
How to sign a card for a wedding? A few tips

In addition to the gift, almost everyone gives a greeting card to the wedding . After all, often even the most expensive present is not saved for a long time, but the postcard can remind of such an important celebration throughout the life of this family.

About cards

Thinking about how to sign a card for a wedding, it is worthwhile to think about the card itself. It can be completely different: collective or from one person, bright or in pastel colors, bought or homemade. It is also worthwhile to ponder beforehand what will most please the newlyweds. If they are creative people, then, perhaps, they will like the postcard of hand maid, if the wedding is in a certain style, it is better to choose a card based on the wedding theme.

About the text

If a person needs to sign a postcard "Happy Wedding", you need to think carefully about the text itself. It can also be different - both decommissioned from somewhere, and independently composed. Maybe in verse or prose. And you can not write anything at all, but buy a postcard with a ready congratulation. Below it will only write the name or initials of the guest.


If a person still wants to wish something from himself, it will be necessary to work hard to make the right letter. So, in this case, the structure of the congratulation is important. It is worth noting that any postcard, including a wedding card, consists of 4 main sections: circulation, motive, wishes and signatures.

Section 1

It is necessary to try to beautifully and correctly address the perpetrators of the celebration - the newlyweds. It is from this that the wedding greeting card should begin. Suitable words such as your favorite ... dear ..., dear ... Choose the treatment you need based on the relationship of the young couple and the guest. So, relatives and friends are treated differently than, say, to employees or managers.

Section 2

Understanding how to sign a card for a wedding, it is worth remembering that in the second section it is necessary to disclose the reason for which guests are called (wedding). It's good to use such phrases as "We wholeheartedly congratulate you on your wedding day ...", "On this solemn day, I want to congratulate you on your wedding day," etc.

Section 3

Visiting the various options of how to sign a card for a wedding, you need to remember that further congratulations should follow the young couple. Here you can already wish anything. Popular are the wishes of family happiness, peace, understanding, a warm family home, a large healthy family, etc. This section can be written both in verse and in prose - it all depends on the wishes of the congratulation.

Section 4

Important is also the last, the fourth section of the greeting card. It is very important to know how to sign a card for a wedding, that is, how to recommend yourself, because time will pass and young people can forget about who congratulated them on this leaflet. So, you can write your full name, leave a name, nickname or nickname, under which the guest is known. Also you need not forget to put a date. That's all, the text of the card is ready!


But one text is not enough to make the postcard sweet. You also need to think about how beautiful it is to sign a card for a wedding. It is desirable that the text was written in an unusual, but legible handwriting. Appeal to the perpetrators of the celebration, as well as an excuse, can be distinguished with other inks. However, you should not focus on the signature, highlighting it. After all, today all attention is focused not on the guest who gives a postcard.

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