Homeliness, Building
Number of bricks in 1m2 of masonry: methods of performing calculations
Each building, whether it is erecting a house, country cottage, villa or garage, requires the correct calculation of materials, in particular the amount of bricks in 1m2 masonry. This will make it possible to optimize the costs as much as possible. After completing the calculations, you can buy a building brick for the construction of the entire facility in full. When calculating, the percentage of defective or broken material should be taken into account. Usually such factor makes 7% from a purchasing party. In addition, it is necessary to determine the thickness of the walls of the future structure. It depends on the climatic conditions of the terrain where the building is located. Acquire products better than one lot, because in another they can have differences in shades.
Standard dimensions and their name
Brick, which has a normal format and is marked with the NF label, is characterized by dimensions of 25 x 12 x 6.5 cm. According to Gosstandart, a 25 x 12 cm face is called a bed. The side with dimensions of 25 x 6.5 cm is called a spoon, and 12 x 6.5 cm is called a poke.
Types of bricks
When calculating how many bricks in 1m2 of masonry, you should take into account the type of product from which construction will be carried out. This is the only way to accurately calculate the required amount of material.
Brick construction can be:
- Single, the size of 250 x 120 x 65 mm;
- One-and-a-half - 250 x 120 x 88 mm;
- Double - 250 x 120 x 138 mm.
At construction all varieties of the given material are used, but for facing it is best to use a single view. The building with this finish looks the most aesthetic.
Ways of laying
From the methods of laying the building material depends the consumption of bricks. The fastest and most economical method to build a house is to erect it "in half a brick" (the spoonful part is located outside). The wall in this case will have a thickness of 12 cm. When building this way, the amount of bricks in 1m2 of masonry is saved up to two times. However, a house built using this option needs to be insulated.
The method of laying "in brick" - when on the outside of the material is located tyknom. Then the thickness of the wall is 25 cm. The consumption of bricks per m2 of masonry in this case increases. The walls with this method are able to withstand any load distributed evenly.
More durable will be the building, whose walls have a thickness of 38 cm. This is the size of the masonry "one and a half" of bricks.
The most popular method is the erection of cottages or other buildings with walls 51 cm. This thickness is obtained by the method of laying "in two" bricks.
The buildings with walls of 64 cm, are more durable, durable and do not require warming. The thickness is formed by a brickwork "in two and a half" bricks.
If you are laying a full body with air interlayers, width from 5 to 8 cm, its consumption decreases by approximately 20%. To reduce the amount of material used, it is possible even in the case of a walled masonry wall, which is laid out in two parallel rows "in half a brick". They are connected with each other by vertical or transverse bridges. Formed wells are filled with insulating material. To reduce the draft, the dry backfill is poured into the lime mortar after 35-45 cm.
Calculation of a construction product
After determining the thickness of the walls of the future building, calculate the amount of bricks needed to erect it, multiplying the length by the perimeter of each surface by the perimeter. Then, the door and window openings are read from the result and the area of the brick wall is obtained .
The basis for calculations is the standard quantity: 480 pieces of brick, with a size of 250 x 120 x 65 mm, per 1 m 2 . All calculations for the construction of various buildings are made based on this indicator and the method of laying. The construction of a wall in "half-brick" by a pinch method requires twice as much material consumption as a spoon.
To find the number of bricks in 1m2 brickwork, you need 480 divided by 4 (product length 25 cm, 4 pieces per 1 meter). We get 120 pieces. For the construction of a warm house, the flow should be multiplied by 2 or 2.5 times, and to reduce the fence by half.
Calculation of lining material
There are types of material that differ in their dimensions from conventional standard sizes.
Standard glazed products - 220 x 105 x 48 mm, and large format - 327 x 102 x 215 mm. This is a very fragile brick and it is used in half. It is difficult to make an exact calculation. Still, the number of bricks in 1m2 of masonry will be 95 pieces, and the large format - 14 pcs.
Facing products do not have certain standard sizes. Therefore, the calculation of the quantity per 1 m 2 is made separately for each species.
Calculation of bricks using a solution
When carrying out the calculations, a solution seam with a standard thickness of 1 cm is taken into account. But each uses it in an unequal manner. And in order to calculate accurately, it is necessary to subtract 10% from the quantity of products per 1 m 2 - and the result is ready. This applies only to standard dimensions. When calculating facing or double bricks, the error is 5%. The brick consumption per 1 m 2 of masonry "per half-brick" using a mortar joint will be:
- Red building - 54 pcs .;
- Standard facing - 85 pieces;
- Large format - 13, the number increases every 3 meters on 14 pieces.
So, in order to determine the amount of brick for construction, it is necessary:
- Calculate the perimeter of the structure.
- Calculate the area of the outer walls (multiply the length by the height of the wall and take the area of the windows and doors openings).
- Choose the method of masonry.
- Determine the number of products for construction (the area of the walls multiplied by the number of bricks in 1 m 2 of the selected masonry).
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