
Myopia in children of school age: treatment with traditional methods and folk remedies

Myopia (nearsightedness) in children of school age is quite common. According to medical statistics, almost one-third of senior pupils suffer from such a visual impairment . Doctors-ophthalmologists even gave an unofficial name for such a pathology - "school shortsightedness."

The reason why myopia occurs in school-age children is understandable. This is the increased load that the child's eyes receive when he begins to learn. And the visual tension arises not only in school lessons, but also at home, while preparing homework. In connection with the urgency of this problem, many parents and teachers are concerned about the methods of combating this pathology and ways to prevent it.

Mechanism of the onset of myopia

The problem of myopia is very well studied by doctors. The mechanism of development of this pathology is known. Children suffering from myopia can clearly see objects that are near. But with those objects that are located far away, there are problems: there is no clarity of the image.

The physiological cause of such a problem may lie in the state of the eyeball. It either has an elongated shape, or its cornea over-refracts the image too much. Such violations lead to the fact that the picture is not focused on the retina, as it should be in the norm, but in front of it. Because of such violations, the child can not clearly see objects that are in the distance.

The causes of school short-sightedness

The eyeball may have a deformed shape due to a genetic predisposition. This pathology also arises as a result of the large visual loads that occur during the schooling process.

Of course, myopia can be detected in children of any age. However, most often such a pathology occurs during school education (from seven to fourteen years). And the victims of a strong educational burden are not only those children who have a genetic predisposition. Myopia also appears in fully healthy schoolchildren.

The reasons for myopia at such a young age are not only increased training loads, which are a real stress for the still not strengthened visual organs. Modern children use mobile phones much, play computer games with enthusiasm and spend a lot of time in front of the TV screen. How does all this affect the eyes? In a normal state, the visual system is good at perceiving objects that are distant from the child. But in order to see closely located objects, the eye should tense, using its own focusing device (to change the shape of the lens by deforming the muscular system). But what happens with frequent and prolonged loads? Muscles cease to relax and take their original position.

This phenomenon is called ophthalmology "spasm of accommodation". Symptoms of pathology are similar to those that occur in the occurrence of myopia. That is why spasm of accommodation is also called false myopia. Such pathology arises because of:

- poor lighting of the workplace;
- Violations of the tone of the cervical and dorsal muscles;
- improper diet;
- a considerable load on the visual organs due to their long-term focusing on objects located at a short distance;
- long staying at the computer;
- Violations in the psychological sphere;
- non-observance of the rules of eye hygiene;
- The wrong daily routine.

False myopia in children of school age is curable. It should only be in time to identify this pathology and take all appropriate measures to get rid of it. Otherwise, the eye will have to adjust to new conditions for it, which in most cases leads to the appearance of true anatomical myopia.

Symptoms of myopia

Determining myopia at school age can be very difficult. Many children simply can not decide how well they see. Even when the visual defect leads to a decrease in academic performance, the true reason for the appearance of bad marks in the diary, they sometimes simply can not explain.

Parents may suspect the appearance of myopia in a child if he:

- frowns or squints when he looks into the distance;
- often complains of the occurrence of headaches;
- keeps textbooks and other subjects very close to the face;
- often blinks or rubs eyes.

What should I do if there is school shortsightedness?

What measures should parents take if their child has the first signs of myopia? First of all, take your child to the doctor. The specialist will choose the correction of this disease and prescribe the necessary therapy.

If short-sightedness is found in school-age children, treatment of this pathology should take place depending on its degree. When appointing a course, the doctor will also take into account the existing complications and progression of myopia.

Parents should be aware that this problem can not be completely eliminated. The most important task of therapy is to stop the pathology or slow its progression. It can also include correction of vision and prevention of complications.

It is especially important to pay close attention to school myopia, which has a progressive form. It occurs when the child's vision falls more than half the diopter per year. The timely treatment started with such a pathology will give more chances for the preservation of vision.

Correction of myopia

If myopia is detected in school-age children, treatment begins with the selection of glasses. This will make correction of vision. By and large, treatment can not be called this. However, glasses in childhood reduce the progression of myopia. This is due to the elimination of tension on the eyes.

If the myopia is poor or moderate in children of school age, treatment with glasses should not consist in their permanent wearing. They are recommended only for distance. But it happens that the child feels quite comfortable and without glasses. In this case, they should not be forced to wear.

A child may have a high degree of myopia or a progressive form. In this case, it is recommended to wear glasses constantly. This is especially true when the student has a divergent strabismus. Points at the same time will prevent amblyopia.

Older children can use contact lenses. They are especially important for anisometropia, when a large refractive difference (more than 2 diopters) is observed between the eyes.

Orthokeratological method

What other methods can be used to eliminate pathology if short-sightedness is detected in school-age children? Treatment is sometimes carried out using the orthokeratological method. It provides for the wearing of special lenses by the child. These adaptations change the shape of the cornea, making it more flat. However, it should be borne in mind that with this method, elimination of pathology is possible only within one or two days. After that, the cornea regains its shape.

Use of special tools

What other methods exist for eliminating pathology if short-sightedness is detected in school-age children? Treatment can be carried out with the help of "relaxing glasses". They have weakly positive lenses. This also helps to reduce accommodation.

Physicians have developed and one more glasses. They are called "laser-vizhn." These glasses slightly improve the vision in the distance, but the therapeutic effect does not have this.
If there is myopia in school-age children, treatment at home can be done with the help of special computer programs. They relax the eye muscles and relieve their spasm.

Also, there are a lot of hardware methods for treating myopia. These include vacuum massage and electric stimulation, infrared laser therapy, etc.

Preparations for getting rid of myopia

What medications are myopia treated in children of school age? Drugs for getting rid of this pathology should be prescribed by a doctor together with the implementation of special exercises, as well as compliance with the correct diet and daily regimen.

In order to avoid reducing visual acuity in a child, it is important to ensure that sufficient amounts of certain vitamins and biologically active substances enter the body. Specially developed for eye health Food supplements "LUTEIN-COMPLEX® Detsky" - a polycomponent product, which includes substances necessary for the normal functioning of the eyesight of a schoolboy from the age of 7: lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, berry extract, taurine, vitamins A, C, E and zinc. The combination of biologically active components, carefully selected according to the needs of the eyes, protects the eyes of the child, which is especially important since the 7th year, when the first serious visual loads begin in primary school, and reduces the risk of eye diseases.

One of the causes of myopia may be retinal dystrophy. How, then, to treat myopia in school-age children? Tablets to eliminate this phenomenon should affect the vessels of the retina, improving blood circulation in them. Such an effect is provided by the preparations "Vikasol", "Emoxicin", "Dicinon" and others. However, it should be borne in mind that vasodilators are not prescribed with existing hemorrhages.

In the case when near-sightedness occurs the formation of pathological foci, use drugs of resorption. It can be such means as "Lidase" and "Fibrinolysin".

Use of medicines for false myopia

In the case when myopia is associated with a spasm of the eye ciliary muscle, there is a need for its relaxation. In this case, the eye doctor appoints special drops. And their use must be combined with the performance of visual exercises.

Atropine is part of the relaxing drops. This substance is contained in the leaves and seeds of some plants and is a poisonous alkaloid. Preparations with atropine contribute to increased intraocular pressure. They dilate the pupil and lead to the fact that there is a paralysis of accommodation. In other words, the focal length changes. Paralysis caused by the action of the drug lasts for 4-6 hours, after which the muscle relaxes.

The course of such treatment lasts, as a rule, within a month. In this case, a drug such as "Irifrin", which alternates with "Midrialil" or with "Tropicamide", can be used.


With progressive myopia, as well as with the development of various complications, corrective therapy can not cope with pathology. In such cases, scleroplasty is used, which is one of the methods of surgical treatment.
The basis for its conduct is rapidly aggravated myopia (more than one diopter per year). As a result of the operation, the posterior pole of the eye is strengthened and its circulation improves.

What else can be applied to eliminate nearsightedness in school-age children, treatment? The feedback from specialists highly appreciates the possibilities of laser surgery. This method will be especially effective in progressing ailment as a measure for preventing retinal detachment and the appearance of discontinuities in it.

Gymnastics for the eyes

In order to stop myopia in a child, it is necessary to use complex therapy, which in addition to taking medicines should include non-drug methods. One of them is gymnastics for the eyes. Proper selection of exercises allows you to strengthen the muscles and exercise constant control over their condition. Moreover, such a complex is effective not only as a treatment, but also for the prevention of myopia.

And here you can use the exercises recommended by Zhdanov. This Russian scientist and public figure is known as the author of a technique for restoring vision without surgery. In his methods, he combined some strokes from the practice of yogis and the development of Bates.

How, when using this method, should myopia be eliminated in school-age children? Treatment for Zhdanov involves the use of a complex that includes:

- palming (palm resting on closed eyes);
- Exercises with blinking;
- relaxation with closed eyes with visualization of pleasant memories;
- exercise "Snake", in which you should lead your eyes through an imaginary sinusoid;
- solarization, that is, a short-term stop of a glance at a candle in a dark room.

Healthy foods

How should I go to eliminate myopia in school-age children, treatment? Nutrition along with the therapy should include foods rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Chromium and copper, zinc and magnesium are especially important for eyes. It is also desirable to eat foods rich in vitamins A and D.

Thus, for the treatment of myopia, one must eat:

- black and gray bread, as well as its varieties with bran;
- poultry, rabbit meat, as well as lamb and beef;
- seafood;
- dairy, vegetarian and fish soups;
- vegetables (fresh, colored, sea and sauerkraut, broccoli and beets, young green peas, sweet peppers and carrots);
- buckwheat, oatmeal, dark pasta;
- dairy products;
- eggs;
- prunes, figs, dried apricots, raisins;
- vegetable fats in the form of linseed, olive and mustard oil;
- green tea, compotes, fresh, kissels;
- fresh berries and fruits (peaches and sea buckthorn, melon and apricot, black and red currants, tangerines and grapefruits, oranges and chokeberry).

The food should consist of small portions, which are consumed six times a day.

Advice of folk medicine

How else can myopia be eliminated in school-age children? Treatment with folk remedies is also very effective, but it should be carried out in conjunction with exercise and the use of products rich in curative substances.

You can get rid of the child from myopia with the help of herbs. To prepare a healing drug, prepare a decoction of 15-20 grams of leaves and fruits of red ashberry and 30 grams of dioecious nettle. Ingredients pour 400 ml of warm water, simmer for a quarter of an hour and insist 2 hours. Take half a cup in a warm form 15 minutes before meals three times during the day.

Also for the treatment of myopia and its prevention, blueberry is excellent. In this berry a lot of manganese and other substances that are useful for the eyes.

With short-sightedness, your child can be helped by funds in the formulation of which includes needles. It is harvested in September, so that then the whole winter you can take curative decoctions.

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