
Mountain pine Mugus: planting and care, reproduction, photo

To what only methods gardeners and professional landscape designers do not resort to decorate the territory with dignity and beauty. The choice of plants, trees and shrubs allows you to make cozy corners, using natural material. Especially popular in such cases is the mountain pine Mugus. Planting and caring for this plant is not particularly difficult. This tree can be considered a real garden decoration. Let's talk about the peculiarities of its cultivation.

Unique gift from nature

What does this plant like? Of course for the beauty. Evergreen needles, which cover the entire tree with a three-dimensional crown, pleases the eye all year round. Mountain pine Mugus, planting and care for which will not be difficult, in the summer stands among the inhabitants of the garden a riot of colors. Beautiful green needles in summer create a feeling of coziness and unity with nature. In winter, covered with hoarfrost and snow, it remains a vivid memory of the warm months, giving the fragrance of resin and freshness. Very often this plant is used to decorate a Japanese garden.

Biological features

What is a mountain pine Mugus? Planting and nursing, reproduction and accommodation are the items that we will consider in this article. The plant is referred to as coniferous evergreen shrubs. For small size it is considered a dwarf representative of the flora. Pine grows no more than 2-3 meters in height. But there are also giants up to 10 meters. Its crown reaches about 3-4 meters in diameter. The pine grows Mugus slowly. In a year, the growth is about 10 centimeters in height and about 12 centimeters in width. In natural conditions, the plant is found from the Balkans to the Eastern Alps. The shrub has a sprawling crown, the shoots of which spread along the ground, and then rise upwards. The result is a spherical plant. Mountain pine Mugus, planting and caring for which interests many gardeners, has a hard, thick needles. It is a little twisted and collected in bundles of two. Needles have a dark, green color and reach a length of 3-4 centimeters. Their life span is from 3 to 5 years. Very impressive plant complement the cones. They have a yellow-brown color and are directed upwards. Usually, cones appear for the first time in a 6-8 year old plant. Their length is from 3 to 6 centimeters. The roots of the pine are well branched, rod-shaped. Here are the features of the mountain pine Mugus. Planting and care, watering, reproduction and other subtleties - this is what we'll talk about further.

Peak decorative

For the whole year pine can change its appearance several times. At the beginning of growth, young shoots have a light green hue. Then they get a dark brown color. At the end of its development, the needles become violet-brown. This it remains in the future. The main peak of decorativeness is from mid-May to mid-July. At this time, the pine releases clusters of male spikelets. They have a pink or yellow color. Also begin to mature female bumps, which are located directly up on a short leg. At this moment the pine mountain Mugus is especially beautiful. Planting and caring for this plant will give you pleasure.

Place for planting

This plant can not be called very demanding to the place of planting. That's why it is popular among landscape designers. They can decorate any corner of the garden. Mountain pine Mugus, the planting of which is the first point of breeding, easily tolerates even poor and compacted soils. It is well established on stony, acidic, sandy and clay areas. It is better to choose places with enough lighting. Although, it is worth noting that this species is more adapted to shade than other varieties. When planted in heavy soils with severe salinization, disease resistance may decrease. Very good pine looks on the loose slopes and in the hedges. It can be grown in containers, stony and heath gardens.


Pine Mugus well tolerates both drought and high humidity. Therefore, the plant practically does not require additional irrigation. The fallen pine needles form a kind of litter, good thickness. This holds the moisture at the bottom. We can say that the pine can adapt in any climatic conditions. However, if it is watered in a very dry period, it will become even more attractive. How does the pine mountain Mugus tolerate winter? Planting and care of the plant are available to any gardener. Pine has good winter hardiness. Its branches are very strong and do not break under the weight of snow. Strong winds are also not terrible for this representative of the plant world. In addition, the pine protects the soil from erosion.

Selection of seedlings

The main thing for good growth and development is the choice of quality seedlings. When buying, you should pay attention to the general appearance of the plant. Regardless of the size, you need to examine the measles system. It should not be damaged. The roots must be strong and healthy in accordance with the size of the seedling. Also, carefully examine the needles. It should not be listless and yellow. Thanks to a successful purchase in your garden there will be a beautiful mountain pine Mugus. Landing and care, photos and tips are in this article.


The unpretentiousness of the plant reduces all measures for planting it to a minimum. Planting seedlings should be at a distance of 5-10 meters from each other. The depth of the landing pit is no more than one meter (it all depends on the age of the plant). The root collar of the seedlings must remain on top. If the soil is heavy, then it is necessary to ensure good drainage. For this, a layer of sand or gravel, a thickness of 5 to 25 centimeters, is poured on the bottom of the pit. During planting, you need to make fertilizer. For this use humus or nitroammofosku. In the first two years of life, you can make mineral fertilizers, for good growth and development. This is approximately 35-45 grams per square meter. Young plants, whose age is up to 5 years, can often be transplanted from place to place. More mature pines are best immediately landed on a permanent plot. But if there is a need for their movement, it is necessary to freeze the earth clod or carry out early preparation of the root system.

Reproduction of pine

Pine mountain Mugus, care for which is a minimum of agrotechnical techniques, multiplies by seeds. Two-coniferous varieties form seeds mainly in spring. Before planting, it is necessary to carry out stratification, that is, artificial preparation for sowing. In a month, the seeds will be ready for planting. In five coniferous plants, the stratification process lasts about 4-5 months. Seeds of mountain pine completely ripen in two years from the moment of pollination. The second way to multiply is vaccination. It is suitable for highly decorative plants. It must be done by a specialist. This will guarantee a good result. Cuttings pine pine does not multiply. All attempts to grow shrubs by this method have not yielded results. It is best to purchase ready-made seedlings in special nurseries.


If you want to plant a beautiful, unpretentious and noble plant, it is a mountain pine Mugus. Planting, the soil for which does not necessarily have to be fertile, will not cause difficulties. Care for the pine also reduces to a minimum of agricultural techniques. Pine is not afraid of drought, frost, rain and winds. It not only adapts well to different climatic conditions. Mountain pine cleans the air of pollutants, saturating it with a pleasant aroma. The smell of pine needles and the healing properties of plants protect it from pests and diseases. That's why pine does not require the use of chemicals and other protective equipment. When buying mountain pine, you must carefully plan the site. The plant requires a certain space for good growth and development. An adult pine will shade the plot a little. Therefore, near you need to plant plants that are not demanding of the sun. Immediately after planting, you need to regularly moisten the soil so that the pine is well established. Further, Mugus practically does not require care. That the bush had beautiful well-groomed kind, it is necessary to form its crown by pruning.

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