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Mullein scepeter-like: description and application

The miraculous power of medicinal plants was successfully used by our ancestors already 5-6 millennia ago. Unfortunately, the recipes of many of the ancient potions are irretrievably lost, but even those that have survived to this day are not always used in sufficient measure. But they could bring relief to many people who are forced to swallow tablets that have a whole list of side effects. For example, the medicinal properties of the mullein scepeter-like allow it to be used to get rid of several dozen health problems.


Mullein scepeter-like is a 2-year-old woolly-felt plant. It has an erect stem, 30 to 120 cm in height, and pointed, elongated, low-leaf leaves. The main decoration of the mullein is a long (up to 30 cm) ear. It is covered with yellow flowers. Each of them has an almost regular corolla with 5 stamens. Of these, whitish-felt stamen threads are located on the top three, and the lower two are naked. The plant has fruits in the form of a densely pubescent capsule, in which there are numerous brown, cylindrical-pyramidal seeds.

Chemical composition

The flowers of this plant contain:

  • Up to 2.5 percent of mucus;
  • Saponins;
  • About 11 percent of sugar, including glucose;
  • The coloring substance α-crocetin C20H24O4;
  • 11-12 percent of other carbohydrates;
  • gum;
  • Traces of essential oil;
  • Coumarins and β-carotene.

In addition, the roots of the mullein are acid C16H30O4 and flavonoids. Rich in this plant and vitamin C: in leaves it is contained in an amount of 13 mg per 100 g, and in flowers - 37 mg per 100 g.

Mullein scepeter-like: reproduction and cultivation

Verbascum densiflorum reproduces exclusively by seeds, which are very small, 2 times smaller than poppy seeds. In the wild, the mullein scepteroid grows on dry meadows, pastures, hillsides. And for its normal development is suitable even the poorest and least suitable for farming soil.

With regard to the breeding of this plant, it can be grown in the garden or in the suburban area, choosing not too wet and sufficiently bright place. In the first year, you should grow seedlings in a separate small bed.

Mullein seeds should be sown in spring or autumn to a depth of not more than 1 cm or on the surface of the soil. After the shoots appear, they should be weeded out, leaving a distance of 10 cm between the neighbors.

You can also do the following: collect and plant on a selected bed of young plants that have risen on the site or in its vicinity from the self-seed.

In late August - early September, the mullein along with the earth, clothed its roots, should be transplanted to a place where the plants will winter and will blossom next year. In this case, each individual specimen should be allocated an area of about 40 by 40 cm.

Collection of raw materials

For the preparation of medicinal products, folk medicine specialists recommend the use only of plants in which the stamens have orange pubescence, since specimens with purple hairs covering the stamens do not have a curative effect.

Prepared freshly blown flowers containing the largest number of saponins, flavonoids, glycosides, sugar, carotene, mucus, organic acids, mineral salts and essential oil should be prepared. In order not to damage them, the spikelets are cut closer to noon and wait until their contents fall off by themselves.

The flowers of the mullein scepterous are laid out in a thin layer in an attic or in any other dry dark and ventilated place, wait 2 days, and then keep in the oven, heated to 40 degrees Celsius, until they become brittle.

Ready raw materials should be stored in a sealed container. In this case, it can retain its properties for up to 2 years. Dampened dried flowers are not allowed to use, because instead of good, such a medicine can only bring harm.

Mullein scepeter-like, tinctures: how to make a variant for alcohol

To prepare the medicine, first of all, you need 1/2 liter of alcohol or vodka, which you need to pour 50 g of dried flowers of this plant. Then the dishes are tightly closed with a lid and put in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this period, the liquid is filtered through cheesecloth, poured into a bottle and stored, stoppered, in a dark cool place, using as needed. Typically, this infusion is used externally for compresses and rubbing.

Water infusion

A healer from the mullein scepter-like can be prepared on water. To do this, 1 tbsp. L. Flowers plants pour 2 cups of boiling water and insist for 4 hours in a sealed container, placed in a warm place, and then filter. Use this infusion of 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

In some diseases, a more saturated remedy is obtained, which is obtained by brewing 20 g of mullein flowers of a scepter-like glass of boiling water. It can be eaten, strictly observing the dosage (inside 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon of infusion for 20-30 minutes before eating).

Healing properties

The main thing for which the mullein is grown scepeter-like is application in medicine. It is interesting that this plant is actively used almost everywhere. For example, alcoholic infusions from flowers of this plant were traditionally taken by residents of Western Siberia and the Urals with pulmonary tuberculosis, coughing, whooping cough, runny nose, bronchial and lung inflammation, with dyspnea, lacrimation and other diseases, and Iranian physicians assigned its aqueous analogue to heart diseases and Genitourinary sphere, furuncles, stomatitis, diathesis and bruises. In addition, in the countries of the Arab East, a scepter-like mullein was used to prepare a drink that was given to lactating mothers to stimulate the production of breast milk.


There are many options for the use of these flowers in a plant such as mullein scepeteroid. So, it is used for rubbing as an anesthetic for arthritis and rheumatism.

In addition, from the roots of this plant prepare a decoction, which is used for baths with hemorrhoids, and in particularly serious cases it is used as a liquid for lotions.

Medicinal properties are even leaves Mullein, which scalded with boiling water and put on the burns, as well as purulent and hard-healing wounds.

Multiple recipes

There are many options for preparing medicines for the treatment of specific diseases. We present some of them.

In a glass of milk, 30 g of fresh leaves of mullein are boiled. The resulting liquid, which has an anesthetic property, is used for poultice on the anal region. It is also effective for burns. In the latter case, she should moisten a piece of sterile gauze, folded 4 times, and apply to burns.

Take the flowers of linden - 5 g, Mullein - 2 g and elderberry black-3 g. The mixture is poured 2 tbsp. Boiling water, insist 2 hours in a thermos bottle. Then filter and squeeze. Is taken orally in a hot form as a diaphoretic.

Take 2 tsp. Anise ordinary and flowers mullein scepeter-like, 3 tsp. Licorice root bare, 1 tsp. Violet root, 4 parts of leaves of mother-and-stepmother's plant and 8 tsp. Root of the althea medicinal. All ingredients are ground, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 20 minutes. The filtered liquid is drunk in an amount of ½ st. Every 3 hours in order to get rid of cough and other manifestations of bronchitis.

Use in landscape design

Today, in fashion, including in the field of landscape design, naturalness. For these purposes, the real finding is the mullein scepeter-like. Use in gardening of this plant is very diverse. For example, it perfectly fits as the main decoration for a flower bed, as its ear will be beautifully towering over any composition.

Moreover, if in medicine only mullein is used scepeter-like with yellow flowers, then for the decoration of the garden you can use other species, the number of which reaches three hundred. By the way, it is not necessary to use wild forms, for example, Sautenr Charm with an incredibly beautiful pale pink flowers, which will not go unnoticed even in the neighborhood with gladioli or irises, was brought out by gardeners, for example.

Planting a mullein on your flowerbed once, you can be sure that in future years it will continue to grow in the same place, as it multiplies perfectly by self-seeding. However, even if you had specimens with flowers of only one color, next year, descendants of different colors may appear. Therefore, for those who are important for the color uniformity of beds, it is better to use reproduction by means of root cuttings. To make division is better in the end of summer or in the beginning of autumn, after the mother plant waxes. It should be excavated and carefully cut the root into 3-4 pieces about 6 cm in size. After that, the cuttings are laid in a bed, covered with a layer of sand in 1-2 cm, and a 2-cm layer of soil is laid on top.

Now you know what a mullein scepeterlike can bring. In the pharmacy it can be purchased in the form of dried flowers, packaged in sachets. Also, sometimes they sell various collections of medicinal herbs, which include Mullein.

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