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Multiplayer. What is and what can be played?

Quite often when passing a certain game on the menu, the word "multiplayer" attracts the eye. What is multiplayer, know mostly only advanced players who have already managed to outplay a large number of different projects. While newcomers do not understand what this function is and why it is needed.

Even more questions appear after a person presses on multiplayer. What? What to do next? These and many other questions torment the user, since even more incomprehensible words are opened before him, and there is no way to continue the game by performing some intuitive actions.

That's why you should understand what a multiplayer is and how to play it.

What is multiplayer?

Nowadays in almost every game there is multiplayer. What is multiplayer? The opportunity for participants to play with each other. In other words, they can unite to perform a specific task or pass the game, and can also simply split into two teams and fight already among themselves - everything in this case directly depends on what opportunities the game itself provides, and also how The users themselves want to play.

Immediately worth noting is the fact that there are no differences between multiplayer and various online games from this genre. The only difference in this case is only that initially the player is not forced to interact with other people. He can calmly completely completely pass the game without going into this mode and not thinking about confrontation with other gamers without even guessing what the multiplayer is. What is this, he already knows as needed.

However, often quite the opposite happens. One of the versions of the game becomes incredibly popular precisely because of the opportunity to fight with other players. After that, the developers, releasing the next version, as much as possible elaborate this particular component, supplementing it with the opportunity to play in a meager and not very exciting single campaign (such, for example, that the multiplayer "Batelfield" offers). Although for the sake of justice we must admit that the game was originally conceived not as a single game.

How to play multiplayer?

There are some subtleties here. Immediately it is worth saying: if you are interested in how to play multiplayer, in most cases you will definitely need a licensed version of the game. Since most of the projects quickly begin to spread as various pirated versions, the developers decided to make sure that when the game is connected to the Internet, the user's capabilities are immediately limited. The system automatically tells him that with a pirated version, he can only play a single campaign or "visualize" the multiplayer in his imagination, playing with some bots.

This is what games with multiplayer differ from standard online projects like Warface. The first are paid, and in order to play, you just need to buy a disc once and get all the benefits, except for any cosmic elements or additions. While the second most often distributed through the system of free-to-play, that is, they are conditionally free - you can play for free, but to get certain gaming advantages you need to pay real money.

TOP games with multiplayer

Below you will find the most popular games to date, in which there is the possibility of cooperative with other players. This is the most popular game in its genre to date, in which there is great online, as well as exciting gameplay.

Grand Theft Auto

For a long time in GTA, multiplayer was nothing more than just some amateur additions, which, although they were interesting enough for the time being, could not provide what would really interest the fans of the series. However, over time, Rockstar decided to still listen to the interests of users, after which GTA Online appeared - a full-fledged online game in which multiplayer is accompanied by busy streets and total destruction.


A shooter with great graphics and just an incredibly wide variety of possibilities. Here you can use absolutely any kind of equipment, from a motorcycle to jet fighters, as well as a variety of weapons, including mines, firearms and rocket launchers. However, the main feature of the latter parts is that they offer huge scale maps, and besides this, they also provide the opportunity to destroy various large objects. In particular, you can even completely destroy some skyscraper, turning the map into a huge dump of dust and construction debris instead of the cozy metropolis that it was a minute ago. Such a transformation can not but strike.

Call of Duty

The game is an analogue of the previous one, but it is more focused on the battle of the infantry. In other words, the technique and the ability to control it in this case are completely absent - the players compete among themselves, performing certain tasks or simply competing in the number of murders of each other. In doing so, everything is done to ensure the maximum possible effect of presence. In addition, the key feature of the game is called perks, which make the process especially "alive". Among these perks, for example, the possibility before the death to shoot from the pistol in a position lying on the opponents, or simply pull out a check from the grenade at the end, arranging an unexpected surprise to their offenders.

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