HealthDiseases and Conditions

Key cells in the smear: an alarm signal

Before you start talking about the key cells in the smear, it is necessary to clarify, under what laboratory tests they occur. Thus, bacterioscopy involves the study of bacteria under a microscope, better known in modern gynecology, as a smear on the flora. This is where the extremely unwanted key cells can appear. What does it mean?

Key cells in the smear are cells of the flat epithelium, indicating the presence of vaginal dysbiosis. At the same time, a rod of the gardnerella attached to their walls, giving them a specific granular appearance. This pathology is fraught with consequences, since it can significantly undermine immunity and provoke the disease due to a large number of opportunistic microflora.

In order to understand the seriousness of the appearance of key cells in the smear, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the consequences of their occurrence in the body. If the balance of the microflora is disturbed in the vagina, a disease such as bacterial vaginosis or gardnerellez begins to progress rapidly. Diagnosis of these diseases is carried out by the explicit detection of key cells containing a variety of pathogenic microorganisms. The productive elimination of such abnormal cells is aimed at suppressing growth, multiplying bacteria and restoring normal vaginal microflora.

So, the key cells in the smear are a characteristic sign of bacterial vaginosis, which can bring a lot of unpleasant sensations to its possessor, and become a cause for concern. However, it is necessary to take into account the accuracy and accuracy of the study of this medical analysis. First of all, it is necessary to pay special attention to the number of leukocytes, since their high index may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. In addition, various pathogenic cells, such as rods or cocci, can dominate the analysis, in particular, key cells in the smear can be visually observed. And this already says that it would not hurt to sign up for a consultation with a specialist. It is important to note that pregnant women are especially prone to this pathological phenomenon, because during this period they significantly weaken the productivity of the immune system, and the weakened organism is overcome by pathogenic microbes.

If the results of a correctly performed smear on the microflora revealed the key cells, the treatment should be administered immediately. First of all, it is necessary to explain that the goal of productive treatment is the elimination of atypical cells as a characteristic symptom of bacterial vaginosis. Recovering requires an integrated medication approach, and an intensive care course recommended by a specialist should be performed solely by the woman as the carrier of the source of infection. Such treatment should be prescribed by the treating gynecologist, based on the form of the disease and the specificity of the sick organism in each clinical case.

At the beginning of the course, you need to use medicines such as Clindamycin and Metronidazole, which are released in the form of tablets or in the form of candles. After these medications completely clear the microflora of the vagina from pathogens, it is necessary to take regular medications containing the beneficial lactobacilli necessary to restore the habitual environment. Such drugs are Acilact or Narine. If key cells are found in the smear, the treatment should be under strict doctor control.

At the end of the course, the patient (the patient) resets the smear for a detailed laboratory study, which will show whether there are key cells in the smear or not already.

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