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Constellation of the signs of the zodiac. Zodiac signs: constellations in the sky

Bright stars in the sky form characteristic figures. Such clusters are called constellations. People always look at the stars for a long time, trying to unravel the mystery of their cosmic origin. They want to find among the constellations those that were once read or heard. Twelve of the celestial figures are constellations of the signs of the zodiac. Each of them is associated with legends telling about its discovery and explaining its name. What are the signs of the zodiac?

Constellations of the zodiac signs on the sky

The zodiac is a certain zone of the sky, along which some planets move, the Moon and the Sun, bypassing 12 constellations on their way. Since they are located in the zodiacal field, they got their name - the constellation of the zodiac. Each of them in ancient astrology was designated or accompanied by a symbol, which is called the sign of the zodiac. Here is such a simple story, how constellations of zodiac signs appeared.

How many of them are there

The sun for a year bypasses a large circle of the celestial sphere. This circle (called the zodiac, only 360 degrees) is divided into 12 sectors of 30 degrees, which received their name by the name of the constellations that pass the Sun on its way.

Each month corresponds to the sign of the zodiac, according to which in this month the sun makes its movement. Once upon a time the constellations of the zodiac signs served as a calendar for people, since in each of them the Sun traveled for about a month. But since the point of the vernal equinox is constantly moving (at 70 years by 1 °), the Sun in our days for one month moves not one by one, but by two nearby constellations, but the signs that existed earlier for months have survived. According to the constellation of the Virgin the Sun moves the longest time - 44 days, and the constellation of Scorpio the Sun passes for 6 days. In fairness, it should be noted that the Sun between 30 November and 18 December is another cluster of stars - Ophiuchus, but historically it was believed that he did not get a month, and he was not included in the constellation of the zodiac signs.

Origin of names

Each constellation of the signs of the zodiac people came up with their name. According to one of the versions, the origin of the name of the zodiac signs corresponds to the exploits of Hercules. Other versions are based on the ancient Greek myths about the gods of Olympus. Each name and sign has its own legend. It is interesting that, despite the ancient Greek origin, all names of the zodiac signs were written in Latin from time immemorial.

Today, astrologers call the 12 signs of the zodiac, united by the 4-th element:

  • Land - Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo;
  • Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces;
  • Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;
  • Air - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini.

According to mystical teaching, the signs of the zodiac - constellations in the sky - endow people born under them (ie, in a month when the Sun passes a certain constellation), certain features of character.

The Constellation of Aries

The first spring months - March and April (21.03 - 20.04) - corresponds to the sign of the zodiac Aries. The constellation of Aries consists of 20 stars. Mezartim, Sharatan, Gamal are the three brightest stars of Aries. About 2000 years ago the place of the vernal equinox was in Aries. According to astronomers, she will return here not soon, but after a long 24,000 years.

One of the myths tells how Aries rescues Frix and Gella, two children who, according to the order of Ino's wicked stepmother, must be sacrificed. The fate of the children has developed in different ways, but the memory of the golden lamb has always been preserved by the starry sky.

Constellation Taurus

Taurus (April 21 - May 21) is a very noticeable constellation, an attentive observer will see up to 130 of his stars, 14 of them can be seen especially clearly. The brightest ones are Aldebaran, Nat and the star of Alzion and Zeta Taurus. In this constellation is the point of the summer solstice.

According to one of the legends, Taurus is identified with Zeus. He took this image to kidnap Europe - the daughter of a Phoenician king.


In the constellation of Gemini, you can see about 70 stars, two of which - Castor and Pollux - the brightest. The immense brotherly love of Castor and Pollux, which the ancient Greek myths tell, prompted people to find two shining celestial stars and call them Gemini. The sign corresponds to May and June (22.05 - 21.06).

Constellation of Cancer

Summer months - June and July (22.06 - 23.07) - corresponds to the sign of the zodiac Cancer. Constellation Cancer - very large and at the same time the weakest, it is lost against the background of its bright neighbors, brothers of Leo and Gemini. In good weather at night, you can see about 60 stars of the constellation without telescopic instruments. The brightest is Altarf or Beta Raka.

The appearance in the firmament of this constellation legend connects with the name of the irreconcilable rival Hercules Hera, it was she who elevated there the sea monster that bit Hercules during the battle with Hydra. Although according to legend it was not a cancer, but a crab, the astronomers preferred the first name.

The constellation of Leo

According to the constellation of the Lion (July, August), another sign of the zodiac is named. Constellation Leo - the brightest in the family of the zodiac. His biggest star is called Regulus, which means the king. The constellation is also interesting in that in November, once in 33 years, you can see in it starry showers of a meteor shower.

The mythological Nemean lion (with whom the appearance of the constellation is associated), born of half-woman-half-death of Echidna, was able to defeat the illegitimate son of Zeus, Hercules. And the great Thunderer immortalized the victory of his son, having carried the defeated monster to heaven.

Constellation Virgo

Virgo is a large cluster of stars in the zodiac, 164 its stars are visible without a telescope and a telescope. The brightest is Spica. In our era in the constellation of the Virgin is the point of the autumnal equinox. The sign of the zodiac corresponds to August and September.

Numerous legends connect the Virgin or with Rhea - the mother of Zeus, or with Themis, or Gaia, mother-earth.

Constellation Libra

Scales - the months of September and October. Once the components of his star were part of the constellation Scorpio, but, after retiring, subsequently formed a new constellation. The origin of the constellation is associated with the daughter of Zeus Astrea, who, not tired, walked on the ground, assessing the unfair and fair deeds of people with the help of weights.

It consists of 83 stars, the brightest of which are Zuben El Shemali and Zuben El Genubi.


Among the signs of the zodiac, Scorpio also found its place. This southern zodiacal constellation is one of the brightest in the sky, there are 17 stars in it, the brightest of which is Antares.

As the myths tell, Scorpio, mortally stung by a young hunter of Orion, settled forever beside him in heaven. This sign of the zodiac corresponds to October and November.


Sagittarius (the months of November and December) - the brightest cluster of stars. Before the attentive look of the observer, 115 stars of the constellation will appear, 14 stars of which are very bright, Alnazl, Albaldy, Caus Borealis, Kaus Meridialalis, Askella, Nunki and Kaus Australis take precedence.

This is a very interesting part of the sky. Here are three nebulae, the center of the galaxy and a supermassive black hole. The constellation of Sagittarius is the point of the winter solstice.

Sagittarius is the image of a powerful mythological centaur, always rushing through the sky.


The sign of the zodiac Capricorn corresponds to December and January. Without telescopic equipment, you can see 86 stars of this cluster. Beta Capricorn is the brightest of all.

There are many legends about this constellation. In ancient Greek mythology it is said that Capricorn was the son of Hermes. He, frightened of the Titan's stoogal, threw himself into the sea. After which his appearance changed a lot, he turned into a goat with a fish tail. The gods were amazed at the sight of the monster and took it to heaven.


Aquarius (months January and February) is another large cluster of stars on the sunny path, seven stars in it are the brightest. Aquarius is clearly visible during the night from August to October. Closer to the second half of summer in the constellation, you can observe active meteoritic flows. Aquarius is also famous for the fact that it contains the huge and closest to the Earth Nebula Snail. The name of the constellation according to ancient traditions means "master of waters".


The constellation of the sign of the zodiac of Pisces corresponds to February and March. The biggest star in the constellation is Alrisha. In the cluster there are 75 visible stars. This is the point of the vernal equinox.

According to mythological legends, the fish are the lovers of Aqeed and Galatea. Pursued by Cyclops Polyphemus, in love with Galatea, they, in order not to be separated, rushed into the sea abyss and were absorbed by it. The gods lifted the lovers to heaven and gave them eternal life in the constellation of Pisces.

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