
Intellectual property and methods for its evaluation

In modern legislation there is a term such as intellectual property. Recently, this legal term began to be used more often, because there are constantly questions about copyright and related rights. To be able to resolve such conflicts, you need to know the legal basis.

Intellectual activity is a special direction of work, the result of which can not always be felt or realized. But, nevertheless, it is the same property as any other material object or something like that. Everything that represents a certain value can now become a cause of conflicts, and in some cases, intellectual property is highly valued. In this case we are talking about products or some results of human intellectual activity.

From a legal point of view, this term refers to the totality of rights that a person or an entire company possesses. This person, or company, respectively, is called the rightholder. Only those who have all intellectual rights will dispose of this property.

As already mentioned, in the modern world, intellectual property represents a certain value, because it can generate income, sometimes quite high. In this connection, there is a need for protection and legal validity of possession and possession of the rights to use, because unlike a material object, intellectual activity products are usually immaterial and can easily be used by other people, including for income.

Legal assessment and designation of the limits of application of laws

The concept of intellectual property includes several basic varieties of products and documents that legally secures the rights of a person or entity. These documents can be obtained after the relevant evaluation procedures have been carried out. The main task is to try to assess objectively and accurately the intellectual property as a whole, to identify its value and to assign rights to it for a specific person.

In Russia, there are standards for assessing any property of MKSOI, according to which the assessment of intellectual property is conducted. The requirements of the American and Russian Appraisers Societies, as well as the International Association of Appraisers are taken into account.

Types of Intellectual Property

The subject of evaluation in this case is the concrete result of creative activity. In this capacity, scientific and technical achievements, professional secrets and knowledge, design projects, books, music, films, etc. can act. The procedure is designed to determine their possible cost in terms of importance and material benefit to the owner.

Ownership of this or that property is determined by special documents. The patent defines the right to own inventions, and also gives the right to use it at its discretion and receive income. A license is a document authorizing the conduct of an activity with the use of certain intellectual property products, although it does not give the right to own it.

A variety of trademarks and brands, advertising slogans and so on can also fall under the category of products of creative activity. Often they are also evaluated and patented in order to limit the use of third parties. Copyright and related rights come into play when it comes to books, music, films and other products. This intellectual property causes conflicts most often.

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