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How to treat the wound correctly. How to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide

One of the most common injuries in people are wounds. With them, the integrity of the skin is violated, muscles, ligaments, vessels and internal organs can be damaged. The area affected depends on the location and depth of injury.

Classification of wounds

All skin damage can be attributed to a certain type. So, in everyday life people often face cuts. They are made by sharp objects on the tangent. You can cut yourself with a blade, an ordinary knife, a piece of glass. With such damage, it is enough to know just how to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide.

But with deep crushed injuries it is not recommended to engage in self-medication. Depending on the depth of the puncture, the skin, muscles, and internal organs can be affected. There is another type of damage, in which it is also better to consult a doctor. These are the so-called chopped wounds. They arise after impact by a sharpened heavy object, for example an ax. The doctor must assess the complexity of such damage. He will be able to check the integrity of the bones, internal organs, and if necessary, sew up such a wound.

Household trauma

Most often people ask themselves how to treat the wound, when it comes to a shallow cut with a knife, a broken knee and other simple skin and muscle injuries. Even with a small scratch, it is important to correctly approach the process of disinfection. In most cases, a normal household injury poses no threat and can heal without problems. The main danger is that an infection can get into it. This is the first thing to pay attention to.

It is worth knowing that, from the point of view of surgeons in the home, people usually get light injuries. Therefore, if you know how to treat a wound, there is no point in going to the hospital. Of course, we are not talking about cases where the cut is so large and deep that it needs to be sewn. Also, it is worth to go to the emergency station if the wound is deep, it has dirt or foreign bodies. So, for example, if you stepped on a rusty nail, then wait until the puncture site itself overgrows, not worth it. It is important to clean out all the dirt in time and correctly treat the wound. Also, many deep, contaminated or bleeding wounds require the introduction of tetanus antiserum.

Action Tactics

If you have a small domestic injury, you can independently figure out how to properly treat the wound. First of all, it must be washed with soap. Do this from the center to the outer edges. Otherwise, you can only exacerbate the situation by increasing the number of microbes in its middle. But if you just cut a finger with a clean sharp knife, then this step can be skipped.

After that, you can already start decontaminating the damage site. For this, it is important to know how to treat the wound. So, a problem place needs to be filled with an antiseptic. Ideal option is hydrogen peroxide. By the way, cotton wool under any cuts is extremely undesirable. If its fibers get inside, then getting them will be very difficult. And they will contribute to the development of infection. In this case, healing of the damaged area will be difficult. It is desirable to treat the edges of the wound with iodine solution. This will prevent the introduction of microbes from adjacent areas of the skin. But pouring it inside the cut is strictly forbidden!

After this, the wound should be covered with a sterile napkin, which will need to be fixed with a patch or bandage. Remember, the bandage needs to be changed as it starts to get wet. The site of damage can be moistened with peroxide each time.

When to go to the hospital

If you doubt that you can provide yourself with qualified help, and the wound you received seems too big and deep, then it's better to go to the doctor. A specialist will properly wash it, disinfect it and impose a sterile bandage. If necessary, he will sew it up and introduce you anti-tetanus serum. You also need to see a specialist if you were injured more than 6 hours ago, and at that time you did not have the opportunity to properly process it. Without fail it is necessary to show the doctor wounds in which it is impossible to stop the bleeding. This can be due to damage to large vessels.

Do not continue to self-medicate, if you see the appearance of exudate in the wound. Even if you know how to treat a purulent wound, you should show it to a specialist. He will be able to choose the most appropriate tactics for action.

Signs of infection

Each person should not only know how to handle an open wound, but also be aware of what indicates a worsening state. So, the sign that the wound does not heal, but in it the bacteria continue to multiply, will be the following factors:

Edema of the edges, their inflammation;

- Redness of the skin around the lesion;

- temperature increase;

- shooting or stitching pain at the site of the incision.

When the condition is started, the general reaction of the body can begin, and a fever will appear. Infection is also accompanied by a general malaise.

The next stage will be the appearance of exudate. In this case, decide what to do next with a damaged place, should the doctor. He can prescribe one of the ointments on a water-soluble basis. They include "Levomekol", "Dioxydin Ointment 5%", "Furagel", "Streptonitol", "Miramistin 0.5%", "Nitacid" and several others. Also, the doctor will explain how to treat a purulent wound, and appoint an antiseptic. It can be in the form of a solution, for example, "Dimefosfon 15%", "Furagin potassium 0,2%", "Yodopirone" or aerosol - "Gentazol", "Dioxysol". The listed preparations should not be prescribed to themselves, they should be prescribed by a doctor taking into account the condition of the patient.

How to handle damage at home

If you have a shallow, fresh wound, then you can independently figure out what to do. But for this it is important that you have a completed first-aid kit. It is not enough just to know how to treat a wound, it is also necessary to have suitable means at hand.

The cream "ARGOSULFAN®" helps to speed up the healing of abrasions and small wounds. The combination of antibacterial component of silver sulfatiazole and silver ions provides a wide range of antibacterial action of the cream. You can apply the drug not only to wounds located on open areas of the body, but also under bandages. The agent has not only wound healing, but also antimicrobial action, and besides, it helps to heal wounds without a rough scar.

It is desirable that in each medicine cabinet there is a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. It is a universal antiseptic, which can safely be poured even on open wounds. The alcohol solution of green is capable of destroying pathological microorganisms, which can be in the wound. The advantage of this drug is that it is able to maintain its antiseptic properties for a long time.

Fukortzin is less known in our country, but it can also be used for disinfection. It is suitable for the treatment of any areas of the skin, including mucous membranes. This preparation of bright crimson color is washed off from the skin better than green. But he has contraindications - the period of breastfeeding and pregnancy.

When deciding how to treat a wound, do not forget about iodine. Its solution can not be poured on the open area of damage, but it is ideal for processing its edges. It will not allow bacteria from neighboring skin areas to penetrate into the wound site.

How to treat a wound with peroxide

Unfortunately, not all people who encountered domestic wounds believe that they need to be treated. As a result, some of them become clients of surgeons. But it's not at all difficult to figure out how to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide and cover up the affected area with a gauze bandage or band-aid.

If you have an ordinary household cut, then fill it with this antiseptic. Take into account, peroxide peroxide must be watered abundantly, and not promakivat. As a result, you should see how the solution foams. This will ensure not only good disinfection of the damaged area, but also helps to remove small particles of dirt from the wound that are not visible to the naked eye. After that, you can impose on the wound a medical bandage, folded in several layers, or a gauze bandage.

Damage in children

Very often parents ask themselves how to treat a wound to a child. If you have a baby in the house, the first aid kit must be completed with hydrogen peroxide, zelenok, fukortsin or alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt. The tactic of action for cuts in children should be the same as for skin lesions of adults.

The difficulty is that children often do not give the opportunity to treat the wound. But this is not the case when you need to feel sorry for the baby. Parents should do everything possible to rinse the damaged area and properly process it. At this time there is no sense to scold the baby, it should be reassured and try to explain what exactly you are doing with his wound.

Animal bites

Unfortunately, some face another type of damage to the skin. If you are bitten by a dog, it is necessary to treat the damaged site as soon as possible. To do this you will need hydrogen peroxide and zelenka. But pour bites alcohol, cologne or iodine is not worth it. This will only worsen the situation. Alcohol burns the wound, as a result, it is even more traumatized. Note that you may need information about how to treat a deep wound with torn edges.

After washing the damaged area with peroxide, it is better to see the doctor. Perhaps, he decides that it is better to sew the edges of the wound or simply additionally process it. In some situations, it is better to remove damaged tissues, because they can be a source of infection.

Surgical treatment

Many believe that they can cope with their own cuts or punctures of any complexity. Some of the victims underestimate the seriousness of the situation, while others simply are afraid to go to the doctor. But in a number of cases, this is simply necessary. After all, only an expert knows how to treat an open wound, without introducing additional infection into it. But often surgeons have to work with those lesions in which pus already began to accumulate.

The specialist can remove dead areas, make a decompression incision, clean the wound and, if necessary, apply seams. In case of serious lesions, it may even be necessary to have a skin transplant.

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