treated independently, without wasting time to visit the clinic or to call a doctor. Just want to say that if you are now reading these lines, belong to this category, then we do not encourage you to perceive the information presented in this chapter as a guide to action. We do not give here recommendations on how to treat ARI. This is only an introductory overview, which can not in any way replace the advice and appointment of a doctor.

General principles of ARI treatment:

1. In the acute phase of the disease, bed rest is recommended.

2. If the temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees, then this is the indication for taking any antipyretic drug. Here is an incomplete list of such medicines:

  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Aspirin";
  • "Efferalgan";
  • Ibuprofen;
  • "Nurofen";
  • "Panadol";
  • Anapyrine;
  • Tylenol;
  • "Калпол";
  • "Ibusan";
  • "Fervex" and many other similar preparations.

An important addition: antipyretic drugs are primarily intended for symptomatic and complex therapy. They reduce the temperature, soothe the pain, but can not completely cure the underlying disease. Therefore, the timely medical diagnosis and prescription of treatment by a doctor is so important.

3. Since acute respiratory diseases are almost always accompanied by the strongest intoxication of the body, the patient needs to drink more. Of the beverages most suitable for the sick are:

  • Not strong warm tea with a slice of a lemon;
  • Morse, cooked from cranberries;
  • Mineral water (better if it is without gas);
  • Juices (preferably natural freshly squeezed, not packaged).

4. Respiratory diseases can be cured much more efficiently and quickly if a person at the first signs of illness starts taking vitamins such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and rutin (vitamin P). Both components are part of the excellent vitamin complex "Ascorutin".

5. In some cases, doctors consider it necessary to prescribe antihistamines.

6. With active inflammatory processes in the bronchi, lungs and larynx with the formation of sputum, broncho-secretolitic medications are prescribed:

  • "Broncholitin";
  • Ambroxol;
  • "ATSTS";
  • "Bromhexine";
  • "Ambrogen";
  • Syrup of althea root;
  • Ambrohexal;
  • Bronchicum;
  • "Gedelix";
  • "Lazolvan";
  • "Mukodin";
  • "Mukosol";
  • "Tussin" and others.

7. When taking ARVI, antiviral drugs are indicated. These include the following drugs from ARI viral etiology:

  • "Interferon";
  • Kagocel;
  • "Amiksin";
  • "Grippferon";
  • "Arbidol";
  • "Rimantadine" and others.

8. If the course of acute respiratory infections is complicated by severe bacterial infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

9. With a cold and shortness of breath, it is recommended to use aerosols and drops for the nose:

  • "Sanorin";
  • "Ximelin";
  • "Tysin";
  • "Nazol";
  • "Rinostop";
  • "Nazivin" and others.

10. For the treatment of inflammation in the throat, the following lollipops and sprays are used:

  • "Hexoral";
  • Strepsils;
  • "Cameton";
  • "Tharyngosept";
  • "Proposol";
  • "Ingalipt" and others.

About antibiotics

We consider it appropriate to recall that antibiotics in ARI, as, indeed, with any other churches, you should not appoint yourself! These are potent drugs that can defeat the infection where other drugs may be completely powerless. But at the same time they have a lot of side effects and contraindications. Taking advantage of the fact that today many powerful drugs can be purchased in a pharmacy without a prescription, people start taking powerful pills in order to quickly recover and in some cases get the opposite effect.

For example, at the initial stage of the flu, taking antibiotics is not only useless (thrown away money to the wind), but even harmful. This group of drugs has no effect on viruses, they are designed to fight other microorganisms (bacteria and fungi). Getting into the body of a patient with the flu, antibiotics destroy the beneficial bacterial microflora, thereby weakening the immune system of the sick person, who is already in a state of exhaustion, because the body has to use all its forces and reserves to fight dangerous viruses.

If you have signs of acute respiratory disease, do not rush to use antibiotics without a good reason and without prescribing a doctor! Here are some side effects that are capable of causing one of the most powerful and popular antibiotics of the latest generation today - Sumamed, belonging to the group of macrolides:

  • Dysbacteriosis (violation of natural microflora in the intestine);
  • Candidiasis and other fungal infections;
  • Various allergic reactions;
  • Arthralgia (joint pain):
  • A lot of other troubles.

When the child was ill

And now a small consultation for parents. ORZ occurs in children is especially difficult. Here, as a rule, there is a high temperature, and a wild pain in the neck, and a runny nose. The child is very afflicted, how can he help him as quickly as possible? Of course, first of all you need to call a doctor and give the baby those medicines that he will appoint. And still need to do the following:

  • In order to avoid stagnant phenomena in the lungs, it is necessary several times a day to put a small patient on the bed, tucking under the back of the pillow so that the baby can sit comfortably. The baby should be worn on the hands, pressing to him so that his body is in an upright position.
  • After falling ill, children often refuse to eat. Do not force them to force them to eat, rather give the child plenty of tasty drinks in the form of warm cranberry mors.
  • In the child's room you need to do the daily cleaning (wet). The heating battery is recommended to throw a terry towel, which must be periodically moistened - this will help moisten the air. Remember that germs that cause respiratory diseases are most comfortable in dry air.
  • The room should be ventilated several times a day, as a small patient needs clean fresh air. At this time (5-10 minutes) the child is best transferred to another room.

Errors in the treatment of acute respiratory disease

If it is wrong to treat ARI, complications will not keep you waiting. Here are a number of typical mistakes that often catch a cold:

1. Until the last, while there are at least some forces, they try to stand on their feet, go to work, women run around the house, run to shops, etc., and yet the disease develops. You need to protect not only yourself, but also others (for example, their colleagues), because they too are at risk of getting sick if they have an infected person next to them.

2. Do not trust the doctor's recommendations, do not drink the drugs that he has prescribed. It often happens that the doctor considers it necessary for the patient to undergo a full course of antibiotic treatment, but he, after drinking one or two tablets and feeling better, stops taking the drug and thus does not give the medicine to cope with a bacterial infection that can go quietly into a chronic Shape.

3. Without special need take antipyretics. Remember that with the help of fever, the body is fighting infection, and if the thermometer shows no more than 38.5 degrees, you do not need to stuff yourself with pills.

Folk recipes

How to treat ARD folk methods? Well, there are a lot of recipes here! Here are just a small part of them:

1. Various teas (with honey, with linden, with raspberries) help quickly bring down the temperature. It is recommended, after watering the patient with such antipyretic tea, to wrap it warmer and give a proper sweat. After the fever subsides, and sweating stops, you need to change the bed and underwear of the sick and give the person a nap.

2. If the catarrhal disease proceeds in a mild form without raising the temperature, then you can make foot baths with mustard before going to bed. In simple terms, soar your legs. An important point: you can not do this even with a small subfebrile temperature - hot water can cause it to further increase.

3. From inflammation of the tonsils very well helps rinse the throat with warm decoctions of herbs such as sage, chamomile and calendula.

4. In the room where the sick person lies, it is good to put fresh twigs of pine in the water. Needles produce useful phytoncides that have the ability to kill germs.

5. Everyone knows what a powerful antiviral effect is possessed by the onion. You can drink the patient onion milk with honey. For its preparation in a small scoop, milk is poured, in the same place is put a cut into several pieces of a bulb. The drug should be left for several minutes (3-5 will be enough). Then the milk is poured into a cup, a spoonful of honey is put there, and all this is given to drink to the sick person. Such milk has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, soothing properties, helps to fall asleep.

Talk about prevention

Prevention of acute respiratory disease is quite simple and, in principle, has long been known to everyone. But the carelessness inherent in the human race, and the hope at random, often make us ignore the elementary rules of conduct during the epidemiological danger season and pay for their carelessness with illness and suffering. We advise you to read carefully about preventive measures to prevent acute respiratory infections. Here they are:

1. You need to take care of strengthening your body ahead of time! A person with strong immunity does not take any cold. For this you need:

  • To engage in recreational sports (running, skiing, skating, swimming, etc.);
  • Temper, for example, pour in the morning with cool water;
  • Make sure that all vitamins are present in the diet enough, ascorbic is especially important - it is not synthesized in our body and can enter into it only with food.

2. During the epidemic of acute respiratory infections, it is recommended to lubricate the nose with oxolin ointment before going out.

3. When the flu is rampant, do not tempt fate - refrain from visiting crowded places.


Now you know a lot about ARI - what it is like to be treated, how to avoid infection, and more. We tried to convey a fairly complex and extensive information in a simple and concise form, the most understandable to most people. We hope that our article was useful to our readers. We wish you always to stay healthy, let the diseases bypass you!

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