HealthWomen Health

Irregular monthly

Every girl and woman should know that rarely irregular monthly can be considered a norm. Often this is a serious reason for contacting a gynecologist. Why?

Irregular menstruation is a physiological condition characterized by the onset of menstruation at different times, different from the norm, in which the duration of one menstrual cycle is approximately 28 days (it can vary from 24 to 35). This condition is most often found in adolescent girls who have only a menstrual cycle and in older women in the period preceding the onset of menopause. Normally irregular monthly will be considered in women in the postpartum period. All these are physiological causes that do not require special anxiety and treatment.

The menstrual cycle itself is determined by the presence of female sex hormones. It is with the imbalance of sex hormones and irregular irregular periods that can be caused not only by the above conditions, which are within the limits of the norm, but also can be a consequence of any diseases. In these cases, access to a specialist is sometimes even vital. Only he will be able to indicate the exact cause and help in removing it.

Irregular monthly (not related to the variants of the norms) can cause:

V heavy physical activity;

V stress, excessive nervous tension;

V depression;

V fatigue;

V lack of adequate sleep and nutrition (especially with different diets and targeted starvation);

V smoking and alcohol and drug abuse;

V reception of psychotropic substances ;

V sudden change in weather, climate and other external factors (moving, changing jobs, etc.);

V chemotherapy.

To return to the regular cycle, it is sufficient to eliminate these provoking factors (if possible, of course).

V some diseases of female genital organs (endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, fibromyoma, etc.);

V infectious diseases of the body;

V gynecological interventions;

V damage to the cervix.

Here, of course, will need adequate treatment from a qualified gynecologist and other professionals, which in no case can not be delayed. Most likely, the treatment will be comprehensive, with preliminary diagnosis (delivery of all kinds of tests, ultrasound, examinations, etc.) and with the subsequent appointment of medical drugs, procedures or surgical intervention.

In order not to miss irregular monthly, which can be a signal of the body about violations, it is necessary to give due attention to this area. Another mother should teach her daughter to keep detailed records of each cycle. It will be enough to indicate each time in a special notebook or calendar the date of the beginning of the menstrual cycle, its duration, the nature of the discharge (abundant, average, meager, etc.) with monthly, etc. In this situation, the gynecologist will easily notice the problem and correctly answer The question of the patient about why they go monthly twice a month or, conversely, once every few months.

Irregular periods are a rather unpleasant phenomenon. They are always portended by pain in the lower abdomen, severe headache, nausea, mood swings and decay without any serious external causes. In order to avoid such a violation in the body, you should closely monitor the health of all organs and systems, especially the genital area, regularly visit specialists, the gynecologist, in particular; Never engage in self-medication; Quit smoking, reduce to a minimum the reception of alcoholic beverages; To eat healthy and healthy food; Learn to relax, etc.

Try to lead a healthy lifestyle - this is the right path to a happy and healthy future.

Stay healthy today, tomorrow and always!

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