Food and drinkRecipes

Jam made of mulberry: a quick recipe

The mulberry, or the fruit of the mulberry tree, is a wonderful berry. At full ripeness, it is honey-sweet, slightly greenish with a slight sourness. Dark, pink or white - equally it can serve as an excellent dessert in fresh form and a wonderful treat in the form of jam, jams, jellies, compotes. And in the winter - mistresses know this very well - any twist goes on hurray, especially sweets.

Jam from ordinary mulberry

Let's try to cook the most common jam from mulberry to begin with . The recipe contains only three ingredients: berries, sugar and lemon juice. Proportions: mulberry and sugar - 1: 1, juice from a half of a large lemon (per half a kilogram of berries). To begin with, you need to treat the mulberry itself: to sort, remove the garbage, pick on the roots, rinse under the tap or lower the colander with the berries in a basin of water. Do it better with gloves, because A dark berry can permanently stain your hands. Now you can start making jam from mulberry. The recipe is this: in the wide enameled, and preferably copper basin or pot, mulberry fruits are poured and put on medium fire. Under the influence of heat, they begin to excrete juice. At this time, regularly mix the berry mass, so as not to burn. The liquid can boil, a lot of foam is released - it must be removed. Cook until the berries do not float upward and spread throughout the entire volume of the pelvis. At this point, you can make a little more fire and bring our jam of mulberry to a boil. The recipe prescribes the introduction of sugar (gradually, without forgetting to stir) and lemon juice. Fire a little reduce and stir the contents until the sugar dissolves. Then again bring to a boil and cook this way for about 10-15 minutes. After this, already pour boiling marmalade from the mulberry according to previously prepared sterilized jars. Recipe recommends immediately roll them up, put on a day in an inverted form, wrapped up to cover better "grabbed", and then sent to shelves in the pantry or basement. Prepared in this way, jam can be kept inaccessible for damp, cool place for at least 2 years. Although, believe me, it will go away with you for a couple of months - it's really delicious!

Silk jam with pectin

Someone jam from mulberry in its purest form may seem liquid. For its thickening, pectin or gelatin is usually used. When applying pectin, a small amount of berries is taken - no more than 0.8-1 kg. To make the mass homogeneous, you need to grind the berries with a blender. With this preliminary preparation, the natural pectin contained in the mulberry itself is also released, then it will be necessary to add the factory pectin in a smaller amount. Usually, the dosage is written on the packages, so follow the instructions. You take as many sugars as berries, or 200 grams less. So, pectin add to half the right amount of sugar, mixed with mulberry. Recipes with this composition of ingredients offer to weld the billet for 10 minutes on medium heat. Do not forget to stir and remove the foam. When the jam was boiling, add sugar and boil for another 5 minutes on high heat. Foam is removed in a separate container - it's a pleasant tasty treat. Then check the dish for the degree of thickening. If the mass gathered in a spoon, cooling down, does not spread, then you can continue the process of harvesting. Liquid - pour more pectin and boil again. Let the jam stay there for 5 minutes. The berries will settle - then pour it over the banks, cork them and deposit them. If you hold the pot with the brew for a little longer on fire, your jam will turn into jam.

What else can you add to the recipe for mulberry jam? Often to improve the taste and aroma, put a pinch of grated nutmeg, and instead of one lemon juice add pulp and lemon zest, cut into small pieces. It turns out great!

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