Homeliness, Building
Linseed oil for wood. How to protect wooden surfaces
One of the earliest building materials in the history of mankind is wood. From it, houses were built, everyday objects and furniture were made - all thanks to its strength, ecological cleanliness and warmth. Despite all its advantages, wood also needs protection.
How to protect wooden surfaces?
Wood - a material that can absorb large amounts of water. Hydrophilicity causes drying, cracking and deterioration of the material. Of course, small items of wood are easier to replace than to protect, but in the case of different designs, only the processing of wooden products can help.
For this purpose, various substances are used that not only prevent the penetration of moisture into the structure of the material, but also protect it from the harmful effects of environmental factors.
Properties of linseed oil
Treating wood with linseed oil allows to restore the appearance of the material, increases its service life and gives it water and dirt repellent properties. You can glaze the liquid under any shade, adding special pigments.
Linseed oil for wood emphasizes its natural shade, highlighting the texture and relief and while protecting from rot, mold and fungi. After the treatment, the products continue to breathe despite the water-repellent properties obtained. In addition, oil increases the resistance of wood to drying, peeling, color loss and the appearance of cracks.
Impregnation with linseed oil does not form a dense film on the surface of the products, which is characteristic of many other protective substances. The agent penetrates directly into the structure of the material, giving it certain properties. The coating obtained is absolutely safe for humans and does not cause harm to health.
Benefits of Flaxseed Oil
In building stores today you can find a wide range of protective substances and liquids, but many of them are capable of harming human health. One of the best protective materials is flaxseed oil. For wood this is an excellent option, because the tool is not only safe, but also has a strong waterproofing effect. Flaxseed oil has the following advantages:
- Corking the smallest pores of wood.
- Ecological cleanliness and safety.
- Water repellent properties.
- Improve the appearance of the surface to be treated.
The components that make up linseed oil, under the influence of certain environmental factors, go through the polymerization process. As a result, the hardness and viscosity of the oil increases. Protective properties and the ability to solidify directly depend on the amount of glyceride acids - linoleic and linolenic.
After the wood is covered with a layer of oil, it is left to dry completely, so that the impregnation can obtain maximum properties. The complete drying takes about 2-3 weeks. To speed up this process it is possible by means of wax, tar or turpentine.
When working with turpentine, it is necessary to comply with safety techniques, since it is a toxic substance and can cause an allergic reaction. Direct contact with unprotected skin can cause thermal burns.
Tar - the product of dry distillation of wood, is, in fact, the same turpentine, only less toxic. The best option is to take ordinary wax. It is dissolved in a water bath and mixed with linseed oil, which allows not only to speed up the drying process of the coating, but also increases the water repellent properties.
Coating wood with linseed oil at home
For the impregnation of wood products, it is enough to buy paints in any specialized shop, in this case linseed oil. If you plan to use the lacquer, it is preheated.
A mixture of oil and wax does not need to be brought to a boil: this can damage the surface of the wood and, with careless handling, cause burns. Hand or foam sponge on the surface is applied to the composition in several layers, after which it is left to dry completely for several days.
Often resorted to a complete impregnation of wood - they lower it into a container with linseed oil and stand for several hours. The appearance of air bubbles on the surface of the liquid indicates that the impregnation process has begun.
Linseed oil for wood is perfectly absorbed. For this reason, after finishing the treatment, no traces remain on the surface of the products, but the material acquires an increased strength and resistance to wear. Such a composition is often covered by wooden windows, as it protects them from moisture, fungus and mold, which can lead to deterioration of the product and its rotting.
Helpful Tips
Any wood surface can be treated with protective means. Linen oil does not include artificial or harmful ingredients, so it can be applied to products such as furniture, dishes, children's toys, floor and ceiling coverings, wooden windows.
The main condition for processing is a dried surface. The moisture content in the wood should not exceed 14%. From the old wood before the impregnation must remove the paint and varnish, and then clean the surface of debris, dirt and dust. Wipe it with a wet cloth can not - moisture immediately absorbed. Then the wood is sanded with sandpaper and the dust formed is swept away. The minimum humidity in the room in which the work is to be carried out should be 70%. On the street, the procedure is best spent in sunny warm weather.
Linseed oil (for wood) is applied several times a thin layer. Those products that are subjected to frequent use are processed several times a year, which allows them to significantly extend their service life. For all other wooden objects, the procedure can be carried out once every few years. To carry out the surface treatment with oil is not necessary if it has already been treated with paint or varnish.
The amount of oil applied at a time depends on the texture of the surface and the thickness of the wood. The thinnest layer freezes in 24 hours. If necessary, the impregnation is repeated several times.
Apply oil with a normal brush or special sponge from foam rubber. All tools are kept in cold water at the end of work. The remains of oil are stored in a cool dark place at a temperature of no higher than 0 o C.
The best protection of the wooden surface guarantees oil wax. It is based on linseed oil and bean wax, which gives the surface shine and changes its shade. They impregnate light woods, including valuable ones, of which stairs, windows, furniture, doors, floor coverings are made.
Pure linseed oil is applied mainly to products that are used outdoors, as it only has a clean and concentrated form that has the necessary water and dirt repellent properties. For this reason, this substance is often used to treat the walls of wooden buildings.
Linseed oil for wood is considered to be one of the most effective, inexpensive and universal protective agents. The process of impregnation takes a long time, but the end result is worth the time.
There are two main ways to treat wood with linseed oil - soaking and rubbing.
Method one: rub
Fine grained sandpaper is moistened in linseed oil or oil and rub it with wood along the fibers. A similar procedure is carried out three to four times with a break of 24-48 hours, necessary for the drying of the surface. The last time sandpaper is replaced with a regular oiled rag or a soft cloth. This method of treatment is used mainly in the impregnation of large area products.
The second way: soaking
They use it to handle small items of wood - knife handles, children's toys, handicrafts. In linseed oil for a few days completely immerse the product, after which it is wiped with a soft cloth and dried. Wood is impregnated with oil for several weeks due to its extremely slow polymerization.
You can speed up the drying process in two ways:
- Add to the oil desiccants - substances that accelerate the polymerization.
- Replace it with linseed oil.
In principle, drying oil is the same oil, only its composition includes metal oxides. The duration of the wood processing process is explained by the fact that the natural composition of the substance contains a large amount of linoleic acid, which does not allow it to harden.
Driers, in turn, are hardeners that are added to most paintwork materials. They are sold in conventional construction stores.
Why are wood processed with linseed oil?
- Impregnation protects products much better than varnishing. In the second case, all dents and scratches remain on the surface, which reduce the characteristics of the composition due to the ingress of water into the formed cracks.
- The oil gives a soft gloss to the surface of the wood, which does not disappear with time.
- Preservation of the original texture of the object and its pleasant texture.
- Impregnation of wood with oil can protect it from rotting and moisture by clogging the smallest pores.
The process of such processing is long enough, but the final result is worth the time. By the way, linseed oil can be replaced with hemp - the effect of it is similar.
Lacquer, as already mentioned, it is better not to use - over time, this coating begins to crack, the wood absorbs water and begins to deteriorate and swell. Flaxseed oil penetrates the structure of the material, preventing the appearance of cracks and preventing the absorption of moisture. This coating retains the attractive appearance of the product for a long time.
Technical oil
For processing wood use not only food, but also linseed oil technical. This natural material forms a thin and strong, easily polymerizable film on the surface, protecting it from pests, moisture and corrosion. For this reason, flaxseed oil is so widely distributed and used in various spheres of human activity, from the blasting of metals to the creation of tools for artists.
Application area
In the construction sphere, linseed oil is used as a basis for the creation of drying oil. In many of its characteristics, it is much superior to substances developed by chemical synthesis, while maintaining its safety properties.
In construction, linseed oil is used for impregnating and processing various products and structures from wood - baths, saunas, log houses. The resulting coating protects the surface from penetration of moisture, does not allow rotting, deformation under the influence of high temperatures and the appearance of fungus and mold.
When erecting a log cabin before the surface of the wood is covered with paint and varnish materials, it is thoroughly impregnated with technical linseed oil. This allows you to protect the frame from all sides and several times extend its life.
Flaxseed oil is very widely used in art, especially when writing paintings, as a solvent for varnishes and paints on an oil base. In addition, it is used for cleaning brushes. The main difference between oil and turpentine and solvent, used for similar purposes, is affordable price and no odor.
Features of linseed oil
Only cleaned linseed oil is used to cover the wood. The cleaning process allows to obtain a composition that dries quickly and does not undergo yellowing on the surface of the products. If non-polymerizing acids are removed from the oil, it forms a stronger film on the wood. Hand-cleaned cold pressed, it has good properties - it dries quickly, thicker than analogues and almost does not turn yellow, especially if it was kept in the sun.
For sale linseed oil in pharmacies, construction and household stores, and in the latter often with special additives. Food is better not to use - it is too long polymerized and does not have the necessary qualities. Its peculiarity, which includes both minuses and pluses, is a change in the shade of wood to a darker one, which, however, furniture makers like to enjoy.
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