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Mongolia At the End of Xii V.

Genghis Khan did not sit idly by. In 1199 the Tajuts, Hatagins, Saljuts, Derbats, Ongyrats and other tribes, seeing a real threat from Tamuchin-Chingis, decided to strike by the combined forces in the camps of him and Ong-Khan. Genghis Khan this time managed not to allow them time to unite and break them singly in the areas of Lake. Buir-Nur and Colen-Nur.

But soon the leaders of eight large tribes, including those listed and still Tatars, Oirats and Naimans, formed a coalition against Genghis Khan and in 1201 they elected Jamuq Khan with the title of Gur Khan ("universal khan") at Khurultai. But although the superiority of forces was on the side of Jamuqa, Genghis Khan, along with the kareits, defeated him in the battle in the tract Koiiten somewhere between the lake. Buir-Nur and Colen-Nur.

In 1206, on a grand hurultay in the upper reaches of Onon, Temuchin was elevated to the throne of the Great Khan of Mongolia with the title Genghis Khan. He immediately divided the entire population of the country into 95 "thousands", i.e., such units that could have put up a militia of 1000 soldiers, and distributed them to members of his squad, military commanders and associates in hereditary possession as awards. "Thousands" consisted of "hundreds" and "tens"; The army population was divided into the right and left wing and center. But the basic unit of accounting was "one thousand".

The "Thousand" of this era was an administrative unit and at the same time a hereditary feudal possession of the noyon, from which the owner extracted all the livestock products he needed. The transfer of the arata from one unit to another was prohibited. The creation of a new military-administrative system by Genghis Khan was an act of attaching the arats to the noyons-feudal lords.

Simultaneously, Genghis Khan increased the number of his personal guard, bringing it to 10 thousand people. It was recruited in accordance with the established norm from the sons of thousandaires, centurions, tenemen, and, in the terminology of PI Kafarov, "people of a free state," that is, apparently separated from the clan collectives of rich arats. Guardsmen were provided with all the necessary means of collection in the corresponding "thousands". The Khan's personal guards were mostly aristocratic in composition. Mongolia at the end of the 12th century ....

She was granted great rights and privileges. It not only provided protection for the Great Khan's person in peacetime and on the battlefields, but also represented the main force of suppression of the opposition in the army and the state. The Guards included the khan's office for governing the country and relations with foreign states. Later, the cadres of officials to the most important state posts were selected from the Guard.

On the same Khurultai in 1206, the Great Khan placed the pupil of his mother Shigi-Khutuha at the head of the "supreme state court", imposing him on duty "to eradicate theft and destroy deception in the state" and distribute the population of newly conquered nomadic and settled areas among members of the khan's clan , And also ordered him to continue to write down the judicial and administrative decisions approved by him. Some of them were included in the collection, later called "Yasa Genghis Khan" - a code of codified norms of Mongolian customary law.

Mongolia at the end of the XII century.

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