Spiritual development, Mystic
Malachite-stone: properties of stone and its features
In mysticism, a mineral is very much appreciated, which is called "malachite-stone." The properties of the stone are very diverse. First of all, he is appreciated for his amazing beauty. Pliny compared it with an emerald, but stressed that the color of this patterned mineral is denser and more saturated than the color of the smaragda.
Healing malachite-stone
The properties of stone have long been known in folk medicine. Healers consider it to be a mineral of health and are used to heal attacks of gout, rheumatism. Folk healers say that with the help of malachite you can get rid of heart and lungs, liver and pancreas. It has a beneficial effect on the epiphysis, the pituitary gland, it allows the development of intuition, clairvoyance, healing abilities. Eastern doctors use malachite to "dissolve" the energy plugs, purify the aura, normalize the energy metabolism. Many of them assure that it is enough to apply a piece of mineral to the "blocked" area of the body several times a day. To treat mental illnesses, you can also use malachite-stone. The properties of a stone largely depend on its pattern and color. The lighter the shade, the higher the energy of the miracle means. Consider the treatment and drawing. For example, pieces with concentric ornament, attached to the heart chakra, relieve emotional tension and relieve mental illness. Today, even classical medicine has recognized the positive impact of stone on health.
Turns-privoroty and other ceremonies
There is a belief that if you give a lover a malachite adornment, then she can never forget the donor. Grinded into powder and added (in microscopic amounts) into the water, it also helps to tie the heart of the chosen one forever. However, it is worth remembering: malachite attracts all people to the one who wears it. Among them there may be not only good people, but also scammers. In addition, malachite helps only those who have good intentions, but in the hands of criminals it blackens and collapses. Rectified in gold, he brings the owner only misfortune.
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