
Let's talk about how bees are preparing for winter

Every beekeeper knows how bees prepare for the winter. And the fact that the honey collected during the summer plays a role, too, is known to many. But we must not forget about other important bees. And they have a lot of these indefatigable toilers. Talking about how bees are preparing for winter in nature, it is worth recalling the warming of their habitat, getting rid of drones and careful protection of winter stocks.

August - the hot season

Despite the fact that the calendar is still summer, the bees begin an active time of preparation for the winter. Not missing a single day, hard-working insects continue to collect nectar, processing it into honey. And let the flowering plants are not enough, and they are sparse with nectar, the honey does not stop, because the bees are preparing for the winter, they are reserved for a long time of cold weather, when it will be practically impossible to find food.

Savings help save winter stocks

In August, the swarming ceases. Therefore, drones become a burden on which such precious honey is now wasted. Since bees are prepared in the winter and begin to economically save feed, the "parasites" are mercilessly expelled from the hives. Of course, it could have been done earlier, but in the period of intensified honey collection of time, this did not remain.

How bees prepare for winter

Like people, bees in autumn diligently prepare their homes for wintering. It is important to keep warm in the cold season and protect winter stocks from uninvited guests. Bees in autumn diligently seal propolis all the cracks in the hive, reduce the tap. Now even at night there is a guard at the gate, which guards the entrance-it's no good to squander such valuable winter supplies! Therefore, bees in the autumn become angry, intolerant of any encroachment from the outside. Often, the military guards to death, they squeeze the disheveled puppy and poultry too close to the hive. They do not know that these creatures do not claim honey at all.

The best place is the uterus!

Of course, with the onset of autumn, the uterus is no longer so actively laying eggs, but this process still continues. After all, bees that have worn over the summer are unlikely to suffer a long winter. Yes, and a huge number of them died over the summer. Therefore, the severity of wintering will lie on the wings of young bees that appeared in August and September. They will take care of the future offspring, who will make their first flight out of the hive with the beginning of spring. Therefore, the bees continue to care for the uterus - the successor of the genus, abundantly fed, free enough space for laying, put it in the warmest place - in the middle of the nest. And the younger and stronger the uterus, the more prepared the honey bee family, the better the housing is insulated, the longer it is able to lay eggs, sometimes to the coldest.

To the uterus and bee-nursery-caregivers of young animals it was more convenient, not sealed in honeycombs of honey from the extreme and lower parts, caring toilers are dragged to the upper part of the hive.

Children about bees

In classes with preschool children and junior schoolchildren, adults often concern the training of animals for the winter. It is very important to tell how bees are preparing for winter, for children, to convey to them the idea that everything in nature is interrelated, everything plays an important role. And interference in the life of the animal world of man must be justified, cautious, deliberate. For example, before tackling beekeeping, people for a long time studied the habits of these insects, tried to make sure that the weaning of honey did not harm the family. A good beekeeper will not only get profit from his pets, but he will also help them to endure the winter, heal from illnesses if necessary, protect them from enemies.

Tale of a bee for babies

A good help in these classes will be the tale of Abdullah Alish called "Nechkubil." After reading the text, you can invite the children to draw pictures about what most liked or remembered from the read. Also an adult can ask questions:

  1. Why do bees die after they sting someone?
  2. Why do bees sting?
  3. Why did the bees not sting the beekeeper?
  4. Why the main heroine of the fairy tale was called Nechkubil, what does "thin waist" mean in translation?

Riddles about bees

To children was not bored during such activities, it is necessary to diversify the process of acquaintance with the life and habits of these interesting creatures. Puzzles for children about bees can be a good option. For example, this:

"And to whom the whole summer day

Collect nectar is not laziness?

Above the flowers who circulate

And buzzes, buzzes, buzzes?

Who does not accept the guests

And, seeing, painfully stings?

For whom the most important thing,

What game? It's ... (bee) "

Or this:

"I am not a bumblebee or a wasp,

Not a hornet, not a dragonfly.

Above the flowers I fly

And I collect the nectar.

In the hive I live with my family,

Do you hear how I hum there?

Honey - useful, sweet-sweet,

I do it. The one who is avid

To someone else, will be in time

I'm stung - right in the eye! "

Both children and adults should understand that a person is only a part of nature. And therefore his duties include not only consuming everything that it gives us, but also guarding it, taking care of all the inhabitants that inhabit our planet, our common home.

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