HealthDiseases and Conditions

Lymphoma is a type of cancer

Lymphoma is the development of cancer cells in the human lymphatic system.
This term unites a group of 30 diseases, differing in their symptoms, type of tumors and response to therapy. For productive treatment it is necessary to know which version of lymphoma is involved.

Lymphoma is a consequence of abnormal cell development

This type of cancer appears at a time when lymphocytes (white blood cells that help the body protect themselves from infections) begin to behave abnormally: they share much faster than normal, and in addition, live longer than they should. All this causes the development of tumors in many parts of the body where these cells are present: in the spleen, lymph nodes, in the bone marrow, blood, and also in organs that have lymphoid tissue: stomach, eye conjunctiva, skin, etc.

Basically, lymphomas are divided into two types: Hodgkin's disease (with Sternberg-Read cells in the body) and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Because the treatment of these pathologies varies, it is very important to establish the type of disease.

How is lymphoma manifested?

This pathological condition in the initial stage is sometimes manifested by a set of symptoms, which, by the way, are very similar to the manifestations of influenza, colds or respiratory diseases. Patients do not consult a doctor, thinking they are dealing with a prolonged infection, and this often prevents them from identifying the lymphoma at an early stage of development.

Such symptoms include:

  • fever;
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes (it can be both painful and not) under the arms, in the groin and on the neck;
  • chills;
  • weakness;
  • Night sweats;
  • Persistent itching throughout the body for no apparent reason;
  • headache;
  • Unexplained weight loss.

Lymphomas can be divided according to the rate of development into inactive and active species. The first grow slowly and show a small number of signs, and the second cause serious symptoms and develop rapidly, demanding urgent treatment.

How is lymphoma found: tests and examinations

To the doctor, patients are treated, as a rule, with complaints about enlarged lymph nodes. But note - this symptom is typical for many diseases and is not necessarily associated with lymphoma!

Therefore, before you can make an accurate diagnosis, you should carefully examine the patient to assess the prevalence of the disease and the condition of the organs. This includes a physical examination, a lymph node biopsy, an X-ray, blood tests (biochemical and general), MRI, PET, computed tomography, and the like.

Lymphoma is being treated!

Lymphomas arise in the cells of the immune system and with the flow of lymph and blood spread throughout the body. Therefore, at the time of diagnosis, the patient, as a rule, cancer cells can be found in different parts of the body. Because of this, the definition of the standard stages of cancer: a tumor, lymph nodes, metastases - is not suitable for lymphomas.

But late diagnosis is not a verdict for a patient who has been diagnosed with lymphoma. This disease is treated much more effectively than other types of oncology. The main thing is to determine its appearance. Thus, indolent lymphomas may not require special treatment. In other cases, both radio and chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation are used. Up to 80% of patients can live at least 5 years after treatment.

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