Self improvementPsychology

Interaction is the mutual influence of individuals on each other in the process of interaction and communication

Social psychology is a science that examines the complex processes and patterns of human activity and the behavior of individuals in the context of social reality. Including she explores and communication. This multifaceted socio-psychological phenomenon is considered by scientists as a process of formation and subsequent development of contacts between subjects or groups of people. In the course of communication, there is an exchange of information of an affective, evaluative and cognitive nature. Social interaction is impossible without communication. In the course of it, the establishment and maintenance of relations, including personal and social-professional, takes place. Psychologists view communication as a complex phenomenon, which includes three critical components: communication, interaction and perception. In this article, we will indicate what the essence of the definition of these structural aspects is.

Interaction is the interaction and interaction of subjects of communication. Consideration of the term in the context of social psychology

The communication process always includes three main elements: interaction, communication and perception. What is an interaction? This is the mutual influence of individuals or their groups on each other in the process of social interaction. The term "interaction" originated from the English word "interaction", which in turn originated from two Latin morphemes - "inter" and "activus". They are translated as "active."

This term is used by social psychologists, including GM Andreeva, BF Lomov, BG Ananiev, and others, to describe the exchange of actions in the process of communication. They say that the interaction is the coordination of joint plans, the construction of a unified strategy, as well as the subsequent analysis of the activity contribution of all participants in the interaction. In the process of communication, there is an exchange of experience, knowledge and ideas. Partners reach mutual understanding and carry out attempts to develop and organize joint activities. This is the best way to show social interaction.

What conditions are necessary to implement productive joint activities?

The most important characteristic feature of the interactive side of communication is the ability of the individual to "accept" the role of another person and to feel how he is perceived by the communication partner. Interaction is the interaction of subjects, the implementation of which becomes impossible without the creation of the necessary conditions, including:

  • Coordinating the positions of partners (extension "on equal footing", "down", "bottom", etc.);
  • A common understanding of the situation in which joint activities are carried out;
  • Adequate style of interaction (competition, cooperation, conflict).

People's interaction is divided into two types: cooperative and cooperative (partners are interested in communication and actively help each other to achieve common and individual goals) and based on competition and rivalry (individuals interfere with each other, interfere and exert resistance in achieving personal goals ). Often confrontation leads to conflict - the clash of differently directed positions and interests of subjects of communication.

The concept of communication in social psychology

In addition to interaction, the most important aspects of communication are perception and communication. The latter is a semantic aspect of the interaction of individuals and implies the exchange of any verbal and non-verbal signs and symbols. The term "communication" is derived from the Latin word "communico", which translates as "doing general". It refers to the process of communicative activity, which ensures the exchange of information between partners. There are several types of communication, including:

  • Interpersonal - messaging and their subsequent interpretation by communication partners;
  • Mass - the dissemination of information through the media and other means by which important information becomes available to a wide audience;
  • Public - the delivery of information to the audience through oral speech;
  • Real-sign (communication through intellectual products, art objects);
  • Speech (speech activity, including external and internal speech);
  • Paralinguistic (the transfer of information through the non-verbal channel - gestures, facial expressions, intonation, etc.).

Perceptual side of communication

Perception is understood as a meaningful mental process of perception by the subject of its interaction partner, which includes the formation of its image, the reflection of the attitude towards it, and also the understanding of the opponent. In a general sense, perception can be understood as a special human perception, based, among other things, on self-knowledge. The main perceptual mechanisms are identification and reflection.

Identification is a sensual and mental comparison of oneself, one's ego with the inner world of a communication partner. Reflection is understood as a process of self-knowledge, and also includes self-reporting, self-analysis of actions and self-control. Social perception is an important process and mechanism of perception, evaluation and understanding of the actions of subjects of communication, small and large social groups and, in general, social events. Perceptual skills allow a person to understand the partner's mood for his non-verbal and verbal reactions, to understand the context of the meeting and to correctly analyze the communicative situation.

Instead of concluding

So, in this article we have considered three basic aspects forming the process of communication. We learned that communication, interaction, perception are three important components of the process of interaction of individuals in joint activities. The interactive aspect regulates the interaction of partners in the process of communication and presupposes the organization of joint actions that have a common goal for all individuals. Interaction is a side of communication that is impossible without communication - the exchange of important information, carried out in various ways and through different channels. And also without perception - a psychic opportunity to perceive and understand partners in communicating each other.

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