Arts & Entertainment, Art
Leonid Afremov, paintings written in the technique of mastichin
Leonid Afremov - an artist with a world-wide name, creating paintings in the technique of mastichines. He was born in Belarus, in a traditional Jewish family. The boy received a good education, including art. Since childhood Leonid Afremov wrote paintings, etudes. Now he lives abroad, his work is sold around the world and brought the artist worldwide fame.
A little about the creator
The artist was born in 1955, on July 12 in Vitebsk. Parents have noticed the child's ability to paint in early childhood and tried to develop them. The boy himself understood that he needed to improve his gift, so he visited drawing circles, and then began to take private lessons in painting from the teacher.
He graduated from school with a gold medal, and then entered the Department of Fine Arts and Graphics at the Pedagogical Institute. His artistic taste was formed under the impression of the works of Marc Chagall (born in the same city), Modigliani. After graduating from the institute, he takes lessons from Borovsky's artist Leonid Afremov.
Pictures of the future expressionist are written in a very interesting technique, with the help of a special knife-palette knife. It does not use a brush, the paint is distributed by this knife along the canvas with beautiful strokes. Leonid Afremov still creates his canvases in this manner. Pictures fascinate him at first sight with his rich colors and interesting solutions.
Flower still lifes
The canvas "Sunflowers" is written all in the same manner, with the help of a palette knife. It fascinates every smear. I want to consider it, to understand how, with the help of a knife and paint, the painter was able to convey the volume of the inner part of the flower. Here, the dark brown core passes into the lighter outer edge. It is bordered by yellow petals with pointed edges.
In the vase is not only a charming bouquet of sunflowers, small scarlet flowers perfectly set off the greatness of their large brethren. A few petals fell on the table. The picture is permeated with light, which flows through the composition.
The still lifes painted by the artist, where there are chamomiles, lilacs, other flowers in the vase, are also admirable. Very accurately selected colors, shades.
Street landscapes
The paintings of the artist Afremov Leonid are also good, on which he depicts water, rain. It is visible, as in each drop on asphalt the street landscape is reflected.
This is the canvas of the master, on which we see a man leading a boy to school. It's early autumn. Although some of the asphalt is already covered with leaves, there are still a lot of them on the trees. When depicting leaves, the artist used not only red, yellow, but also green colors. Part of the blue facade of the building is reflected in clean water, which has soaked the asphalt.
Despite the fact that the canvas depicts rain, the artist painted the landscape with bright colors. Therefore, looking at the picture, do not want to be sad, she calls to rejoice in any weather. With this mood, look and other paintings by the artist Afremov Leonid on this topic.
It is enough to look at the newlyweds walking under the umbrella. It is seen that, despite the rain, they are happy - the man carefully holds the bride's hand, and they go, huddled together under one umbrella.
Nature also enjoys the bride and groom. The trees bend their crowns over them and light the way for the newlyweds in their beautiful future with their multicolored, shining leaves.
He and she
The theme of love was dedicated to Leonid Afremov's paintings "Kiss in the Park", "Kiss after the Rain". Cleansing water from the artist very often accompanies the lovers. On the canvas "Kiss in the Park" we see that the lovers do not get in the way of rain, they are covered with an umbrella and are completely focused on each other.
The trees created above them a picturesque tent of multi-colored leaves, thereby covering the loving hearts from curious gazes. Only the moon or lantern consecrate this part of the alley, which gives the canvas an additional charm and fabulous appearance.
The names of Leonid Afremov's paintings can be listed for a long time. These are: "Catamaran", "At the porch", "Freshness of cold" and others. But, without even uttering them, the viewer clearly sees what is depicted on the canvas.
Leonid Afremov, paintings
The photo shows how the artist perfectly succeeds in the landscapes of the evening and night city. In the light of numerous lanterns, a man walking under an umbrella does not seem so lonely anymore. Even if he is sad, it is a bright sadness. Indeed, against the background of such life-affirming colors for a long time it is impossible to survive.
He goes alone, but the majestic lights accompany him. They are lined up in two rows and illuminate the passerby. Here we again see one of the most favorite themes of the painter - the water flows coming from heaven to earth.
It is evident that Leonid Afremov prefers paintings of this kind. And on his other canvases there is water. These are: "Copenhagen 2", "Catamaran", "Lake in Florida Okeechobi" and others.
As we see, the artist equally well work still lives, street landscapes, canvases, which depicts the water element in various hypostases. The paintings of Afremov are filled with bright colors, joyful notes and great positive.
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