
Muscle relaxants with osteochondrosis

Every second person in his life at least once, but felt systematic pain in his back. The fault of this is in 95% of cases is the osteochondrosis of the spine. With it, cartilages of intervertebral discs undergo degenerative-dystrophic damage, which causes the development of reactive changes in adjacent vertebrae and tissues near them. Often this disease is accompanied by a reflex syndrome, expressed in painful spasms of the dorsal muscles. Initially, they are protective, and then the disease begins to progress.

In the presence of dorsalgia due to osteochondrosis of the spine, the patient is recommended to comply with bed rest. The doctor prescribes medical therapy, which consists in the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and antidepressants.

Below we will consider in more detail how the muscle relaxants affect the disease.

When osteochondrosis, muscle spasms should be stopped to relieve pain. Miorelaxants are drugs that have a relaxing effect on muscle tissue. With the help of such drugs, it is possible to ease the pain caused by muscle spasms.

Miorelaxants with osteochondrosis block any muscular reflexes. This property is of great importance for surgical intervention and anesthesia, because muscle tonus most often interferes with intubation or surgery.

Medicines, relaxing muscles, are classified by the type of action on the muscle tissue. There are two types of drugs: peripheral influence and central influence. The first directly affect the cholinergic receptors of the muscles of the body and distort the interaction of the reactions of nerves and muscles. Muscle relaxants of peripheral action at the level of neuromuscular synapses cause relaxation of the muscles of the skeleton. These are curare-like drugs. In medicine, they are used for repositioning bone fragments, correcting dislocations, and surgical interventions.

The second group is represented by drugs that depress the central structure of the regulation of muscle tone. Muscle relaxants of central action reduce muscle tension, relieve pain, resulting in normalized motor function. They do not inhibit the transfer of impulses between muscles and nerve endings, unlike the first species. Their effect is to suppress the activity of intercalary neurons of the pathways of spinal cord reflex and above nerve endings.

Miorelaxants with osteochondrosis are prescribed by doctors to take painful sensations completely. The course of treatment can last several weeks.

Muscle relaxants are used:

  • To provide conditions for intubation of the trachea;
  • To ensure muscle relaxation during surgical interventions to create normal working conditions for a team of surgeons without the introduction of large doses of drugs of general anesthesia ;
  • If necessary, muscle relaxation during some diagnostic procedures that are performed using general anesthesia;
  • To carry out mechanical ventilation to suppress an independent respiratory reflex;
  • To eliminate seizures in the case of insufficient exposure to anticonvulsants;
  • For blockade of such protective reflexes to cold, as a hypertonic muscle, muscular tremor;
  • For miorelaxation during reposition of bone fragments and correction of dislocations.

Miorelaxants have a number of contraindications:

- myasthenic syndrome;

- Duchesne's myopathy;

- Myasthenia gravis;

- Myotonia;

- Bekker's myopathy;

- systematic family paralysis.

You can not use them in the absence of conditions for performing ventilation.

Side effects can occur in dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness. Sometimes there is a dependence if a long time to take muscle relaxants in osteochondrosis.

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