
Organization of production as a science

The concept of the organization of the production process implies methods for selecting and combining the elements of production in time and space in order to achieve an effective final result. Thus, the organization of production is a system of measures whose purpose is to rationally combine in space and time the main material elements and people who are engaged in the production process.

The organization of production is based on the following basic principles:

-specialization, which is characterized by the restriction of the nomenclature of the product of the same name and the mass production of it;

-continuity; Its purpose is to increase the processing time of the subject of labor, and to reduce the time spent waiting for it, to reduce breaks;

- Proportionality, which is to achieve a relatively equal volume of output and volume of work over a certain period of time in all the main and auxiliary units of the enterprise;

- Directness, with its help, the shortest distance is provided for the movement of objects of labor in the production process;

-rhythmicity, which involves the regular repetition of the production process through equal intervals of time;

- Flexibility, giving the possibility of a rapid transition to the release of new products.

The organization of production as a science was born only a little more than 100 years ago. During this time, she had both periods of stagnation, and rapid upsurge. But until now the scientific organization of labor has not been unambiguously defined in the research literature. The organization of production in time and in space is sometimes considered by some scientists as different, not interconnected processes.

In the 60's and 80's of the last century, various definitions of this science were formed, which can be divided into two versions:

-Science, which studies the manifestation and operation of objective economic laws reflected in the production and economic activities of the enterprises studied;

-Rational combination of the basic elements of production in time and space for various purposes.

Already in 1956, in the United States, as an unambiguous official definition, the formulation was adopted that the science of the organization of production studies the design, improvement and practical application of integrated circuits that include people, equipment and materials. In the course of further study of this science, it was revealed that the organization of production and entrepreneurship has as its goal the consideration of various multifaceted tasks.

The complex consideration of these problems allows us to give a solution to the question of what should be done by specialists in the organization of production and managing managers to carry out successful business management at the enterprise. After all, in order to be able to carry out successful external maneuvers, there must be a clear picture of the state of domestic production, its current and prospective opportunities, which can be actively used to achieve the objectives.

Practice shows that the organization of production, even at related enterprises, usually faces the solution of emerging specific and unique problems. In particular, they include the tasks of efficient use of labor and equipment, provision of materials and raw materials, the best use of production facilities, improving the quality and improving the range of manufactured products, mastering the production of new types of products.

All these tasks can be solved only in the aggregate of all investigated factors, since all of them together constitute the process of production. If the management manager affects one of the system elements, this immediately affects the state of other subsystems and elements that are part of the system.

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