Technologies, Cell Phones
Nokia account: why and how to create?
The Nokia account is used in devices that work based on the technologies of the operating system "Windows Mobile". We are talking, of course, about the devices that are part of the line called "Lumiya". A user profile is required for many things and services that the corresponding operating system is equipped with. It is possible that when you first start up your phone, your Nokia account was not created or activated. But do not be discouraged, because you can deal with this operation at any time, when you only want.
What if I already had the first start?
If you have already started using the phone a while ago, and the Nokia account has not yet been created up to this point, you can proceed as follows. By touching the central touch control element (window) we go to the desktop of your device. In principle, you can do this, while in the application. Nevertheless, this will probably be more convenient. So, draw your finger from top to bottom on the screen to bring up a kind of menu. In the right corner we can see the inscription "All settings". Click on this button. After that, the device will send us to the engineering menu of the phone. Here you can find an item called "Mail + Account." Click on it and then look for a feature called "Add service." When this operation is completed, Nokia Lumia will be added to your device. So, after we have entered the corresponding menu, select "Microsoft Account." You will only have to create a new profile or enter an existing one. When a new record is activated, the user can follow the instructions displayed on the screen. Move to an existing profile, you will need to enter the user name, as well as his personal password to identify and confirm access.
Why do I need a Microsoft account on Nokia?
User profile is required to use separate services. For example, such as OneDrive. Each owner of the device running the operating system "Windows Mobile" is granted a separate amount of space in the cloud storage where the user can put multimedia data to save long-term memory on his phone. At the same time, by creating a Microsoft account, you can always take part in using the functions of the "My Family" section. Activating the profile will also enable you to quickly exchange data and information with your friends and relatives who have accounts.
What should I do if you first include "Lumiya"?
Creating an account will make the handling of the phone much more comfortable and colorful, since new features will be opened before the user. A profile is required to fully enjoy the benefits that the phone provides. Initially, note that you need to connect to the Internet to create and confirm the activation of the Microsoft account. Pay attention to this. The connection can be made either via the Wi-Fi access point or by using the tariff plan on the SIM card inserted into the phone.
First of all, we turn on the device. In this case, it is necessary to install a SIM card in advance. After this is done, we proceed to the initial configuration of the device. To do this, you can simply follow the instructions linearly, which will be displayed on the smartphone's display. After that we create an account in the system. Or, we enter an existing profile by entering a username and password. As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated in this process. The company took care to start working with the device as quickly as possible.
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