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Mi-28N "Night Hunter": specifications and photos
Combat helicopters of the world from the moment of their appearance over the battlefields (and it happened during the Second World War) have undergone great changes. The commanders of the armies at that time did not attach much importance to them, assigning the role of auxiliary means: the rotorcraft were used mainly for the evacuation of the wounded from the remote areas of the fronts. So it was in Korea. The situation began to change in Vietnam, when the US Army used these machines to attack ground targets, equipping them with small arms and missiles, and then received the first attack helicopters. Similar metamorphoses occurred in the USSR, although with some differences in approaches. Ultimately, Soviet military experts recognized the advantages of the American line of development of shock frontline rotorcraft. The Mi-28N helicopter became the result of changing the approach of Russian aircraft builders. At the moment it is considered the best in its class. This is exactly the case when it was possible to "catch up and overtake".
Storm Troopers
During World War II, the ground attack aircraft was the main means of inflicting pinpoint strikes against headquarters, communication centers, tank columns and other relatively small-sized targets. In the first tragic days of the war, the Junkers-87 bombs crashed onto the heads of our soldiers, who had rather modest flight characteristics, but fully realized the advantages of surprise. Created by Ilyushin Design Bureau "Flying Tank" IL-2 had a number of advantages in comparison with the German analog, the main of which was tremendous survivability, due to a thoughtful rational layout and powerful armor combined with the carcass-carrying function. About the use of helicopters as storm troopers, then no one even thought about, and these aircraft were perceived as a ridiculous exotica, for military purposes, it is of little use. In two decades, the helicopter will inherit the best features of "flying tanks" and will become the main strike unit of air support for troops during tactical operations.
"Huey" and "Cobra"
UH-1 The Iroquois, nicknamed the American soldiers Huey, thanks to its characteristics became one of the most mass-produced rotorcraft in the history of mankind. It is reliable, easy to operate, can carry a lot of useful cargo at small sizes. This helicopter is a multipurpose helicopter, used as a landing aid, flying ambulance or an air truck. UH-1 also carried out fire support missions, but it was impossible to name the full "drummer". The reason for Huey's vulnerability was the lack of armor protection - it had only the driver's seats and fuel tanks. However, the successful layout and powerful power plant found application in another machine, the AH-1 Cobra, developed by the same firm Bell. A narrow predatory fuselage replaced the wide "body" of "Huey", the pilots were placed in tandem, one after another, their functions also divided. While one was driving the car, the second was trying to detect and destroy the enemy. More in the car there was no place for anyone, all the useful weight ate armor and weapons. Combat helicopter Mi-28N in its main circuit is built the same way.
The Soviet way of development of combat helicopters
Meanwhile, in the USSR aircraft designers tried to combine landing and shock functions in one car. For this, the same method of "borrowing" the power plant and the layout scheme was used, only for the basis was taken the Mi-8, the most common Soviet helicopter. The result was generally good, but the car was too big and heavy. Mi-24 helicopters looked more powerful and impressive than the small "Cobra", but were inferior to them in maneuverability, the possibility of a secretive approach to the goal and vulnerability. It is always more correct to use someone else's experience, and he showed that combining two functions in one machine does not benefit any of them. In addition, during the time that has passed since the Vietnam War, the Americans continued the development of shock helicopters, creating the "Apache" AH-64, which has serious information equipment and became the world's first conceptual rotorcraft frontal attack aircraft. Afghanistan has clearly demonstrated that the army needs new combat helicopters.
The task is to see in the dark
An analogue of Apache is the Mi-28 helicopter, which has already started producing the Rostov Helicopter Plant since the mid-1980s. The machine turned out very good, in many respects superior to the transoceanic analogue. However, the experience of combat use of helicopters by Americans during several armed conflicts has revealed many systemic defects. It turned out that in the dark or in conditions of poor visibility, Apaches behave unpredictably. During the Desert Storm several vehicles were lost by the US Army due to collisions with the ground and among themselves, despite the presence of night vision systems. On effective "work" in the dark and speech did not go. The same problems were pursued by the federal forces in Chechnya. The tactics of guerrilla warfare are most effective at night. In the dark, the enemy maneuvers, regroups and deals sudden blows, after which, as a rule, he successfully leaves for a safe place. To resist this tactic can only helicopter - "night hunter", seeing in the darkness and fog.
The new helicopter and its main differences
Before the team of design bureaus. ML Mila was not an easy task. It was almost impossible to develop a new car in the early nineties, this simply did not have enough funding. Based on the Mi-28A, the upgraded version of the Mi-28. Assembly conveyor at the plant in Rostov, it was desirable not to subject to major changes, production has already been debugged. However, the need to review many of the constructive and informational schemes is already overdue. Mi-28A and Mi-26N helicopters are very similar in appearance. But under a similar "exterior" there is a big difference. Changes have touched the main reducer and many other units. Other things became electronics, other nodes and units. From the old helicopter remained a powerful armored fuselage, some weapons systems and layout. There is one more detail, which distinguishes these combat helicopters. The photo of the top of the machine, namely the axis of the main rotor, is shown by a certain ball. It is in it are all-seeing "eyes" of the hunter.
General Architecture
The Mi-28 glider is built according to the principles corresponding to the concepts of the fifth generation of combat rotorcraft. 98% of assembly units produced in Russia. The blades are made of composite polymer and have a uniform structure, as well as profiles with special aerodynamic characteristics, which reduces the noise produced by them. Bushings, as a rule, do not need lubrication, which seriously simplifies operation. During the work, the designers had to ensure that the Mi-28N "Night Hunter" in flight characteristics (take-off weight - 10.5 tons, speed - 300 km / h, ceiling - 3600 m static, 6000 m dynamic, combat load - over 2 T) was not inferior to the basic model capable of performing aerobatics figures while observing the borrowed principles of layout, booking and duplication of the main vital nodes. The peculiarities of the approach were to make of the machine a kind of cyberorganism with its own sensorics and the ability to react instantly to threats arising in the course of the combat mission.
The control system is maximally integrated. All the data necessary to complete the task are displayed on three screens in each of the two insulated booths. Information processing is carried out by three on-board computers and several peripheral processors. The interface has an open architecture, which simplifies the operational change of tasks. The ergonomics of the cabins has been perfected.
Mi-28N helicopter "Night Hunter" itself determines its own coordinates. To do this, its control system receives all information from external objective sources: thermal imaging sensors, optical cameras and airborne locator ("Arbalet" radar) located on the axis of the main rotor. Thanks to the information on the spatial position, many important features of the machine's behavior are ensured, such as the ability to fly at extremely low altitudes (from 5 meters), automatic deviation from obstacles (poles, trees, power line supports, etc.), not to mention collision with the ground.
Artillery armament
The main goal for which the helicopter "Night Hunter" was created is to conduct combat operations in conditions of low visibility and with its complete absence. Its predecessor, the Mi-28, in all respects a machine outstanding, including in terms of firepower, so the range of weapons Mi-24N in general repeats the rigging of the prototype. The 30 mm cannon in the bow remained the same (2A42), as was its rotary mechanism, which made it possible to shoot a part of the rear hemisphere (up to 110 degrees) and a deviation of 53 degrees vertically. Perhaps, it will be replaced by an even more sophisticated weapon, developed specifically for the Mi-28N. "Night Hunter" has not yet got rid of the strong impact, which prevents the fire from firing accurately. The weight of the gun should be reduced and displaced closer to the center of gravity of the machine, as already announced by the engineers of the Mil Design Bureau.
The guided Ataka-V missile can strike at any supersonic speed any armored target, even if covered by dynamic defense. No interference with it - it will pass through the fog, smoke and dust. The new Ataka-D ATGMs have an effective range of up to 8 km. But not in all cases the crew of the newest Russian helicopter uses these missiles. There are cheaper and simpler weapons with which the Mi-28N is armed. "Night Hunter" may well manage Nursi S-13, C-57 or S-80, unless high accuracy is required in combination with armored piercing. In fact, everything that the Mi-24 fought, is in the arsenal of this helicopter, plus something else. For example, he can put minefields.
In the case of full-scale hostilities, situations are possible in which enemy aircraft will attempt to bring down the Mi-28N. "Night Hunter" will be able to give a worthy rebuff: R-73 air-to-air missiles are able to fight air targets with high maneuverability and speed.
Protection and rescue
The main means of protecting this helicopter is its secrecy. He can approach at low altitude, hide behind any barrier, exposing only his radar. The crew has time to assess the situation, to make a decision and instantly attack, bringing down on the enemy all of its firepower. Against the air defense of the enemy, too, something is stored. Infrared traps will take the missiles away from the thermal trail of the car, and the dipolar reflectors of the UV-26 will confuse the homing parts.
Pilot cabins are equipped with circular armor. Protection is provided by 10 mm aluminum alloy sheets with applied ceramic layers. The armored glass of the lantern has a thickness of 43 mm (front) to 22 mm (side). Places of the pilot and operator are also divided by the armored plate.
This precaution does not seem superfluous in conditions of strong fire resistance. In addition, constructive techniques that reduce the vulnerability of vital nodes are also used, namely:
- the engines are spaced along the sides, which reduces the likelihood of their simultaneous failure when the projectile hits;
- the helicopter is able to get to the base on one engine, which will automatically turn on at full power;
- maximum use of pneumatic automatics;
- duplication of main systems.
There are also means for alerting the crew of the imminent danger, in case the helicopter is captured by the guidance system, they will learn about this instantly and will be able to take measures to save the car or, in the most unfavorable development of events, their lives. Bailout works in two modes, the choice of which depends on the height (up to 100 m or more). In this case, the blades and consoles of the wing are shot.
There is also a hard landing mode. Chairs and struts of the chassis are designed in such a way as to extinguish the impulse and reduce the impact force against the ground. In general, the engineers of the Design Bureau have done everything to ensure that the life of the crew was exposed as little as possible.
Export option
Analysis of the tactical and technical indicators of the "Night Hunter" allows us to conclude that the Russian Armed Forces have received the best combat helicopter in the world. He is able to solve combat missions in the most difficult conditions: in complete darkness, fog, smoke and fire. At the same time, the crew has a high chance to save life even in the most unpleasant scenario of the battle. Not surprisingly, not only the Russian Ministry of Defense, but also other countries, wanted to arm their armies with Mi-28N helicopters. Photo of these cars with the emblems of the Air Forces of Egypt, Algeria and Iraq in the press will appear soon, it is quite possible that in some Latin American countries they will defend national interests. Great interest in "Night Hunters" was shown by the Swedish government. Of course, the export version differs from the domestic Russian device filling and some features of weapons systems.
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