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Job description of the nurse. Senior Nurse's job description

The activities of a nurse, like any other health-care worker, have a very definite orientation. The nurse's job description clearly explains how a person of this profession should work.

Features of work

Initially, a nurse was considered to be an employee of a medical institution caring for the sick. Over time, the terms of reference have expanded considerably. In addition to him began to make certain demands. As a result, the nurse's job description was created, in which all her duties are clearly stated. To begin with, it is worth noting that the post "nurse" itself is ambiguous. Employees are divided by the profile of the work performed. There is a nurse:

  • home;
  • older;
  • Procedural;
  • Operating;
  • District police;
  • Guards (ward);
  • Dietary;
  • A health professional who helps a particular specialist doctor to receive visitors.

For each case, the job description of a nurse is compiled. In addition, such health workers are still divided according to their place of work: school, dispensary, preliminary examination room, kindergarten, dental office and others. In each case, a separate instruction is prepared.

Content of the document

Like any other similar document, the job description of a nurse has four generally accepted sections: basic provisions, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities. The first includes information about the basic requirements for the employee. It clearly specifies the issues of qualifications, subordination, staffing and initial basic knowledge.

The second section lists the professional duties of the nurse and the functions that will be assigned to her. Here we mean actions such as initial assessment of the patient's condition, provision of pre-medical care, assistance to the doctor and the implementation of all his instructions, the introduction of necessary medications. In addition, the nurse is fully responsible for the registration, writing-off and preservation of medicines, and she is obliged to maintain the necessary documentation in the workplace. It is also the responsibility of the nurse to prepare the room itself and all materials necessary to receive the patients with the attending physician.

Responsibilities of a senior specialist

In medicine, there is a strict hierarchy. Step-by-step organization allows to maximally specify the scope of work and increase the personal responsibility of each specialist. Therefore, for example, the senior nurse's job description clearly defines her powers and reflects the main lines of daily professional activity. She, as a senior specialist, is obliged to work with junior and middle personnel, ensure the availability of a specific medical facility with consumables, be responsible for the nutrition of all patients and strictly control the intake of medicines. In addition, the senior nurse's job description assigns responsibility for her behavior to subordinates, observance of labor discipline and ethics in dealing with patients. It is to her that sick people can always address in the event of a conflict or other non-standard situation.

Ambulatory client service

In the conditions of the clinic, the duties of a nurse depend on the department in which she works: therapeutic, surgical, in a laboratory or in a highly specialized office. Therefore, the job description of a nurse of a polyclinic is compiled separately for each specific case.

For example, in surgery from a nurse, assistance in preparing for an operation and assisting in its conduct are required. And in the office of a specific specialist, she helps him in the admission of patients. In addition, nurses of polyclinics working with a district doctor provide medical services to patients at home. This is also included in their duties. This refers to visits to seriously ill people or small children in the first weeks of life for examination and on-site execution of the prescribing physician.

Chief Manager for the average staff

The duties of the chief nurse are in daily work with the average medical staff. It has a very great responsibility. Job description of the chief nurse specifically explains her status as a leader. She is obliged not only to monitor the work of junior doctors, rationally organize their work, but also to improve the skills of their subordinates. This includes the performance of attestation, the appropriation and confirmation of categories, the organization of professional skills competitions and all organizational work in general.

It is the chief nurse who is responsible for all the medicines, keeps them registered and discharged. From her skill and timely control depends not only the coherence of the work of average personnel, but also the timeliness of carrying out all the necessary planned activities. In fact, the position of the chief nurse is an intermediate between the management of the medical institution and its personnel.

Responsibilities of junior staff

The junior nurse, along with the nurse and the sister-hostess, are classified as junior staff. Her duties are basically to care for the sick. Job description of the junior nurse specifically explains what actions should be performed by the employee of this profession, namely:

  • Assistance to patients in conducting simple medical procedures (staging mustard plasters, cans and compresses);
  • Carrying out a change of clothes and keeping clean not only the patients themselves, but also the whole room;
  • Responsibility for the safety of inventory and means of maintaining cleanliness;
  • Help if necessary gravely ill;
  • Control over observance of rules of behavior and internal regulations by visitors and patients themselves.

The youngest nurse is closer to the sick than anyone else, so she should have such human qualities as honesty, patience, sociability, perseverance, sense of humor and the ability to find the right words to solve a possible conflict situation. It depends not only on the emotional state of patients, but also on the proper performance of all prescriptions by the doctor.

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