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How to speed up Internet speed in Windows

We all live in an amazing time, when a "silent change of epochs" occurred just before our eyes: a few years ago, a home computer connected to the Internet was only among units, and most owners could only dream of ever launching a browser And open the page of the site you like. Now everything has changed, and computers that do not have access to the resources of the global Web are already inadequate.

It remains to solve one problem - to figure out how to speed up the speed of the Internet. Although providers (companies providing Internet access) offer more and more "high-speed" tariffs, many users are deprived of the opportunity to work comfortably with the Network. Some people download a volumetric file a few hours (if not days); Others can not enjoy online games because of the high latency when sending data packets; Thirdly, incorrect settings of the operating system and driver parameters reduce the performance of the network interface.

Not surprisingly, the question "how to increase the speed of the Internet on windows 7" is incredibly popular. In this paper, we will point out the main opportunities that will improve the performance of the Network.

Just note one important point: it is possible to increase the speed of the Internet, - windows 7 it allows. However, "miracles" should not be expected.

Loud statements by developers of optimizer programs to increase the speed of the computer after installing their product several times are nothing more than advertising, and the methods presented in the forums that promise a fivefold increase in speed are a hoax. In general, we can assume that in some cases it is quite possible to achieve acceleration twice, no more.

So, how to speed up the speed of the Internet? The simplest thing a computer owner should do with low-speed network access is to limit the connection of non-targeted programs. Here is an example: in the "Windows" operating system, by default, the service for automatically downloading updates to software components is activated. Its task is to periodically poll the developer site and download updated versions of the files. This mechanism makes it possible to keep the system up to date.

Alas, a good intention forces some users who do not know such nuances to seek an answer to the question "how to speed up the Internet speed". After all, if the Internet is fast, then the background download is almost invisible, but the initially slow connection starts to work even worse, since the channel is busy loading data that many users, in fact, do not need.

Therefore, before you understand further how to speed up the speed of the Internet, you need to disable the mentioned service. To do this, on systems starting with Windows Vista, you should call the properties of the "Computer" shortcut, select "Management" and proceed to "Services". In the list, you need to find the Windows Update service and select the "Disabled" state (do not forget to click "Apply"). In Win XP, to call this window, you may need to follow the path: "Control Panel - Administration - Services".

The next step is to disable updates to third-party programs. Press the combination Win + R and type msconfig. Open the "Startup" tab and disable (if any) Skype, Adobe, MS Office.

After that it is recommended to download and install a new version of the modem driver and network card.

Updating the antivirus must be switched to manual mode and periodically downloaded new databases.

To improve the ping, you can try using the program CFosSpeed, although its effectiveness depends on many factors.

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