HealthMedical tourism

How useful is the sea to human health?

Probably, everyone has repeatedly heard that resting at sea has the most positive impact on health. But in what exactly does it consist? What is useful for the sea? Let's try to answer the questions.

Composition of sea water

What is useful for the sea? Seawater contains the following minerals :

  1. Sodium chloride - helps maintain the acid-base balance of the skin. After bathing in the sea, the structure of the skin is restored, which affects the overall improvement in appearance.
  2. Calcium - helps to eliminate cuts, small wounds, protects the body from infections.
  3. Magnesium - promotes the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, has a relaxing effect on the body, relieves puffiness, prevents allergic reactions.
  4. Sulfur - is an unsuitable environment for the development of pathological spores of fungi. Bathing in sea water with a sulfuric medium provides skin disinfection.
  5. Zinc - strengthens the protective properties of the body, prevents the formation of malignant tumors.
  6. Copper and iron - are responsible for oxygen saturation of body tissues.
  7. Silicon - strengthens the vessels, makes them more elastic.

Having considered the above properties, there is no need to once again doubt whether the sea is useful. Doctors strongly recommend several hours not to wash off the layer of salt from the skin after bathing in the sea. At the same time, people who have too tender, sensitive skin should give up such therapy.


What is useful for the sea? Treatment with sea water is known as thalassotherapy. Conducting time on the coast allows you to remove muscle and nervous tension, recharge positive energy. Useful properties of the sea contribute to improving blood circulation, normalize blood pressure, restore normal heart rhythm.

After the procedures, the skin becomes tight, as when in such water body tissues absorb mineral salts, micro and macro elements.

Treat with seawater recommend the following ailments:

  • fungal infections;
  • Gout;
  • Diarrhea and constipation;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • Pain in the joints, osteochondrosis, rheumatism;
  • Sinusitis, chronic rhinitis;
  • Angina, pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • Circulatory disorders.

Cosmetological qualities of sea water

What is good for the sea for a person and how well does the bathing affect the appearance? After regular water procedures in salt water, women note the gradual elimination of manifestations of cellulite. Sea water cleanses the skin, nourishes the cells, gives the epidermis additional elasticity, accelerates the regeneration of tissues. In the course of bathing, toxins are removed from the skin.

After being in the sea water, the nails stop breaking and flaking off. The keratinized tissues become stronger and recover faster.

According to cosmetologists, swimming in the sea for half an hour every day is an excellent alternative to massage. Waves have a beneficial effect on the body, performing passive "gymnastics" for blood vessels. Thus, the active oxygen saturation of the internal organs is ensured.

Sea bathing strengthens muscles, tightens the skin, consumes extra calories. To those who suffer from excess weight, procedures in salt water make it possible to improve the figure without excessive overstrain.

The rules of swimming in sea water

There are several recommendations, the following of which contributes to the most positive effects of sea water on the body:

  1. Before you run into the water, it is worth spending about 10 minutes on the beach. This will avoid stress for the body caused by the contrast of temperatures between air and water.
  2. Once in the resort, it is worthwhile to get acclimatized. In the first days it is better to swim no more than once a day. Further, the number of water procedures should be increased to 2-3 per day.
  3. Do not stay in the water for hours until the body is completely supercooled. This behavior is fraught with the onset of a cold, the development of cystitis, bronchitis, exacerbation of chronic ailments.
  4. One should avoid bathing on an empty stomach and swimming after eating. Such actions harm the work of the digestive organs, cause a feeling of weakness.
  5. When leaving the water, do not immediately rush into the shower. Sea salt should remain on the skin for some time, which will allow it to absorb useful substances.
  6. People who are contraindicated in bathing for health reasons should resort to foot baths and pouring sea water.

What is useful for the Black Sea?

Visiting the Black Sea coast is recommended for people who suffer from diseases of the respiratory system. The air here is saturated with positive ions, aromas of medicinal field grasses, elements of conifers - phytoncides. Therefore, the presence in the region can be roughly compared with medical inhalation.

Who is suitable for rest on the Black Sea? Absence of sharp pressure drops, moderately arid climate, optimal water temperature - all this benefits people who suffer from heart diseases, rheumatism, kidney diseases.

How useful is the Sea of Azov?

However paradoxical it might sound for domestic holidaymakers, the composition of the water in the Sea of Azov is considered one of the most beneficial for the organism in the whole world. It contains about 100 elements of the periodic table. The water of the Sea of Azov is particularly saturated with bromine, iodine and hydrogen sulphide. These elements take a direct part in the metabolic processes of the body.

The region's uniqueness lies in the presence of healing mud. In troubled waters, silt rises from the seabed, the components of which exert an effective therapeutic effect on the body.

Dead Sea

If we talk about which sea is more useful, rest in which region has the most favorable effect, Israel should be placed first. It is here that they purposefully go for treatment.

The waters of the Dead Sea contain the highest concentration of beneficial mineral salts. The region is characterized by low air humidity, in which there is an increased concentration of bromine and oxygen. In the surrounding space there are no harmful impurities and allergens.

What is useful for the sea? Such a holiday is suitable for people suffering from joint diseases, pulmonary diseases. At the same time, it is not recommended for people who are allergic to iodine to go to the Dead Sea . Small pleasure from bathing will be received also by fans to swim. The high concentration of salt simply does not allow a person to move freely in the water column.

Mediterranean Sea

Climatic conditions in the Mediterranean region in many ways resemble the Crimea. Coniferous forests are adjacent to tropical palm trees. Sandy beaches alternate with pebble beaches.

The waters of the Mediterranean Sea are characterized by high salt content. Therefore, resort to water procedures here is useful, above all, to people who suffer from skin diseases, rheumatic manifestations. To go here is recommended for the purpose of general strengthening of an organism. Local waters are suitable for eliminating the symptoms of vegetative dystonia. However, Mediterranean resorts with arid air should not be visited by people with chronic respiratory diseases.

Red sea

Rest on the coast of Egypt allows you to enjoy the warmest sea water in the world, the temperature of which reaches about 32 o C. Despite the high temperature of the surrounding area in the region, the air here is much drier than in the Crimea. This allows the body to easily tolerate, it would seem, suffocating heat.

The main danger when relaxing on the Red Sea coast is a high risk of burning. Therefore, when traveling to the region it is necessary to stock up sunscreens and sprays, using them after each bath.

The Red Sea is suitable for people who suffer from:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Pathologies of respiratory organs;
  • Skin problems;
  • Diseases of the joints, the motor apparatus as a whole;
  • Chronic rhinitis.

At the same time, people who suffer from vegetovascular dystonia should refrain from visiting local resorts. As in conditions of arid, hot climate, development of exacerbations is likely.


Apparently, bathing in sea water and a long stay on the coast in general, is an excellent prevention of many diseases. The only contraindication for this kind of therapy is the presence of ailments of a chronic nature that can become aggravated during acclimatization.

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