News and Society, Nature
Monkey game dwarf at home: proper care and content
Monkey game dwarfish - this is a miniature and funny creation! It's just perfect for keeping at home. With the proper care of her care the game will please its owners for many years. Monkey game, the price of which in Russia ranges from 80 to 100 thousand rubles, is absolutely not capricious in the choice of food, does not have an unpleasant smell and does not bring any anxiety at night with its cheerful and cheerful twitter. Igroynki lead a daily life.
Monkey igrinka - the smallest primacy on our planet. They grow only up to 10-15 centimeters in length (without a tail). Their tail is much longer than the trunk - from 18 to 22 centimeters! They weigh only some 100-150 grams, imagine? Well, these are pocket monkeys! Their fur is quite thick, long and colored in brownish-golden colors on the back and orange (or white) on the abdomen. Thick bunches of wool, growing around the muzzle, create a visual effect of the mane!
Maintenance and care
Choosing a terrarium
Today monkey game (photo 1, 2, 3) enjoys no less popularity among wealthy people than traditional pets: dogs, cats, hamsters and parrots. For their correct maintenance, a spacious and bright terrarium is needed, in which there must be many twigs, snags and a laddock. This will allow your "kids" to jump from the heart! For example, for a pair of toys it is necessary to choose a terrarium with a length of at least 1 meter and a height of 1.5 meters. The larger and more spacious "house" for a monkey, so it will be more fun in it.
Loneliness is boredom!
A dwarf toy monkey does not like being alone. If you have the money, it is better to buy a pair of these monkeys. Do not be surprised, after "moving" to a new "house" they will first be frightened of you and your slightest movements. Fortunately, these funny creatures are fairly easy and quick to tame, watching with interest all that is happening around.
Lovely and friendly
Monkey igrinka is a very sweet and friendly creature. She treats her master well, and in some cases even mistakes her for her! This is manifested in the fact that the monkey with great pleasure begins to touch the person on his head hair in search of mythical fleas, and also with great desire to accept affection.
I think you will agree with me that I want to squeeze into this embrace this small miracle of nature! However, it is better to restrain yourself. The fact is that these creatures are rather delicate and fragile. Many game owners generally advise not to take them in their hands too often, especially "sissy". Monkeys need a more natural content - in the terrarium.
Dinner is served!
In general, igrjanki are insectivorous animals. In addition, in nature they often eat eggs of birds, honey, small lizards, plant products. At home, these cuties need to be fed with fruits (pears, bananas, oranges, apples) and berries. Many owners of game toys recommend to include in their diet various baby food (cereal and mashed potatoes), as well as vitamin supplements. To have a monkey had a variety of menus to choose from, in the terrarium you need to put several bowls of food at once - one for a certain type of food. Do not forget about the bowl with water!
Balm on the heart!
Little dwarf toys are very funny and cute homemade monkeys. You can not even imagine how they frolic. Like little children! Give these wonderful creatures their care and affection, and you will see that they will reciprocate you.
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