Finance, The property
LCD "Lukino-Varino": customer reviews, address, builder SU-22
At the moment, the primary housing market is developing rapidly. Almost everywhere, houses and neighborhoods grow like mushrooms. Despite the great diversity of the new housing stock, it has become even more difficult to choose an apartment. After all, housing should not only be comfortable, but also be close to the developed infrastructure and work. LCD "Lukino-Varino" (customer reviews mark a good layout of apartments, the availability of a landscaped area) fully meets all these requirements. Construction here is in full swing, some houses are already inhabited. The project provides all the necessary socially important institutions.
About the developer
The housing complex is being built near the village of Sverdlovskiy, Shchelkovo district. The group of companies SU 22 is building a building. The developer is distinguished for its reliability, and the beginning of his work activity goes back to 1945.
All the erected buildings are monolithic. Powerful technical and production equipment makes it possible to perform work of different levels of complexity. All activities of the construction organization are concentrated within the company, without attracting help from outside, this is:
- The production of an investment project;
- Preparation of all necessary documentation;
- Erection of a housing stock on a turn-key basis;
- Paving communication both inside the building and on its outer side;
- Improvement of adjacent territories;
- Sale of finished property.
All these functions are performed by SU-22 independently, by attracting own resources. The enterprise contains in one person the investor, the customer of the project, the general contractor and the seller of the finished housing. This feature allows you to carefully monitor all work units and processes, as well as fulfill all contractual obligations to customers.
Correctly built chain of work processes can significantly save the material budget of the company, which reduces the cost of construction, and, consequently, the price of apartments.
To maintain competitiveness, the company not only provides its clients with services in full, but also constantly improves, increases the potential of its capabilities, using high-tech methods of work, applying the highest quality modern building materials and the latest technology.
LCD "Lukino-Varino" (reviews of buyers of individual apartments note the need to replace windows, doors and batteries, with their words, with those that the developer has installed can be frozen in winter) is the largest project of the company. In addition, the company builds LCD "Anichkovo", LCD "Sverdlovsk", LCD "Silver Ponds", LCD in Nedelina Street.
Materials and technologies
Only high-quality convenient and energy-saving housing builds in the LCD "Lukino-Varino" "SU 22". From the builder you can hear that all the buildings in this complex are mostly monolithic. After all, only such a structure is characterized by its energy-saving properties. It has good sound insulation, comfort. This material is also characterized by seismic resistance. It has fireproof, heat-resistant and waterproof properties. The monolith does not form cavities and seams in the framework.
Monolithic residential house differs from others in its rigidity and strength. It gives a uniform shrinkage, since the base of the heavy construction is distributed throughout the monolith, unlike the panel houses, where the support only goes to the walls. This material in construction is the most durable of all known to date. In the house from the monolith to the finishing works can be started immediately, after the completion of its construction.
When building buildings in the residential complex "Lukino-Varino" use the most modern energy-saving technologies. They significantly reduce the emission of harmful substances into the air space generated during cooling and heating of buildings.
When building buildings, the latest technologies and modern materials are used, as well as the most high-tech engineering equipment, absolutely new main communications are created. During the construction of the LCD, the whole spectrum of works on the restoration of the water supply system and the creation of water disposal facilities in the entire microdistrict is carried out.
Description of the project LCD "Lukino-Varino"
It conducts the largest project of cluster construction in the LCD "Lukino-Varino" "SU 22". From the developer, people can buy apartments directly. The site allocated for construction is 76.4 hectares. This is a kind of mini-town, with its infrastructure, picturesque nature, river and forest.
In total, the project provides for 52 residential buildings with a height of 12 to 16 floors. External walls are made of polystyrene concrete blocks. For the facade of buildings used decorative masonry, consisting of ceramic bricks. In the entrance of each house there is a place for a concierge and special niches for baby carriages.
Sixteen houses have been built and are currently inhabited in the residential complex. At the same time, eleven more are being built. In addition, some infrastructure facilities are partially erected and ready for operation. Completely the construction of the complex is planned to be completed in 2022.
LCD «Lukino - Varino» is located in a very picturesque place, on the river bank. The forest is adjacent to the built-up area. A bridge passes through the river, designed for pedestrians. The developer undertakes to improve the embankment and create places for recreation, a separate area for walking, a park. The buildings of the first line are equipped with illumination, which in the dark will decorate the embankment.
Layout of apartments
Apartments here have a wide variety of layouts. On the company's website, you can study it in detail, and also select the appropriate option for the parameters and get acquainted with the final version of the project.
Houses are transferred to customers without finishing. Electricity is supplied only to the housing shield. There is running water and sewerage in the riser, where mandatory installation of meters is provided. Loggias are glazed, and the front door is wooden.
Apartments are rented both with internal partitions, and without them. In the second case, the buyer can make the desired layout when planning a dwelling.
In the buildings that are located along the waterfront, there are more one-room apartments, and two-room apartments are of a linear type or angled. In apartment houses from a brick (cases 35 and 39) there are apartments where windows leave on the opposite parties. Many more interesting layout options can be found in the LCD "Lukino-Varino". Corps 34 boasts remarkable "treshki", where there is a huge loggia, and a pantry occupies 4 square meters. M.
In the LCD "Lukino-Varino" construction is in full swing. Many infrastructure customers who have already built and should start their work in the nearest future are pleased with this:
- Buildings for administration;
- Polyclinic;
- Four kindergartens;
- Two schools;
- Supermarkets and shops;
- Shopping and entertainment center;
- Out-of-school establishments;
- Fitness center;
- a park;
- church;
- a cafe;
- Pharmacies;
- Equipped embankment on the river. The Klyazma.
At the moment, a comprehensive school, kindergartens are already operating on the territory of the complex. Not far off the opening of the pool, bank and mail. There is already a supermarket, a pharmacy, small private shops and beauty salons are starting to operate. The construction of a sports complex with a swimming pool, a shopping and entertainment center and a polyclinic is planned for the next year. There are planned underground and above-ground parking. Almost the whole area near the apartment houses is equipped, there are modern playgrounds for children. Pavements and thoroughfares are paved everywhere from asphalt concrete.
LCD "Lukino-Varino": prices for apartments
All housing in this complex is divided into three types, this is an economy class apartment, a monolith house and a comfort + housing. Depending on the type of housing, the footage, the location of housing and the cost of the apartment is formed. On average, the price of "odnushki" with an area of 34.10 square meters. M. Is repelled from 1534 million rubles. The cost of a one-room apartment (37.61 sq. M.) "Comfort +" from 1800 million rubles. The usual "kopeck piece" can be purchased for 2547 million rubles, and the area of such an apartment is 54.9 square meters. M. Two-room "comfort +" with an area of 54.9 square meters. M. Is about 2645 million rubles. The price of "treshki" in an ordinary house with an area of 76.3 square meters. M is equal to 3494 million rubles, and a three-room apartment "comfort +" with a meter of 78.67 - 3752 million rubles.
Apartments of a higher class here differ slightly in their area, the difference in price is also small. Buildings of the "comfort +" class are located separately. The hall of such houses has a special design finish, and even here absolutely silent elevators are installed.
In the apartment complex "Lukino-Varino" apartments with finishing do not give up. Whether it is an economy class housing, "comfort +" or a monolithic house, repairs here will have to be done from scratch.
How can I buy an apartment here?
Apartments in the LCD "Lukino-Varino" are more affordable than similar housing in the Moscow region. You can buy here real estate by:
- Mortgage;
- Military mortgages;
- In installments;
- Parent capital;
- On subsidies;
- On a mortgage on a commercial premise.
The residential complex "Luchino-Varino" represents many options for the purchase of real estate. If an apartment is purchased in a mortgage, you first need to choose a home for yourself, then you should contact the contact center managers to clarify all the issues and arrange the necessary documentation.
The company also provides its customers with the opportunity to purchase real estate in installments. In this case, 50% of the cost of the apartment is paid, the remaining part is distributed for three months. In the event that installments are required to be extended, the price of housing will rise by 1% for each month.
Contacts, nuances when buying a property
You can choose an apartment in any sales office of the company. There are only two. One is located at: the village of Sverlovsky, Shchelkovsky district, the district of Lukino-Varyino, Zarechnaya street, building 4, runs every day from 9.00 to 19.00, on Sunday from 9.00 to 18.00. Another office can be visited at the following coordinates: Moscow city , Sviblovo metro station , Snezhnaya street, 26, business center, 6th floor, from 9.00 to 20.00 and only on weekdays.
The apartment in the LCD "Lukino-Varino" (where the sales office is located, it was written above) can be booked. The reservation for one month is 50 thousand rubles, for two months 100 thousand rubles. This amount is included in the payment for the apartment. The property can be rebooked, but in this case, the paid money will not be included in the cost of housing. Free booking, made orally, is valid for 24 hours, from the moment of its submission.
Also in any office it is possible to draw up an agreement on equity participation in a housing fund. Here it can also be registered. First, find out what documentation is needed to complete the transaction. After providing the package of documents and making the necessary payment, the Registration of the Participatory Participation Agreement takes place. The buyer receives the finished contract in the above sales offices, without an appointment, two weeks after the payment of the housing.
LCD "Lukino-Varino": how to get there?
You can reach the housing complex in several ways. First you need to get to the metro station "Schelkovskaya". From it you should go on foot to the stop "m. Schelkovskaya ", which takes only two minutes. There you should wait for the bus number 371 and get off at the stopping place under the name "Plant No. 5". This road will take an average of 50 minutes. Then there will be another 650 meters left and LCD "Lukino-Varino" will appear before the eyes.
In the second case, you should get to the metro station "Komsomolskaya", from which you need to get to the Yaroslavl station. From there you need to go by train, which goes to Fryazino and Monino and get off at Chkalovskaya station. Pass 100 meters to the stop "Platform Chkalovskaya". Wait for minibus number 46 and go there to the stop "Plant number 5" (it will take about 20 minutes), and then it will be left on foot to the LCD "Lukino-Varino".
In the third case, the movement starts from the MKAD interchange. It is from here that you should travel about 20-25 km and turn off at the fork pointing at the Monino Highway. Here you need to drive about 2 km. From the metro station "Schelkovskaya" to the residential complex there is a fixed-route taxi No. 371. The stop is located 500 m from the erected buildings. The whole journey will take about an hour.
Customer Reviews
Despite the fact that the construction has acquired large-scale dimensions in the LCD "Lukino-Varino", buyers' opinions about this territory are very different. Some residents are satisfied with everything. They note that in the winter in the apartments is warm, and next to the kindergarten and school. Like young families equipped with clever children's playgrounds in yards, general landscaping, the availability of supermarkets and pharmacies. Many people like nature and the proximity of the forest. Mark the good quality of construction. There are no cracks and distortions, all surfaces are even. They say that the layout of the property is simply excellent.
But not everyone is satisfied with the state of affairs in the LCD Lukino-Varino. Reviews of buyers of this category indicate a change in the cost of the apartment, depending on the measurements of the BTI. If the housing is more square, then the client pays extra for the apartment, but if less, no one returns the stolen meters of the developer. People recommend carefully read the contract and look at the plan of the apartment. From their words, there can be very unpleasant nuances. Dissatisfied co-investors and the fact that the money the organization takes in advance, before the conclusion of the contract.
People and transport access are not praised. It is said that it is necessary to get to Moscow not less than an hour, and those who on their car tortured corks on the Shchelkovo highway. Still clients mark huge turns in a kindergarten and school. They say that it's simply impossible to get there. A similar situation is observed in the polyclinic. Socially significant organizations are sorely lacking, the problem is caused by the lack of parking.
In general, people are satisfied with the price and quality of apartments, they are upset by their transport accessibility and still undeveloped infrastructure.
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