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Sumatran Tiger: description, breeding, habitat

Tiger Sumatran (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is a subspecies of tigers that lives on the island of Sumatra. In this article, we will consider this predator in detail, find out how it looks, where it lives, how it multiplies, etc.


He is not very similar to his relatives from the Amur Region, India, etc. Such tigers are not so great as Bengal (Indian) and Amur species. He is quite aggressive, because he had a negative experience with people.

The Sumatran tiger (the cat family) is the smallest of all its relatives. He differs from his fellow men in behavior and habits, as well as in appearance (a different coloration, in addition, the location of dark bands, features in its structures).

Has strong limbs. The hind legs are long enough that it helps the animals to make very large jumps. Five fingers on the front paws, and on the back - only 4. Between them there are membranes.

The males on the cheeks, throat and neck grow very long sideburns, protecting the snout from twigs and branches while moving through the jungle. The long tail, which is used by predators for balance when running (with a rapid change of direction), as well as for communication with other individuals.

The eyes are large, the vision is colored, the pupil is round. The tongue is covered with tubercles, helping predators to rip off skin and meat from their victims.


The Sumatran tiger lives up to 15 years in nature, and in captivity its life expectancy reaches 20 years.


Animals live in tropical jungles, as well as mountainous, lowland and lowland forests.


The main body background is reddish-brown or orange, black stripes. Paws are striped. Wide bands, located very close, due to which often two near bands merge. The yellow iris of the eye, the blue one has a white Sumatran tiger. Large cats have white spots behind the ears, which for predators stalking from behind, serve as false eyes.


The animal from the ambush rarely attacks: mostly trying to sniff out prey, then it sneaks, jumps out of the bushes and rushes to the chase. Therefore, the Sumatran tiger of small size with very powerful paws - for a long chase it is very convenient. Periodically, animals run for their purpose through the island. There was a case where one tiger ran after a buffalo for several days! The Sumatran tiger is very aggressive.

Active in summer at twilight and at night, in the daytime - in winter. Another method of hunting is an ambush attack. In this tiger on the victim attacks from behind (biting it in the neck, thereby breaking the spine), and also from the side (strangling it). Causes when possible in the water, ungulate game, here he has the advantage - the animal is a wonderful swimmer.

Drags the prey to a safe place, where it eats. A tiger can eat about 18 kg of meat in one sitting. The beast after such a meal can not eat for several days. He is very fond of water - often bathes in water. Communicating with each other, the tigers rub their muzzles.


Some individuals after birth with tigresses do not remain. But Sumatran tigers behave differently. Basically, future fathers with "wives" remain during pregnancy, and also until the moment when cubs grow. Only after this, the caring father leaves the family and this tigress is no longer shown until she is again capable of mating.


Pregnancy of the female lasts on average 110 days. She usually gives birth to 2-3 kittens. The Sumatran tiger opens its eyes on the tenth day. Up to eight weeks the kittens drink only their mother's milk, after which she starts to feed them with various solid foods. Tiger cubs begin to leave their lair in 2 months. This lactation lasts about six months. In the same period, they begin to go hunting together with their mother. Little mothers do not leave tiger cubs until they learn to hunt independently (about 18 months).

Young cubs from the territory of the father go away (the tiger takes the females only when they are populated near it). They begin an adult independent life, while young tigresses are much easier than males. The latter leave for unoccupied, inconspicuous lands or they are conquered by foreign tigers. Periodically, they live quite a long time unnoticed in a foreign territory, while after they grow up, they win it.

There are times when males take the territory even from their own fathers. When, finally, the place is found, the tigers mark it with urine. A year later they are ready for mating, therefore, they begin to actively involve young females. They call them the scent of prey, evening games and a call roar. Thus, a new generation begins its life. After six months there are cubs, after which everything starts again.

Periodically, males are forced to fight for females. Such fights are impressive: the animals roar loudly, their fur rises, their eyes sparkle, the males beat each other's forepaws and make jumps. Thus, the battle season ends, ending with a period of pairing.

Status of the population

This subspecies is on the verge of total extinction. Inhabited only on the island. Sumatra, animals do not have the ability to breed in other regions. At the moment there are about 600 of them left, several animals use a circus. The Sumatran tigers are threatened by poaching, loss of their habitats (increased palm tree plantations , logging for the woodworking and pulp and paper industries, conflicts with humans and fragmentation of the range).

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