Self improvementPsychology

Nose, physiognomy: description, form and features

A human face is like an open book. And the one who knows how to read it, can learn a lot of interesting things about the interlocutor, his thoughts and intentions.

Physiognomy - the science of reading by persons

The science of reading in the face is called physiognomy. As experts point out, it originated in China many centuries ago. Some believe that the facial features can predict the fate of their possessor.

Despite the fact that with age, a person's face undergoes changes, the main features - eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips - remain unchanged, and sometimes become even more expressive.

Physiognomy is widely used by knowledgeable people in many fields of activity. Regardless of nationality and race, age and gender, emotions always manifest in the same way.

So, mentalists, or very attentive people, can "read" a person even before signing a business agreement or predict what important negotiations will end.

The main features of a person with whom physiognomists work

Specialists in the field of physiognomy are very much in demand in business and the business world. There are five main features:

  • eyes;
  • Eyebrows;
  • nose;
  • Lips;
  • Ears.

The main parameters of the nose

Let us dwell on the nose and take a closer look at its features. The nose is in the center of the face and is the most convex part of it.

The following parameters can be called determinative.


  • A long nose indicates the stiffness of a person.
  • A very long nose hints at the possibility of great achievements in the intellectual sphere or the capriciousness of this personality, as this physiognomy interprets.
  • A broad nose means melancholy, such a person is distinguished by calmness, thoughtfulness and reliability.
  • Holders of short nose - people are open, positive and friendly.

The form

  • A thin and slightly angular nose can be a sign of weak concentration. If this is added to a small hump, a person, most likely, proud and stubborn, he is not alien to some aggressiveness and determination.
  • A narrow nose - a hardworking man, but any benefits are not given to him easily and require from him exhausting work.
  • Non-emotional and prudent personalities, as a rule, have a nose with a flat back and wide wings.
  • If a woman has a small nose, she is jealous enough, and if high with a pronounced back - can easily compete with any man for high standing in society, says the science of physiognomy.

The tip of the nose

  • If this part of the nose has a rounded shape, a person has every chance of becoming a prosperous and successful person.
  • In the case when the tip of the nose hangs, the person has hypersexuality.
  • Acute nose physiognomy characterizes as treacherous and unreliable nature.
  • The tip of the nose, like the eagle's beak, means vengeance.

  • The full and great tip is kindness, friendliness, the inclination to act to the detriment of one's interests for the sake of others.
  • The excessively saggy tip, which already hangs over the upper lip, does not indicate a positive character, but indicates a tendency to betrayal.
  • The upturned nose physiognomy treats as freedom from sexual prejudices and the inability to keep secrets.
  • Rampant, suspicious and suspicious are eternal companions of a man with a split tip of his nose.

In general, physiognomy examines as many as 24 signs, referring directly to the nose, and this amounts to about 576 different variations.

Nostril width

The width of the nostrils, like the shape and length of the nose, can tell a lot about the nature of the person. By their width determine the temperament of personality. It is believed that a person with wide nostrils can breathe a large amount of air, which is the main source of life.

A person with wide nostrils is quickly inspired by the idea and is ready to start acting at the same instant, but very quickly cools and is blown away. Long-term tasks are not his.

A person with narrow nostrils will become the complete opposite of the previous one. He qualitatively performs tasks that require a long time, and also has a balanced character, as physiognomy asserts.

A nose with a hump gives its owner a changeable temper. Inconsistency manifests itself in all spheres of life. He comes with a lot of different ideas, because of which a person rushes from one type of activity to another and can not decide. In addition, such people are legible. Sometimes in the process of communication they can rub their hump, from which it follows that some words hurt a person for living things.

Shape of nostrils

  1. Nostrils of triangular shape indicate caution and greed.
  2. Square nostrils are characterized by an active, assertive and determined person who is ready to go to the end to achieve the goal.
  3. The round shape of the nostrils, as a rule, belongs to creative individuals, inventors. Rationality is the main component of the nature of such people.
  4. Oval nostrils are a sign of adventurism and a thirst for adventure.

Big and perfect nose

An interesting and multifaceted science is physiognomy.

A large nose indicates the significant authority of its owner, as well as a kind temperament. They are proud people who know their own worth, they are active in many spheres of their activity.

What should be the perfect nose? Experts define it as smooth, with a rounded tip and well-defined wings. Such a person is distinguished by courage, passion and purposefulness.

But the so-called nose with potato physiognomy attributes to open, friendly and cheerful people. They are characterized by quick temper, and they need approval and encouragement.

The split nose is in most cases a sign of a tyrant. Such a person combines suspicion, suspiciousness, as well as shyness and embarrassment. At the same time, he has an outstanding intellect and is able to solve problems over which a lot of people were beating. A striking example of a man with a split nose was Joseph Stalin.

Nose color

The color of the nose, according to physiognomists, also plays a role in determining the character of a person.

For example, a brilliant nose is considered a sign of future success and financial prosperity. The same category includes pink, golden and peach-colored nose.

But the red color promises a loss. An earthy or gray hue of the nose indicates a hidden disease, green - a person is not inclined to return money debts. Even such subtleties can be determined by looking at the human nose.

Physiognomy claims that the nose characterizes the life of a person between the ages of 40 and 50. At this time, a person already occupies a certain position in society, and one can judge his capabilities in terms of building a career.

On the nose one can predict the character of the person, but much also depends on the person himself. Even the most ideal, promising success of the nose will not help the alcoholic and drug addict succeed. The most convenient part of the face, from which one can judge the character, is the nose. Physiognomy gives the basic concept of determining the inclinations of people, but is not 100% effective, since human behavior depends on many factors.

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