
How to grow mushrooms

Many of you paid attention to beautiful packages with mushrooms on the shelves of supermarkets. And they are sold all year round, regardless of the mushroom season. Always clean, fresh and beautiful. It turns out that they were raised at home, on equipped mini-farms.

The purpose of this article is to tell the reader how to grow mushrooms on their own. If this process captivates you, the work will bring not only pleasure, but also profit. The main thing here is compliance with technology and an established sales market. Let's start with technology.

How to grow oyster mushrooms? Determined with the room. Greenhouses, cellars, barns, rooms and even glazed balconies will do. The main condition is cleanliness of the premises. After disinfection of the chosen place, we prepare the substrate: sawdust (not coniferous), sunflower husk, straw. The material is crushed and steamed (poured with boiling water).

After cooling the substrate, proceed to the tab. The most convenient polyethylene transparent bags - you will be able to further monitor the growth of mycelium and make additional cuts in time.

Mycelium is mixed with the substrate (or covered with layers: 15 cm of substrate - 2 cm of mycelium). The optimum weight of the bag is 10 kg. If necessary, these bags can be easily transferred.

If the bags are hung up, take care of the racks and hooks, if you fit in rows - you need to prepare racks. Both options are good, but in a suspended state, care in the future will be more convenient, and the review is much better: the bag can always be turned without disturbing the mycelium.

The further course of work by amateur mushroomists is described in different ways. Perhaps their technology, too, gave results, but to describe what they did not see, you will agree, is wrong. Therefore, I share my experience.

Bags with the laid down substrate and mycelium tied, we make loops and hang on hooks fixed on racks. The temperature remains the usual room (25 degrees), the light does not turn on (normal, daytime), the humidity does not change (enough while the one in the bags).

On the fourth day we examine the bags. Under the transparent film, light seals should be visible - this forms the mycelium. Now is the time to make a few V-shaped small incisions (enough until 6-8). In the future, you will already orient yourself and, if necessary, make additional cuts.

The temperature is reduced to 18 degrees, and the humidity is increased to 95% or higher (three times a day the bags are sprinkled with water from the atomizer, and water is placed in the corners of the room in the buckets). We leave the window open. Light day is increased to 15 hours (turn on the lamp).

Consider: spores of oyster mushrooms can cause allergies, so work better in a respirator.

From one "charged" bag usually remove three crops. We managed to shoot five (instead of 3-5 kg from one sack cut to 15 kg of mushrooms), then the contents of the bag changes. In general, the most uncompromising option for a beginner is oyster mushrooms: growing special compliance with technology does not require, and material costs are minimal.

How to grow mushrooms honey agarics?

The substrate needs the same as for the veshenok, but we steal this substrate no longer with the usual boiling water, but with sweet - with the addition of jam and starch.

Cool the substrate mixed with the mycelium and fall asleep in tight bags (or even in large cans). Well, after that we are guided by the first scenario.

How to grow mushrooms mushrooms?

So we reached the most capricious version. The substrate, suitable for veshenok and for sweet, mushrooms do not take. They need horse manure or in extreme cases cow dung with the addition of 25% straw. This is the basis. For 100 kg of such a base, 25 kg of gypsum, 25 kg of lime and 3 kg of urea are added. All this is mixed, watered, compacted and covered with a film. After three weeks, the smell of ammonia disappears - the soil is ready to plant mushrooms. This is done in rows deepened by 20 cm. Optimum humidity - 50%, temperature - 20 degrees. Watering is carried out only by a sprayer. Fruiting begins in a month and a half (or a little earlier). Aging of mushrooms is not allowed (the mycelium is exhausted).

But it is not enough to know how to grow mushrooms - it is also necessary to find a market for marketing. With conveyor production it will be possible to advertise for sale on the Internet in newspapers, on the radio and even to contact the wholesalers (in large shops and restaurants). However, be prepared for the fact that the buyer will want to inspect your "production shop", and in the future will ask for each batch of mushrooms a certificate from the SES. But if the technology is met, then you will not have to worry.

Good luck!

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