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Kuril reserve. Sakhalin Oblast Nature Reserve

Modern man looks at the world through the screen. This is some average estimate. Agree, on travel not at all there are means. And the world is so great! So we are studying it through the computer, the good is now easy. However, is it possible in this way to feel a thrill in the soul, necessarily arising from the contemplation of the stunning corners of the planet? Take, for example, the Kuril reserve. Who was there, he will confirm: no films or photos will reflect the magic essence of this extraordinary place.

Location and climate

The Kuril reserve occupies a considerable area (65,365 hectares). It consists of three islands. These are Kunashir, Demina and Shards. The first of them belongs to the Great Kurile ridge and is the largest in area. The islands are a product of volcanic activity. The terrain here is mountainous, there are rivers and lakes. The Kuril reserve is famous for its mineral springs. It is interesting that they all differ in chemical composition, temperature regime. The most famous are the Tretyakov, Alekhin and Golovninsky. Since the Kurile Islands are formed by volcanic activity, the relief is mountainous. The rivers here are small, no more than twenty kilometers. Most of them spawning. The largest is Tyatin (Kunashir). It flows directly along the volcanic ridge of Dokuchaev. In this part the reserve is mountainous. And to the north it takes on a hilly character. There is also the largest in the reserve Peschanoe Lake. This almost clerical description, of course, does not convey the splendor of this place. We add that the climate here is very mild. Winter does not scare the frosts, and the summer is hot. The only factor that does not necessarily appeal to a person is the monsoon. Winds and hurricanes Kurilsky reserve stands up staunchly, responding with only a small rise in water in the rivers.

A bit of history

Already on the dry description given above, it is clear that the Kurile Islands - the richest region. You have not yet read about the plant and animal life! How did he survive the storms and troubles that have befallen Russia in recent centuries? There were not indifferent people. Work on the creation of a protected corner began in 1947. Many prominent scientists talked about the need to protect this original, magical place from destruction. The reserve project was established in 1975. And this event took place after the signing of an agreement with Japan on the protection of nesting habitats and migratory birds. Further, the territory of the guard zone expanded. In this form it was formed in 1984. And, what is noteworthy, the subsequent collapse of the USSR, the devastation in Russia of the nineties did not have a negative impact on these territories. The reserve is preserved!


Reserves, as you know, are different. The goal of their creation is the same - to preserve the pristine nature of the corner of the magnificent nature. That the activity of greedy humanity is not reflected in the wealth created long before our appearance in this world. In the Kuril Islands, there is something to be proud of and what to protect. Mostly the area is wooded. For the most part, coniferous species grow. But how amazing it is to see tropical lianas among the cedars and firs! This is just a miracle. Scientists have calculated that the hardwoods in the reserve are only ten percent. But they are so peculiarly woven into the taiga landscapes that they make this place uniquely beautiful. And on forest glades near trees the space bamboo maker, forming impassable thickets takes away. Herbs in the lowlands reach a height of four to five meters. Where else did you see this? Kunashir is not connected to the mainland by land. Because of this, very rare plant species have been preserved on its hills and in the mountains. There is a so-called vertical zonality. That is, the nature of the vegetation changes during the progress in the mountains. If you go from shore, then broad-leaved and coniferous forests are replaced first by fir, then - stone-birch, then - cedar stlanikom. There is something to admire, dying in admiration.


It seems that the edge cut off from the mainland can not be densely populated. However, this is a mistake. We will not list the figures. It should only be noted that the wildlife of the reserve has not been fully studied yet! Science for a long time was convinced of the similarity, for example, of the insects of the Kuriles with species inhabiting Japan. Only in recent years it turned out that there are own endemics. Today they are known 37. Widespread in the reserve marine mollusks. They are found off the coast and in the lakes. That is, freshwater species are also represented. Shellfish pearls are listed in the Red Book. Even Kunashir is proud of its salmon. Here the largest pink salmon in the entire Far East spawns, and the Kuril chum is leading the world in size. Amphibians also have something to see. Three species of frogs live in Kunashir. Unusual reptiles are also there. For example, only in the reserve you can meet the Far Eastern skink (lizard). Nowhere else in Russia does this species live.

Birds and mammals

Feathered reserve - a special conversation. The fact is that the Kurile Islands are important on a global scale. They are a place for resting migratory birds. Hundreds of thousands of feathered travelers find here shelter and feed. Without this corner, the planet would have lost many rare species. Here are some statistics. In total, 278 species of birds can be found in the reserve, and 125 live permanently. When winter comes to the Southern Hemisphere, birds fly to the local shores. For example, there are loons and cormorants, swans and dead ends, rhinoceroses. Only ornithologists will understand this multicolored and loud world. We add that the protection of the reserve has a truly planetary significance. The islands are a significant point on the map of the feathered world. We should add a few surprising facts. Do you know that there are fish fillets? This rare species nests in the reserve. Still here you can meet the Japanese cranes, also considered to be endangered. Among the large animals should be pointed brown bear, sable, chipmunk, caress and even mink. These animals multiply successfully on Kunashir.

The importance of the reserve

Even from a short text it is already clear that this world is unique. People are trying to understand what are the reserves, what is interesting in them, than to admire. In fact, not only natural beauty and rare animals are important. It is necessary to appreciate the wisdom and work of those who care about these incredible corners of the pristine nature, thereby allowing the planet to survive, despite the activities of mankind.

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